Presentation of the World Water Vision, coordinat-

Presentation of the World Water Vision, coordinat-

ed by the WWC. Key-messages : - Involve all stakeholders in integrated water resources management - Move towards full-cost pricing of water services for all human uses - Increase public funding for research and innova- tion in the public interest - Recognise the need for co-operation to improve integrated water resources management in international basins - Massively increase the investments in water

Dates Events Outcomes

7 challenges: Ministerial Conference End of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (1990 - 2000)

'We will continue to

The Ministerial

Ministerial Declaration 'Combating poverty Water is recognised basic needs,

Meeting on Water Security in

support the UN sys- Declaration identified

2001 International

is the main challenge as a key to sustainable Securing the

the 21st Century

tem to re-assess

meeting basic water


for achieving equi- development. food supply,

periodically the state needs, securing food

on Fresh-

table and sustainable Protecting

of freshwater

supply, protecting

water, Bonn

development, and Bonn keys: ecosystems,

resources and relat- ecosystems, sharing

Water - key

water plays a vital - The first key is to Sharing

ed ecosystems, to

water resources, man-

to sustain-

role in relation to meet the water securi- water

assist countries,

aging risks, valuing

able develop-

human health, liveli- ty needs of the poor. resources,

where appropriate, to water and governing


hood, economic - Decentralisation is a Managing

develop systems to

water wisely as the

nce, mobilis-

growth as well as key. The local level is risks, Valuing

measure progress

key challenges for our

ing financial

sustaining ecosys- where national policy water,

towards the realisa-

direct future. Full-cost


meets community Governing

tion of targets and to pricing of water is con-



needs. water wisely

report in the biennial tested, hence not



World Water

present in the declara-



- The key to better

Development Report tion.


water outreach is new

as part of the overall


monitoring of Agenda

- The key to long-term


Recommendations for 'The conference recom- harmony with nature



mends priority actions and neighbour is coop-

Declaration, 7.B)

under the following erative arrangements

at the water basin United Nations

three headings:

level, including across Millenium Declaration

'We resolve ... to halve, Definition of the

- Governance

by the year 2015 ... the Millennium Development

- Mobilising financial waters that touch

proportion of people

Goals :


many shores.

who are unable to reach "Halve, by 2015, the pro-

- Capacity building and - The essential key is

or to afford safe drinking portion of people who are

sharing knowledge' stronger, better per-


unable to reach or to


forming governance

(UN Millenium

afford safe drinking water."

Recommendations for arrangements.

Declaration, 19.)


2002 Plan of Implementation

Dates Events Outcomes


World Summit on Sustainable development, Rio+10, Johannesbur

g Poverty erad- ication, sani- tation, ener- gy, financing, integrated water resources management, Africa

'We agree to halve, by the year 2015 (...) the proportion of people who do not have access to basic sanita- tion, which would include actions at all levels to: - Develop and imple- ment efficient house- hold sanitation sys- tems; - Improve sanitation in public institutions, especially schools; - Promote safe hygiene practices; - Promote education and outreach focused on children, as agents of behavioural change; - Promote affordable and socially and cultur- ally acceptable tech- nologies and practices; - Develop innovative financing and partner- ship mechanisms; - Integrate sanitation into water resources management strate- gies.'(Plan of Implementation)

New affirmation of the Millennium Development Goals. Sanitation issue is added. Goal 7 : Ensure environmen- tal sustainability Target 10 : " Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people with- out sustainable access to safe drinking water and sani- tation." Plan of implementation: - Develop and implement effi- cient household sanitation systems - Improve sanitation in public institutions, especially schools - Promote safe hygiene prac- tices - Promote education and out- reach focused on children, as agents of behavioural change; - Promote affordable and socially and culturally accept- able technologies and prac- tices; - Develop innovative financ- ing and partnership mecha- nisms; - Integrate sanitation into water resources management strategies.'

Ministerial Declaration Governance, integrat-

ed water resources management, gender, pro-poor policies, financing, cooperation, capacity-building, water use efficiency, water pollution preven- tion, disaster mitiga- tion

1st edition of the World Water Development Report

International Year of Freshwater

3rd World Water Forum, Kyoto - Japan

Extracts from the general policy: 'We recognize that good governance, capacity building and financing are of the utmost importance to succeed in our efforts.' (Ministerial Declaration)

Publication of the report World Water Actions, coordinated by the WWC. The 3000 actions studied prove that significant progress has been made since the 2nd World Water Forum, showing that it is both possible to meet the water challenges and that the effort should con- tinue.

Priorities : Governance, integrated water resources, gender, pro-poor policies, financing, cooperation, capacity-building, water use efficiency, water pollution pre- vention, disaster mitigation.

A Panel of financial experts, formed in 2002 and chaired by Michel Camdessus, presented its solutions to the global finan- cial needs of the water sector, estimated at $US180 billion. These conclusions were con- tested, but still integrated into the Water Plan of the G8 Evian Summit in 2003.

During the Ministerial Declaration, a Portfolio of Water Actions was presented, gathering all political commit- ments already engaged.

Dates Events Outcomes


2006 4th World "Local Actions for a Global Challenge" Water Forum,

A novel local focus has been developed as a means to confront global

Mexico water problems. An important space will be designed for the participation of local actors, so they may contribute with experiences and knowledge.

2005- International Goals: 2015 Decade for

- Focus more on water-related issues at all levels and on the implemen- Action "Water

tation of water-related programmes and projects for Life"

- Ensure the participation and involvement of women in water-related (launched by

development efforts the UN)

- Deepen the cooperation at all levels Priorities: scarcity, sanitation access, disaster prevention, pollution, trans-boundary water issues, water, sanitation and gender, capacity- building, financing, valuation, integrated water resources management,


Africa as a region for priority action.


Pedoman Teknis

Pedoman Teknis

Penyehatan Perumahan Penyuluhan Sanitasi Perdesaan

Masalah perumahan merupakan multidimensi baik fisik, sosial, Keadaan sanitasi perdesaan saat ini masih jauh dari yang ekonomi maupun budaya. Oleh karena itu pendekatan untuk

diharapkan. Hal ini antara lain karena perilaku masyarakat yang pemecahan masalah perlu mempertimbangkan dimensi-dimensi

belum baik, atau belum membudayanya pola hidup bersih dan tersebut.

sehat di masyarakat. Faktor resiko utama kejadian penyakit diare Terhadap perumahan yang belum terencana seperti peruma-

adalah masih rendahnya cakupan air bersih, cakupan jamban han kumuh di perkotaan maupun di perdesaan termasuk perkam-

keluarga, rendahnya praktek perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dari pungan nelayan, pendekatan yang ditempuh adalah dengan

sebagian besar masyarakat serta sanitasi makanan yang belum melalui penyuluhan, pemberian contoh dan stimulan, serta bantu-


an pembangunan sarana dan prasarana kesehatan lingkungan. Selain pembuangan kotoran, air bersih juga merupakan sum- Pedoman ini merupakan pedoman yang diperuntukkan bagi

ber atau media perkembangbiakan dan penularan penyakit seper- petugas kesehatan lingkungan pada Dinas Kesehatan

ti tifus, hepatitis dan diare, sehingga dengan sanitasi air bersih Kabupaten/Kota atau petugas lain yang bertanggung jawab dalam

yang baik diharapkan akan dapat mencegah atau memutuskan penyehatan perumahan khususnya pada "perumahan komersial".

mata rantai penularan penyakit menular.

Buku Pedoman Teknis ini bertujuan agar para petugas terkait Buku Pedoman Teknis Penyuluhan Sanitasi Perdesaan bertu- dapat memahami secara jelas Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan R.I

juan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku No. 829/Menkes/SK/VII/1999 tentang Persyaratan Kesehatan

masyarakat untuk dapat hidup bersih dan sehat serta dapat Perumahan tanpa ragu-ragu sehingga dapat melakukan tugas

memenuhi kebutuhan akan sanitasi dasar, agar terhindar dari pembinaan, penyuluhan, pengawasan, pengendalian dan penila-

penyakit yang diakibatkan karena faktor lingkungan seperti diare ian pembangunan perumahan secara efektif dan efisien.

dan cacingan.

Daftar Isi

Daftar Isi

I. Pendahuluan, II. Tujuan dan Sasaran, III. Metode Teknik dan Kegiatan, VI. Pengorganisasian, VII. Ketenagaan, VIII. Sarana,

I. Pendahuluan, II. Tujuan, III. Sasaran, IV. Kebijaksanaan, V.

Media, IV. Pesan dan Perilaku Yang Diharapkan, V. Langkah-

IX. Pendanaan.

langkah, VI. Penutup.

Petunjuk Teknis

1. Ruang Lingkup, 2. Acuan, 3. Istilah dan Definisi, 4.

Spesifikasi Kompos Rumah Tangga, Tata Cara

Mekanisme Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, 5. Ketentuan-ketentuan,

Pengelolaan Sampah dengan Sistem Daur Ulang

6. Manajemen Daur Ulang Sampah dan Pengomposan, 7.

pada Lingkungan, Spesifikasi Area Penimbunan

Pemasaran Kompos, 8. Pendanaan Usaha Pengomposan.

Sampah dengan Sistem Lahan Urug Terkendali

di TPA Sampah

Spesifikasi Area Penimbunan Sampah dengan Sistem Lahan Urug Terkendali di TPA Sampah :

Sejalan dengan konsep pengelolaan persampahan saat ini dimana Spesifikasi ini mencakup persyaratan teknis mengenai bentuk, proses daur ulang sampah perlu dilakukan dan semaksimal mungkin

ukuran, bahan/elemen/komponen, fungsi dan kekuatan dari area dilaksanakan sejak dari sumbernya, dan masyarakat memegang per-

penimbunan sampah dengan sistem lahan urug terkendali, mini- anan dalam pengelolaan persampahan di lingkungannya. Dengan

mal pelayanan 5 tahun.