RESEARCH METHOD A NATURALISTIC STUDY ON TEACHING WRITING AT SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 4 SURAKARTA A Naturalistic Study On Teaching Writing At SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta In 2015/2016 Academic Year.


3.3.1 Brainstorming

Brainstorming means that the teacher asked students to list all their idea of related to a topic. They can write ideas in single word not in complete sentence Mrs. H : “where we go in our last studytour last week?” Students : “The Zoo Miss” Mrs. H : “ Ok, let’s try to write any word that you think about holiday in the Zoo, kata apa saja yang kalian pikirkan yang berhubungan dengan kebun binatang” Students : “Elephant, tiger Miss, I saw the tiger” Mrs. H : “Good”

3.3.2 Translation

Translation means that the teacher translates some words or sentence in the teaching learning process of writing. Mrs. H : “students, do you know the meaning of treated?” Students : “No Miss” Mrs. H : “Treated means “perlakuan”, ada yang tidak tahu lagi?”any questions? Students : “ Kalau weather apa Miss?” what is weather in Indonesian language? Mrs. H : “Weather means cuaca , any else? Students : “Ok Miss. No”

3.3.3 Instructor-initiated Question and Probes

Instructor-initiated question and probes means the teacher gave question for students and then the students answered the question. Mrs. H : “Please answers the question completly, before you write a recount text.” Guru membagikan soal kepada murid the teacher give work sheet to thr students 8 Students : “In this paper or the book Miss ? Maksudnya dijawab di sini apa di buku” Mrs. H : “In your assignment book, how many generic structure in the recount text? Apa saja ?” Students : “Orientation, event, reorientation.” Mrs. H : “ Nah , let’s do your task. You have time 10 minutes to answer the question”

3.4 Classroom Technique Used in Confirmation Cycle

In classroom technique in confirmation cycle, the teacher gave feedback and summarizing technique to cover the learning process especially teaching writing. 3.4.1 Giving Feedback Giving feedback means giving response toward information about the result of a activity or process For example: Mrs. H : “ Adakah kesulitan dalam materi recount ini ?” do you have difficulty in this recount text material? Students : ”No Miss” Mrs. H : “Are you sure?” Students : “Yes Miss” Mrs. H : “ Kalau begitu saya yang tanya, apa bedanya descriptive sama recount ?” what is the differences between recount and narrative text? Students : “ Kalau descriptive itu mendiskripsikan, dan recount itu pengalaman yang sudah terjadi Miss.” descriptive text is describe something, and recount retells events or experiences in the past. Mrs. H : “Good.”