Data Analysis Technique RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

46 The interviews led the researcher into deeper understanding. The interview had a purpose. The interview data would support the other findings from other instruments. It also employed to answer the two questions in problem formulation. In interview, the researcher also asked the participants’ identity to help the researcher analyzing the interview data easier.

E. Data Analysis Technique

There were several steps of analyzing the data. They were the observation, the document analysis, the questionnaires, and the interview. The steps were as follows. 1. Observation The purpose of doing observation was to answer the first and second questions in problem formulations. It used the observation notes. In qualitative research, Gall, Gall, and Borg 2007, p. 276 state that “observation allows the researcher to formulate their own version of what is occurring and then check it with the participants. The observations provide an additional source of data for verifying the information obtained by other methods”. Hence, after conducting the observations, the observation notes might be unorganized and rough. Thus, the researcher synthesized and summarized the observation notes, including any interpretation that came to mind and record any question that may be implied. The observation records should be carefully identified in terms of when, where, and under what condition it was made as what Wiersma mentions 1995, p.261. 47 After synthesizing and summarizing the observation data, the researcher found the results. The results were the list of exercise types used at that time, the exercise types used outside the class, the students’ problem in reading, and the student and teacher role in the class. The data gained in observation would be presented in table and paragraphs. Moreover, the results of observation data would determine the content of questionnaires. Still, the complete observation notes would be presented in the appendices. 2. Document analysis After analyzing the observation data was completed, the researcher began to analyze the documents. The documents were used to answer the first question in problem formulation. Since the researcher used formal and personal documents, the analysis was divided by two steps. They were as follows. a. Formal documents As aforementioned, formal documents were syllabus and course outline. Both documents were used to see the reading materials used and the reading skills aimed. Then, the researcher listed the reading materials and the reading skills as the result. The next step was that the result of formal documents was being adjusted to the result of personal documents. b. Personal documents Personal documents used by the researcher were students’ handouts. The researcher decoded the exercise types used in the handouts by listing them. After listing the exercise types, the researcher put the list in the table to see result. The result of personal documents, then, was being adjusted to the formal documents. 48 Moreover, the researcher could compile the result into the table below. The data in the table 3.5 would facilitate the researcher to see what the reading materials, the reading skills aimed, and the exercise types used in each meeting. Meeting Reading materials Reading skills aimed Exercise types Table 3.5 Data of document analysis After that, the researcher decoded what exercise types that were used to train the reading skills aimed in each meeting. Then, the researcher also put the result into the table as follows. Meeting Reading skills aimed The list of exercise types 1 2 Table 3.6 Relation of reading skills aimed and the exercise types used 3. Questionnaires After gaining the result of observation and document analysis, the researcher began to make questionnaires, student questionnaire and lecturer questionnaire. Then, the questionnaires were used to answer the first question and the second question in problem formulation. After making the questionnaires were finished, the researcher distributed the questionnaires. Then, the researcher could gain the data from questionnaires. After gaining the data from questionnaires, the researcher could decode and count the result into percentage. Generally, the researcher used the following formula. ∑ 49 n = the participants’ answer ∑n = total respondents All participants were equal to the total percentage 100. The answer of the participants n was divided the total participants ∑n times by 100. It was resulted the percentage data. As aforementioned, the researcher conducted student questionnaire and lecturer questionnaire, so the researcher divided the analysis into two steps. They were as follows. a. Student questionnaire Since the student questionnaire was consisted of three parts, the analyses were conducted in three steps. For part A, the researcher counted the frequency of each answer. The researcher, then, used the formula aforementioned to count the frequency into percentage. Next, the researcher put the result into table 3.1. If the result presented more than 50, it showed that the number of participants who chose the option was a half of the student participants as well. For part B, the researcher did the similar steps as counting the percentage in part A. Since this part was divided into four categories, the researcher repeated the steps four times. Then, the researcher put the result in the table 3.2. Yet, in this part, students were required to state their reasons why choosing the exercise type in each categories. Therefore, the researcher summed up the students’ reasons of each category in paragraphs. For instance, if the frequency data found that 60 of the total participants choose multiple-choice as the easiest exercise type, it means that the easiest exercise type was multiple-choice type. Then, the reason why they chose multiple-choice that have been written by participants, would be presented 50 in paragraph. Then, the part B was to complete the answer of first question in problem formulation. Since part C was consisted of three questions, the researcher differentiated the analysis of first question to the other questions. In the first question, the part which was in multiple-choice type, the researcher did the similar steps as in part A. Then, the researcher put the result in table 3.3. Meanwhile, the other part of the first question and question number two and three would be analyzed in the similar way. The researcher summed up the students’ answers to find the major points of the answers. After putting the result in Table 3.3 and summing up the students’ answer, the researcher could formulate the finding on the students’ problems in reading in Basic Reading I and the way they overcame the problem they faced. b. Lecturer questionnaire To analyze the lecturer questionnaire, the researcher put each lecturer’s answer into the table 3.4. It would facilitate the researcher to see the answer. Then, the results of lecturer questionnaire were used to complete the data for answering the first and the second question of problem formulation. 4. Interview The last step of analyzing the data came from interview data. The interview data was transcribed. Then, the data were interpreted in the form of description. Since the interview data were recorded in Bahasa, the researcher translated them in English. The results of interview data would support the researcher’s findings in observation and questionnaire. It helped the researcher to get deeper understanding in order to answer all questions of problem formulation. 51 It aimed to get extent information needed. Somehow, the interview data was helpful for the researcher. In case, if any problems in the observation and questionnaire were not mentioned clearly by the participants, the researcher would use interview data to confirm the data obtained, so that the answer of the problem would be clear. Moreover, the complete transcripts of interview were presented on the appendices.

F. Research Procedure

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