Good and Evil of human behavior reflected through the characters.


4.1 Good and Evil of human behavior reflected through the characters.

Paulo Coelho writes The Devil and Miss Prym novel contains about the good and evil of human being. Both of good and evil do not only happen or done by the characters in the novel but also happen in real life. Characters are the imitation of human being in the real life means that the way the novelist creates the characters inspired by human in real life include the characteristic. Paulo Coelho conveys about good and evil of human behavior through the characters in the novel, the way they face a problem of life whether they choose good or evil to be more dominant in their characteristic. The first character is miss Prym. Prym is the central character in this novel. She is a young woman who lived in Viscos, she was born and growth in Viscos. She is an orphan. Prym is a girl who is still searching for her own happiness. She thinks money or being a tourist’s wife can help her to find her happiness, that’s why she follows the Stranger to the forest, she thinks the Stranger will be interested to her and proposed her to be his wife. “...The truth was she had spun the web, setting up their meeting in the woods by strategically positioning herself at a spot he would be sure to pass on his way back—just so as to have someone to talk to, another propise to hear, a few days which dream of possible new love and a one-way ticket out of the valley where she was born. Her heart had already broken many times over, and yet she still believed she was destined to meet the man of her life. At first, she had left many chances slip by, thinking that the right person had not yet arrived, but now she had a sense that time was passing more quickly than she had thought, and she was prepared to leave Viscos with the first man willing to take her, even if she felt nothing for him. Doubtless, Universitas Sumatera Utara she would learn to love him—love, too, was just a question of time” Paulo Coelho: 12 But what she gets is not what she expects. The Stranger brings her into his evil purpose. After that day, she thinks hardly in choosing a decision, to impulsive or to take the order of the stranger. “As for the other ten gold bars,” he went on, “they are worth enough to mean that none of the inhabitants of this village would ever need to work again. I didn’t ask you to rebury the gold bars, because I’m going to move them to a place only I know about. When you go back to the village, I want you to say that you saw them and that I am willing to hand over to the inhabitants of Viscos on condition that they do something they would never ever dream of doing” “Like What, for example?” “It’s not an example, it’s something very concrete. I want them to break the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill.” Paulo Coelho:16 The second character is the Stranger, he is the antagonist character. He has a past painful that makes him evil. He gets his wife and daughter killed by the terrorist. From that time, he never had a faith to another human and he tried to find an anwer of a question that had been ruined in his head since the death of his wife and daughter: whether all human is evil. “At the end of that year, I left my job. I traveled to the four corners of the earth, alone with my gief, asking myself how human beings can be capable of such evil. I lost the most precious thing a man can have: my faith in my fellow man. I laughed and I wept at God’s irony, at the absurd way he had chosen to demonstrate to me that I was an instrument of Good and Evil.”Paulo Coelho:68 Universitas Sumatera Utara After the incident, he also tells untrue story about him starting from his name, his age, and his profession. The same thing also happens to Viscos, he manipulates his data. “When the time came for him to talk about himself, he told various contradictory stories, sometimes saying he had been sailor, at others mentioning the major arms industries he had been in charge of, or the time when he had abandoned everything to spend time in a monastery in search of God” Paulo Coelho,2000:20 The next character is the Priest. The priest has been charged in Viscos for more than 20 years. He is a good man at the begining, but as he moved to Viscos, almost for five years, he does not succeed in bringing any new believers into the church. After ten years, he finally realizes his mistake, his search for wisdom has became pride. In the year of twenty,one night he was awake and read the bible, and he came upon passage during the last supper when Christ tells the traitor to hand him over to the Roman soldiers looking for him. Paulo Coelho 2000:152 “So That the Scriptures would be fulfilled,” he spent a hour thinking about the meaning, until at least he get an understanding that the gold bars is one of the media that can bring new beliebers or even the whole villagers into the church. He believed that evil needs to manifest itself, for the villlagers to understand the value of good, and his role is to be evil. His role was to be the instrument of evil; that was the greatest act of humility he could offer to God Paulo Coelho:152 Then, the Landowner. He is a person who only thinks and desires to get money no matter the way he gets the money. Once, he wants the society to shut their mouth if someday the cemetary will be sold to the tourist. Universitas Sumatera Utara The real human in real life called characters in literary work, means that the characters in literary work is the imitation of human in real life. The way human thinks and acts represent in a or some character in a literary work. Human beings have a name, they live with others as a society, they need each other to fulfill their necessary and daily needs and so that the characters in literary work, the characters have name, they live with the others as a society, and also need each other. 4.2 THE GOOD 4.2.1 Courage