This chapter presents the conclusions of the research and recommendations for English Education Study Program community member: students, lecturers, and for other researchers. This chapter, then, is divided into two main parts, namely, conclusions and recommendations.


There were two problem formulations mentioned in the previous chapter, Chapter 1, they were: What exercise types used in Basic Reading I are and what the problems faced by the students in reading in Basic Reading I are. Responding to the first question in problem formulation, the researcher employed observations, questionnaires, document analysis, and interview. The researcher started with analyzing the result of observations and document analysis, then designing and distributing questionnaires, and guiding interview. After all data obtained, the researcher found the goals of Basic Reading I. The goals were that students are provided with the hands-on experience in applying the reading strategies when reading various types of texts. Moreover, the course helps the students develop their English vocabulary and reading aloud ability. It also helps the students become independent and effective readers. The goals of Basic Reading I influenced the exercise type used in Basic Reading I. 90 The researcher found that the exercise types used in Basic Reading I were 12 exercise types. They were multiple-choice, matching, fill in the blank, true- false, short-answer question, summary, reader’s log, reading aloud, reading faster, online tasks, games, and discussion. Yet, all the exercise types aforementioned were used to develop reading skills aimed in Basic Reading I. The reading skills aimed were previewing, predicting, skimming, scanning, finding pronoun referents, making inferences, and guessing word meanings from context. Moreover, the research revealed that all the exercise types were used to train and develop reading skills aimed in Basic Reading I. It meant that one exercise type could be used to develop and train one or more reading skills aimed in Basic Reading I course. The example was scanning skill. In Basic Reading I, scanning skill could be trained and developed through multiple-choice, matching, and short-answer question exercise type with the different topics. Then, the research also revealed that short-answer question type was one exercise type that was used most likely during Basic Reading I course. It was because short-answer question required students’ complex skills, for example grammar and vocabulary. Moreover, from the exercise types aforementioned could be categorized as the favorite, easiest, most difficult, and most that could develop the students’ reading skill. The favorite exercise type was true-false type with the result 39.02. Moreover, the easiest exercise type was also true-false with the result 41.5, the difficult exercise type resulted in 24.39 was summary. Then, the most exercise type that could develop the students’ reading skill was reader’s log and remained the result in 51.21. 91 Responding to second question in problem formulations, the research revealed that more than 70 students in Basic Reading have problems in reading when doing the exercise. Moreover, the students’ problems in reading when doing the exercise came from the text characteristics, reader characteristics, and interaction between reader and text. Furthermore, the research found that the problem of text characteristic was lack of vocabulary, whereas the problem of reader characteristic was the background knowledge. Then, the lack of vocabulary and the background knowledge influenced the interaction between text and reader that resulted in comprehension.

B. Recommendation

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