Do you know the exercise types used in Basic Reading I? Like what? Can you mention? is there any exercise type you like most? which is the most you like? Why? The easiest type? Why? the most difficult type? Why? which type is the most useful for improving

119 INTERVIEW RESULT 1. Name :Jumua Citra Respondent 1 Date : December 8 th , 2011 Time : 08.51 Q: What do you know about Basic Reading I? A: reading an article, answer the question in article, I think just that Q: Do you know the exercise types used in Basic Reading I? A: not really but I know everyday I do some exercises Q: Like what? Can you mention? A: Every day I read, answering questions, making summary, filling the blank, true-false, multiple choices, ya just daily questions. Q: is there any exercise type you like most? A: multiple choice, true-false Q: which is the most you like? Why? A: multiple choices. this type is easy to answer. I think the option can get easily to be chosen because we just need to look into the text. Q: The easiest type? Why? A: true-false because in every reading text, we just need to match the answer one by one as the statements or questions. If this statement is wrong, and maybe another statement is right. Q: the most difficult type? Why? A: fill in the blank. sometimes it uses some new words that I do not know the meaning in Bahasa, so I sometimes confuse which word should I use and I am afraid if my interpretation is not right. Q: which type is the most useful for improving the reading skills? Why? A: reader’s log. this exercise requires us to read an article, then the lecturer gives us the questions and we answer the questions like finding the main idea, so that we can know how to find a main idea of an article. Q: Do you find any difficulty? 120 A: Yes, of course Q: like what? A: sometimes I am difficult to understand the text and can not find the answer. Sometimes I was difficult to understand the new text, I mean I have just heard or read the topic or the content from this class, however, it is kind of a new experience for me Q: How do you overcome your difficulty? A: If I have the problem in vocabulary, I use electronic dictionary, or open the Oxfort or maybe use google translate.

2. Name

: Gracia Candra Respondent 2 Date : December 8 th , 2011 Time : 09.43 Q: What do you know about Basic Reading I? A: the course in which we have to analyze the text Q: Do you know the exercise type used in Basic Reading I? A: like multiple choices, true-false, matching, fill in the blank, reader’s log, etc. Q: what reading skills do you know?

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