test to measure spoken competence of the elementary school students in Indonesia. Communicative competence in this study focuses on the spoken skills, they are listening and speaking. Since language is not used separately therefore this research to focus on the integration of the two skills above. To be more specific, this study will describe the spoken competence of elementary school students. The description of the elementary school students’ spoken competence will become the theoretical model of this study. The theoretical model then will be developed to be a set of spoken English tests. The next focus is the product of this study. This study is oriented to the product. In this study the product is a set of test to measure the spoken competence of the elementary school students. The test is developed from the theoretical model and the product will become the spoken test of the elementary school students.


There are two points that are crucial to be answered based on the phenomenon above . They are the communicative competence of the students and the designing of a test itself. These concerns lead to the following research questions: 1. What is the expected spoken competence of elementary school students like? 2. What is the instrument model used to measure the students’ spoken competence like?


The goals of the research are to suggest the spoken competence of the elementary school students and to design the test which is used to measure the students’ spoken competence. The first goal is related to the theories of the spoken competence of the elementary school students. Since this research is not based on the national curriculum, the description of the students’ competence is derived from the theories which are accepted by people around the world in general. Then the theories mentioned above will be developed to be the blueprint of the test. The second goal is the test design. The design of the test will be derived from the test blueprint. The designed test model will be adapted to the situation in Indonesia in order to get the correct test model to measure the children’s spoken competence.


This section explains the product specification. It focuses on the structure and functions. The structure of the product consists of the theoretical model and the prototype of the test. The theoretical model is the blueprint of the test. Its function is as the basis of developing the test model. The theoretical model consists of the standard competence and indicators to measure the children’s spoken competence. While the test prototype is a set of test that is developed from the theoretical model. The test prototype is a set of test which is used to measure directly the children’s spoken English competence. Hopefully this test will be one of the instruments to measure the spoken competence of elementary school students in Indonesia. Technically, the test takers can perform the test in their proper time. The result of the test provides information about the children’s competence. The information would be beneficial to the parents or teachers to develop the children’s spoken English competence.