METHODOLOGY The Description Of Alay Language Found In Twitter



3.1 Research Method

A method is a way of doing something. This study focuses its attention in Alay language in Twitter. It was conducted by using descriptive method. According to Best 1982 : 105, 106 descriptive method is non-experimental, since it deals with the relationship between non-mainpilated variables in a nature. This research is done in two ways they are Library and field study. Library research is applied to get information in solving a problem, to fulfill an academic assignment or for our own purpose. This method is used to find a certain data by collecting some books that are relevant to topic discussed. In addition, for the field study the writer will give questionnaires to the respondents and get some data by getting involved in using twitter in internet.

3.2 Data and Data Sources a. Data

The data of this research are words, phrases, and sentences in the status of the twitter user, and the answers of the questionnaires obtained from respondents. The data used in this study are gained from twitter user status. There are 459 status taken from two sparated time April 19 th to April 24 th and April 28 th to May 4 th .

b. Data Source

This study has two source of data. There are primary source and secondary source Universitas Sumatera Utara 25 1. Primary Sources This study has some data to be analyzed. The data of this research are the status of the twitter user that appear in writer‟s twitter . The writer uses Android smartphone to open twitter and captures their tweet that use Alay language. Primary sources are used to answer the problem number one and two. 2. Secondary Sources The secondary sources is Alay community. The location of Alay community in Medan is at Jalan Matahari Raya, Helvetia Medan. I have to find people that have done some research about Alay language and give them interview. Interview are needed to get the information about the reasons why people use Alay language. Secondary sources is needed to answer the problem number three.

3.3 Data Collecting Method

To collect the data, the writer gained the status of widoro_4r17 twitter followers. The writer applies Observation method for primary source, and interview for secondary source. According to Bungin 2007: 115 observation method is a collecting data method that is used to accumulate research data through observation and sensing. According to James 2005: XVI interview is a research instrument consisting of a series of question and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. The data are collected based on the following steps; 1. Choosing the status 2. Finding out Alay language that is used in twitter Universitas Sumatera Utara 26 Note: n = The percentage of dominant Alay language Fx = The dominant Alay language N = The total number of Alay language

7.3 Data Analysing Method

Descriptive method is applied in analyzing data. There are some steps in analyzing the data, as follows: 1. Reading the status. 2. Identifying the status. 3. Classifiying the status according to the typecharacter that is used. 4. Finding the meaning of Alay vocabulary by consulting Indonesian and English dictionary. 5. Finding the dominant characteristic of Alay language used in twitter status by using Bungin‟s formula Bungin, 2005: 171-172 6. Finding and classifiying the reasons why people use Alay language Universitas Sumatera Utara 27