Observation Sheet Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

23 activity. Muijis and Reynolds, 2011. Guru Sains selalu menyiapkan materi ajar dengan menggunakan dua bahasa. Science Teachers’ Language in Providing Learning Media Media as the learning tool in the classroom can control and enhance the teaching- learning activity in the class. McNeil Wiles, 1990 - Science teachers use interesting and a variety of learning media by using two languages. Guru Sains menggunakan media pembelajaran bilingual yang menarik dan bervariasi menggunakan dua bahasa.

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Science Teachers’ Language in Class Activity Most programs of bilingual education fit into one of three categories: 1 Instruction is given in both languages simultaneously. 2 Instruction is given first in L 1 and the pupil is taught until such time when he is able to use L 2 as a means of learning. 3 The largest part of instruction is given through L 2 and L 1 is introduced at larger stage, first as a subject and later as a medium of instruction. Hamers and Blanc, 1990 - Science teachers deliver the material easily in two languages. Guru Sains bisa menyampaikan materi bilingual kepada siswa dengan mudah. 8 - Science teachers speak in English when opening and closing the teaching-learning activity in the bilingual class. Guru Sains membuka dan menutup kelas bilingual menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

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- Science teachers speak in English when explaining material and some specific vocabulary items. Guru Sains berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris ketika menjelaskan materi ajar dan beberapa kosakata tertentu.

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- Science teachers use two languages in giving homework, assignment, and test for the students. Guru Sains memberi pekerjaan rumah, tugas individu atau kelompok maupun ulangan harian kepada siswa dalam dua bahasa.

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- Science teachers ask the students to speak in two languages in discussion. Guru Sains mengajak siswa berdiskusi dengan menggunakan dua bahasa. 12 24 The next step was analyzing the result of the observations. The observation results showed the natural situation of teaching-learning activities in Science class as the implementation of bilingual education by the Science teachers at SMP Joannes Bosco.

F. Research Procedure

There were some steps in this survey research employed by the researcher as the research procedure according to Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen 2010. They were:

1. Preparation

The preparation started from asking permission from the headmaster of SMP Joannes Bosco to conduct this research. After having the permission, the researcher arranged a meeting with the bilingual team at SMP Joannes Bosco in order to explain and discuss the topic of the research about the Science teachers’ perception on the bilingual education and the implementation of bilingual education at SMP Joannes Bosco. Then, the researcher arranged the schedule for holding an interview with the Science teachers, administering a questionnaire to the Science teachers, and then conducting some observations at VII Freedom for subject Science Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. Based on Borg and Gall 1983, before gathering data through the instruments, the research had to field test the instruments to identity ambiguities and misunderstanding or any problems that had been overlooked.