Comprehension in reading Problems in reading

27 general sense of the text, to quickly establish a macro propositional structure as an outline summary, and to decide the relevance of the texts to establish needs. 5 Making inferences Many inferences are made by readers automatically and out of consciousness. In fact, skilled reading requires such inference making. Yet, readers’ think-alouds also contain many reports of inference making that involve conscious reflection. These inferences vary in scope, from inferences about word meanings to overall conclusions Pressley Afflerbach, 1995, p.48.

d. Comprehension in reading

Comprehension ability is the ability to understand information in a text and interpret it appropriately. However, comprehension abilities are much more complex than the definition suggest Grabe Stoller, 2002, p.17. Balancing the many skills needed for comprehension also requires that the reader be strategic. The readers need to recognize processing difficulties, address imbalances between text information and reader knowledge, and make decisions for monitoring comprehension and shifting goals for reading. Being a strategic reader means being able to read flexibly in line with changing purposes and the ongoing monitoring of comprehension p.18. The notion of comprehending is both obvious and subtle. It is obvious in that any person could say that understanding a text is the purpose of reading. One outcome of reading being a purposeful and comprehending process is that also a learning process p.19. 28

e. Problems in reading

Difficulty in reading is a common problem happened to a reader. The reasons of difficulty in reading vary from person to person. Some people do not read wide enough variety of materials Raygor Raygor, 1985, p.191. One of the most important skills in reading is the knowledge of words. The number of words that students know determines the difficulty and complexity of the material students can read and understand. Failure to develop will definitely hold you back in your efforts to improve comprehension Raygor Raygor, 1985, p.xi. According to Pressley and Afflerbach, problems during reading can be due to text characteristics, reader characteristics, or interactions between text and reader. On the text side, there are a number of ways that text can be poorly written, from problems at the word level to the overall meaning of the passage. On the reader side, difficulties can be due to lack of background for text topic or insufficient lexical knowledge. There can be difficulties due to reader-text interactions; for example, when beliefs of readers clash with opinions expressed in texts 1995, p.66.

5. Teaching reading for university student

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