which the indicators must be specific, applicable, and measurable. Then test blueprint was used to design the product, that is the spoken test for elementary school students. In this step researcher started to design the test model based on the blueprint. The Fourth phase is Preliminary Field Testing. When the preliminary form of product is developed then it should be reviewed by the experts or in other words the product resulted needs experts validation. In this context the expert validate the main product, that is the spoken test. The goal is to see the strengh and weaknesses of the test model. Whether the items in the product are appropriate or not. Therefore, the product resulted was the objective product and really authentic product. Simultaneously with this phase researcher also tries out the test product to the elementary school students. It is used to confirm the experts validation. The Fifth phase is Main Product Revision. After the researcher obtains the feedback from the experts then the researcher begins to revise and improve the test model. Therefore, the test model was more objective, accurate and trustworthy and it can be applied in the field. Then the researcher designed the main product. The main product in this study is the spoken test. The main product then would be the iconic model of the spoken test of the elementary school students namely Test of Spoken English Competence for Children.


The objective of this study was to develop a test blueprint which contains the indicators of competence to be measured. Thus, literature study was conducted in Sanata Dharma University. The next research was experts’ validation in order to evaluate the blueprint and whether the test model are appropriate to the theories. The research was conducted in May, 2013. There were two different respondents of this research. The first respondents were the English teacher and lecturers who have expertise in English education in their educational backgound. They were also considered more experienced in dealing with teaching English for young language learners. They were an English instructor from ELTI English Course, a lecturer from Sanata Dharma University, a lecturer from Yogyakarta State University, and a lecturer from Tidar University. They were requested to validate the blueprint and the test model. The second respondents were Marsudirini Muntilan elementary school students who participated in the test trial. These respondents were students who are in the age of 10 to 12 years old and they were in the sixth grade. They came from different family background and also various level of competence. These respondents were requested to be the test takers. They had to complete the spoken English test. The trial was done in order to gain an overview description of the test model.


The instrument used in this research is a questionnaire. The questionnaire is meant to collect information and gain feedback from the experts related to appropriate indicators in the blueprint. In general, the questionnaire consists of 2 parts, part A and part B. Part A is used to attain the respondents’ opinion about indicators stated in the blueprint. In this part the respondents give jugdment on the indicators which are used to measure the students’ spoken ability, how the indicators meets the ability indicated in the language knowledge according to their opinion. The respondents have to give comment in each indicators. The theoretical model of the product will be discussed under this section. The development of theoretical model is used to answer the first research question, that is what spoken english competence of the elementary students is like. The development starts from the data acquistion and then data processing. The table was presented as follows. Table 3.1 Test blueprint Language Knowledge Indicators The learners are able to: Comments Organizational Knowlegde Grammatical Knowledge 1. discriminate sounds, stress, and intonation of words. 2. listen and indentify a growing range of vocabulary. 3. listen and identify a growing range of structure of sentences and short dialogue. Textual Knowledge 4. predict meaning from a range of cues in the dialogue. Pragmatic Knowledge Functional Knowledge and Sociolinguistic Knowledge 5. use the connection between ideas by recognizing words and sentences of the context. Questionnaire in Part B consists of questions which are used to find the test appropriateness, practicality, and user qualities. The respondents are expected to leave comments based on their opinion. Their feedback will be used to give judgement whether the test model fullfil appropriateness, practicality, and user qualities . The questions of part B are presented in the table below. Table 3.2 The Blueprint of the Test Assessment No. Criteria Indicators Number of items 1. Part B Test appropriateness a. The test is appropriate for the age and grade level of the students. 1 b. The test is appropriate for use with the educational backgrounds of the students. 2 Organisational Knowlegde Grammatical Knowledge 6. utter sounds, words, and sentences clearly with appropriate pronunciation and intonation. Textual Knowledge 7. speak with cohesive and well-organized sentences. Pragmatic Knowledge Functional Knowledge and Sociolinguistic Knowledge 8. use language to get what they want, to learn, to imagine things, to think about things. 9. use oral language appropriate to the language use situation that they are in. c. The general level of proficiency required by the test is suitable for the students. 3 d. The test is acceptable to the students. 4 2 Practicality a. There is sufficient time to give the test. 5 b. There is suitable space for administering the test. 6 c. All materials and equipment needed to give the test are available. 7 3. User qualities a. The purpose of the test is clear and appropriate 8 b. The test instructions are complete, clear and specific. 9 c. The layout is clear. 10 d. The test items are unbiased and culturally appropriate. 11 e. There is a technical manual. 12