There are two main concerns of this research. The first concern is related to the communicative competence of the elementary students. The second is the test design to measure the students’ communicative competence. Since English has been taught in the elementary school, it is expected that students have ability to communicate in English. So far there is not clear description of what kinds of communicative competence should be possessed by the students. This study tries to identify the communicative competence in children. The children’s competence will be derived from the theories of communicative competence and then they will be adjusted to the children’s characteristics. In short, the identification of children’s communicative competence is the first concern of this study. The second concern of this study is the test design which is used to assess the children communicative competence. Communicative competence becomes the main goal of the language program so the test design should represent the students’ ability to communicate in speaking or listening. This test design hopefully will make the teaching practice to be more effective and the children will be more competent.


This research focuses on the two main concerns, they are the communicative competence of the elementary school students and the design of a test to measure spoken competence of the elementary school students in Indonesia. Communicative competence in this study focuses on the spoken skills, they are listening and speaking. Since language is not used separately therefore this research to focus on the integration of the two skills above. To be more specific, this study will describe the spoken competence of elementary school students. The description of the elementary school students’ spoken competence will become the theoretical model of this study. The theoretical model then will be developed to be a set of spoken English tests. The next focus is the product of this study. This study is oriented to the product. In this study the product is a set of test to measure the spoken competence of the elementary school students. The test is developed from the theoretical model and the product will become the spoken test of the elementary school students.