She explained the students were not only able to express the meaningful spoken text about themselves but also things around them appropriately. The purpose was that the words and sentences they produced would be more communicative. Not all the students had the same competence, therefore one of the respondent advised there was needed to provide a Total Physical Respond TPR method to elicit the students’ ability. Another respondent advised the pictures given need to be revised because the students should build a strong cohesive spoken text to make the text more communicative. Indicators number 8 and 9 were chosen to measure the students’ functional and sociolinguistics knowledge. To achieve this competence the students must be able to fullfil these indicators, use language to get what they want, to learn, to imagine things, to think about things and use oral language appropriate to the language use situation that they are in. A mini dialog was provided to fit the indicators and the language knowledge. The respondents agreed the test item was more communicative. Furthermore she explained the competence which was measured could be achived but still the TPR was needed in this test item.


After gaining the feedback from the respondents, then the researcher conducted a revision. The revision process was conducted to improve the final product of the the theoretical model. The revision was done in order from indicators number 1 to number 9. The product revision for each items are as follows. The indicators number 1 to 5 were presented in the test items part 1 to 5, in which in these parts the listening skills of the students were measured. The test items are in the listening text script format. Therefore the respondents evaluated both of the listening text script and the listening test items. The indicators number 1, discriminate sounds stress, and intonation of words, was presented in listening part 1. This part consist of 5 items, the students should match the sound of the words and the pictures. The test items only consisted of the words but the respondents advised to put these words into sentences. Items number 1 box, 2 van, 3 ball, 4 horse, 5 hat were changed into 1 this is a box, 2 this is a van, 3 this is a ball, 4 this is a horse, and 5 this is a hat. These changes were done to make the test items more contextual. The other reason was to make the test items became more communcative. In these test items the respondent found the ilustration of the test were not quite clear. They adviced the researcher to replace the ilustration to be clearer so that the items can be more accurate. The test items of the listening part 2 did not reflect the indicators number 2, listen and understand a growing range of vocabulary. The respondents suggested the pictures for each items should be in the same categories. In this part the tester listened to the sentences and then they were required to choose the correct picture based on the information they had heard. In the example the tester listened the sentence “She has bread for breakfast”, in the option the students had three pictures to choose. First option was the picture of bag, the second one was the picture of belt and the last option was the picture of bread. The distractors were improper. When the sentence was related to the food the respondent suggested the pictures given should also relate to food. The pictures in the first and second option can be replaced with the picture of food, such as rice, noodle, cake etc. Example The Revision The test items in part 2 also did not reflect the growing range of the vocabulary. The test item only provided noun words. The respondents claimed that the growing range of vocabulary has wider meanings. Moreover the sentences must be contextualized. It meant the test items must be varied, therefore the test items for the indicators number 2 was changed. The sentence in the item number 1 was not revised but the picture needed to be revised. The picture in option 1 was changed into grapes and the picture in option 3 was changed into orange. Test item number 1 The Revision His favorite fruit is pear. His favorite fruit is pear. √ √ The next revision was in the test item number 2. The word dice was less familiar for the children. The respondent claimed that the sentence was difficult to understand because the pictures in the options were not represent the action. The sentence in the item number 2 was revised to be “My brother is throwing the ball. This sentence emphasized on the action word “throwing”. Therefore, the pictures of item number 2 were changed entirely. Test item number 2 The Revision The boy throws the dice. My brother is throwing the ball. The item number 3 also needed to be revised. The sentence in number three still emphasized on the noun word. The respondent suggested to make the sentence varied. Futhermore she claimed it was better to give a familiar sentence that related to their condition, for example self expression sentence. Therefore, the sentence in this item was changed. The sentence was changed to My brother looks so happy. Since the sentence was changed, the pictures for the options were also changed. The first option of the picture was changed the picture of a sad boy, the last option was changed into the picture of a happy boy. Test item number 3 The Revision My brother wants a can of milk. My brother looks so happy. The test item number 3 emphasized on the preposition. The sentence became the cat is under the table. The word “rat” in this sentence was not familiar to the children. The respondent suggested to change the animal into more familiar animal. Then the picture was changed. The pictures for this item were changed into the pictures which showed the cat in a certain position. The options for this test item were also changed. The options were presented in the picture of cat in various position. Test item number 4 The Revision The rat is on the roof. The cat is behind the box. While the last item emphasized on the clothes, the sentence was revised, My sister is wearing a red T- shirt, all the pictures in the options were revised. The picture for the first option was changed to be a picture of a girl wearing a red T - shirt, the next option was a picture of a girl wearing a blue blouse, and the last one was the picture of a girl wearing a red blouse. Test item number 5 The Revision My sister is wearing a red skirt. My sister is wearing a red T – shirt. The respondents shared the same opinion for the test items in indicator number 3. They accepted the questions and the provided options. One respondent gave an advice the questions did not need to be put on the sheet. The items in part 4 represented the indicator number 4, one respondent suggested the name of the person in the tape script should be written by their names not only the symbol of A or B. The other respondent advised the researcher to put the questions at the end of the dialogs. Some dialogs in this items also needed to be clarified. The changes were done in the dialog number 3. Test item number 3 The Revision Where is Tono Going? A : Where are you going Tono? B : Return Doni’s book. A: Are you going to his house? B : Yes. I am going to Doni’s house. Lian : Where are you going Tono? Tono : I’m going to Doni’s house. Lian :Doni’s house? Tono : Yes. I want to return his book. Where is Tono Going? The changes were also done in the dialog number 5. The dialog situation was changed into telephone conversation. This was done to make the items varied. The changes was shown in the table below. Test item number 5 The Revision Where is Tono Going? A : Where are you going Tono? B : Return Doni’s book. A :Are you going to his house? B : Yes. I am going to Doni’s house. Doni : Hello? Rio’s mother : Hello, who’s speaking? Doni :It’s Doni. Can I talk to Rio, please? Rio’s mother : I’m sorry he is not at home. Doni : Oh, is he going out? Rio’s mother: Yes, he is at the school now? Where is Rio now? She judged the dialog for the items were too easy for the last grade of elementary school students. The dialogs for each items needed to be modified and revised so that the items became more challenging for the students. Some revision were also done for the indicators number 5. In this part the test items required the students to answer the question based on the dialogs they heard. In this items the students must be able to recall their memories for certain information. The dialog for this items was also revised and modified to challenge the students to finish more complicated task. The test question for number 5 was changed. Test item number 5 The Revision What did she buy? Where does her father come from? Indicators number 6 and 7 were represented by the speaking part 1. In this part the respondents agreed the picture provided should be changed. The picture provided was still scatered. They judged the students would have difficulties to produce comprehensive sentences moreover for the students whose knowledge is still low. One of the respondents also suggested the tester must provide the elicitation questions and TPR techniques. The techniques were intended for the students whose abilities were still limited. These techniques would support the students to have such a positive reinforcement. Although the students did not do the test well, they still felt that they had gained something important for their betterment. This part was designed as a monolog task. In this part the students were required to describe the situation from the picture. One of the respondents suggested to make the task more specific. It means the students must be able to express something related to themselves and also something around them. The former picture of speaking part 1 is on page 68. The respondents judged that the picture was still abstract for the students to produce comprehensive spoken text. Only those who had higher imagination were able to finish this part. They suggested to provide a clearer picture in order the test was fit to all the students. The other respondent also evaluated that the picture was not really appropriate. She claimed that in Indonesia it was still difficult to find a city part that can be used as a recreational place. The emphasis of this part was to make the students able to produce comprehensive spoken text with appropriate sentences. Therefore, the researcher changed the alternative picture as can be seen on page 69. The picture above has a clearer situation. The place is more familiar to the students. Although some of the students have not experienced the place in their daily life, the researcher assured they have experienced this picture from the books or television. This picture also enables the students to produce more communicative and meaningful spoken text. From the picture the students are expected to tell to the examiner about the time, names and characteristics of animals, students’ activities in appropriate sentence structure. The last part of the test represented indicators number 8 and 9. In this part the students were required to produce sentences in order to be able to 8 use language to get what they want, to learn, to imagine things, to think about things and 9 use oral language appropriate to the language use situation that they are in. The respondents accepted the test items but there were needed some revisions on the test item to make the dialog naturally. The respondent also reminded the use of TPR when the students could not produce any sentences required. The revision was done by changing the information items. Test item speaking part 2 The Revision Name: Mariana Name: ? Age: 10 years old Age: ? Favorite subject: Science Favorite subject:? Science teacher: Ms. Yuyun Teacher:? Miss Yuyun is tall, slim and beautiful. She is kind and friendly. Teacher’s characteristics : Name: Mariana Name: ? Age: 10 years old Age: ? Family: Family:? I have a brother. He is eight years old but I don’t have a sister. My father is a teacher and my mother is a house wife. We usually go on picnic on Sunday. My family’s favorite food is fried rice. Mother cooks for us. We need rice, onion, chilies, garlic, and salt. Family favorite food? The changes were done by considering the respondents judgements and also the theories underly this study. The situation is manipulated to gain these abilities. The students involved in the mini-dialogues and role play in a conversation to get some information they need. The topics presented are various starting from the simple ones to the more complitaced ones, for example starting from the students’ personal information to the more general topics such as students’ daily life. C. RESULTS OF DETERMINING THE TEST APPROPRIATENESS, PRACTICALITY, AND USEFULNESS After designing the test Model, the researcher needed to determine the test appropriateness, practicality, and usefulness. The assessment was done to find out whether the product designed were appropriate and useful. If these criteria were fullfiled by the test items this spoken test became more communicative and contextual. Moreover the respondents’ feedback and suggestion would be useful to improve the test model. Thus the test model would be more useful. The results of questions in part B are presented as follows. Table 4.4 The Experts’ Validation on Questionaire part B Criteria Questions Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 Test appropriate ness 1. Is the test model appropriate for the age and grade level of the test takers? Not really. Some sections are too easy. Some sections are too difficult. Yes. Mind level of difficulty concerning with the graders. Yes Yes 2. Is the test model appropriate for use with the English Not really. The spoken English needs revision to Yes. Good; choose diction that the students Yes. The vocabularies used in the test model Yes. It’s quite appropriate to the educational backgroundssitu ation of the level of the test takers? make it more natural. are familiar with in their daily life. are relevant to Indonesian students things which can be seen or experienced in their daily life. Indonesian students. 1. Is the general level of proficiency required by the test suitable for the test takers? The first section is too easy. No. Some vocabularies are too easy. Yes. Yes. 2. Is the test model acceptable to the test takers? Yes. The layout and the pictures address children’s need. Yes. Students should get the colour one. Yes. Examples given in every part of the test really help the test takers in answering the questions. Colourful pictures are visually interesting. Yes. 2. Practicality 3. Is there sufficient time to give the test? Around 50 minutes will be okay per student No. I am not sure those speaking and listening test is held for the same time meeting. Yes. One hour to do listening and speaking tests might be sufficient if there is no other test given on that day. Yet the number of studentstest takers must be put into consideration when giving speaking test. Yes. If there is no other test given on the same time. 4. Is there suitable This test of Okay YesNo. Yes. space for administering the test? spoken English needs a skillful test administrator who is familiar with testing children, especially in the speaking part. Yes for listening part 1, 2, 3 Listening part 4 needs to be modified. Listening part 5 needs more space, as elementary school students tend to write big. 5. Are all materials and equipment needed to give the test available? The test needs audio file to make the test more difficult. No. Problem solving: find a native speaker or Indonesian who was native – like pronunciatio n. Yes. The script, test book and answer sheet are available. Note: related to the answer sheet what the test takers should do in the answer sheet must be the same as the instructions and the samples given in the test book. Yes. The script, test book and answer sheet are available. 6. User qualities 7. Is the purpose of the test clear and appropriate? Be careful with the decision to make after the test. who is going to use the test results and what are the test results for. Are they for Yes. Okay Yes Yes. diagnostic, formative or evaluative purposes? 8. Are the test instructions complete, clear and specific? Need to be more concise. The examples for the listening section needs to have the script printed. No. There isn’t any instruction on the students’ answer sheet. The instruction that is on the listening transcript is not clear. 3. No. Test instructions need to be modified. Test instructions in the test book should be the same as the ones read from the script. No. The instruction that is on the listening transcript needs to be revised. 9. Is the layout clear and interesting for the test takers? Absolutely. Colourful. Yes. Ok Yes. A suggested layout has been given in the test book. Yes. It’s colourful. 10. Are the test items unbiased and culturally appropriate? Yes. Both genders are represented. The pictures also accommodate different ethnic background. What about the disabled? No. English is taught in all over Indonesian, I mean cities and countries. Country students are not familiar with Western culture presented in pictures you use. YesNo Yet, listening part 4 number 4 and speaking part 1 aren’t really appropriate culturally as it is hard to find a city part that can be used as a recreational public place. Yes. But some part needs to be modified. speaking part 1 11. Do you think is it necessary to provide a technical test manual? Yes. The test needs to have a manual that tells about the purpose of the test, the test takers, the description of Yes. At schools not all English teacher has English educational background. Yes. It is so helpful for the teachers who administer the test. Yes. It helps the teacher to administer the test. the test result and what the test results for. The respondents’ feedback were gained from the questionnaire in part B. From the responses there were some findings and they will be discussed as follows. From the question number 1, one of the respondents found some section were too easy and some section were too difficult. The test product was not really appropriate for the students’ age. The test items for listening part 1 and 2 were too easy for the last grade of elementary school students who were at the age of 10 to 11 years old. While the others said the test model was appropriate enough for the suggested level of difficulties, but one respondent suggested to evaluate the level of the difficulties. The level of difficulties should be adjusted to make the items more challenging. However the respondents had the same opinion in answering the question number 2. They agreed the test model was appropriate for use with the English educational backgrounds of the test takers. The respondents saw the vocabularies used in the test model are relevant to Indonesian students’ backgound. It meant the students can see the things and experience them in their daily life. Responding to the question number 3, the respondents proposed that the general level of proficiency required were not really suitable for the test takers. They found some vocabularies were too esay. Particularly it was found in the first listening section of the test. However, all the respondents shared the same opinion in addressing the question number 4. They claimed that the test model was acceptable to the test takers. The examples were available in every part of the test. These would help the test takers in answering the questions. Besides, the test lay out and pictures addressed the children’s need. It was colourful and interesting as well. The second categories need to be clarified is the test practicality. Question number 5 was used to clarify the time allocation in completing the test task. The researcher allocated 60 minutes to complete the task. There was uncertainty about the time allocation since the test procedure would be different for the listening section and the speaking section. To complete the listening tasks the procedure was done classically while the speaking task would be done individually. One respondent agreed 60 minutes would be sufficient to complete the listening and speaking test. Furthermore, she explained that the tester must consider the number of the students or test takers. It was concluded the listening test would be done around 40 minutes. For speaking test the tester would allocate 7 to 10 minutes for each students. The question number 6 was not clearly answered. It implies the purpose of the test did not state clearly. The researcher needs to restate the purpose of the test clearly. One respondent tried to view the speaking test cruciality, the speaking test was administered individually. Therefore, to administer the speaking test, it was needed a skillful test administrator. The administrator must be the one who is familiar with testing children, especially in the speaking section. From the respondents’ responses on question number 7, it was found that test equipments needed to be completed. The test model had been completed with the script, test book, and answer sheet. One respondent found the instructions on the answer sheet were different from the instructions on the sample and the test book. Thus, the revision was needed. The other respondent demanded the test equiped with the audiofile to make the test more objective. The third categories to be fullfiled by the test model is user qualities. To answer whether the test useful or not there were some questions to be answered. From the responses on the question number 8, it was discovered the purpose of the test was clear and appropriate. However, there was a note from one respondent. She reminded the researcher to be careful with the decision to make after the students completed the test. There should be clearer explanation related to the test result, which participants would use the test results and what were the test result for. In question number 9 the respondents claimed that the test instructions were incomplete, still unclear, and not really specific. The respondents explained further that the test instructions of the test needed to be modified. From the test sample distributed it was found that the instructions in the book should be the same as the ones read from the script. On the other hand all the respondents responded positively on the question number 10. They strongly agreed that the test layout are extremely clear and interesting for the test takers. The pictures used were colourful therefore the respondents found that the test model was attracting. The respondents gave different feedback on the questions number 11. One respondent agreed the test items were unbiased and culturally appropriate. She found both genders are represented. She explained more the pictures also accomodate different ethnic background. In contrast with the previous opinion, the other respondent viewed the pictures presented in the test were not quite familiar. She said some pictures presented Western culture. The 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 ,0 0 1 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 P O O R 2 2 2 0 ,0 9 9 2 ,0 0 0 ,1 8 1 8 P O O R 3 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 ,9 5 9 5 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 9 9 P O O R 4 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 ,9 5 9 5 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 9 9 P O O R 5 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 ,9 1 9 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 P O O R 6 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 ,9 5 9 5 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 9 9 P O O R 7 8 7 1 5 0 ,6 8 6 8 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 9 9 P O O R 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 ,0 0 1 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 P O O R 9 7 3 1 0 0 ,4 5 4 5 4 ,0 0 0 ,3 6 3 6 S A T IS F A C T O R Y 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 ,9 5 9 5 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 9 9 P O O R 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 ,0 0 1 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 P O O R 1 2 1 1 8 1 9 0 ,8 6 8 6 3 ,0 0 0 ,2 7 2 7 S A T IS F A C T O R Y 1 3 1 0 9 1 9 0 ,8 6 8 6 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 9 9 P O O R 1 4 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 ,9 5 9 5 -1 ,0 0 -0 ,0 9 -9 P O O R 1 5 1 1 8 1 9 0 ,8 6 8 6 3 ,0 0 0 ,2 7 2 7 S A T IS F A C T O R Y 1 6 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 ,9 5 9 5 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 9 9 P O O R 1 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 ,0 0 1 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 P O O R 1 8 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 ,9 5 9 5 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 9 9 P O O R 1 9 1 1 9 2 0 0 ,9 1 9 1 2 ,0 0 0 ,1 8 1 8 P O O R 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 ,0 0 1 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 P O O R 2 1 2 2 2 0 4 2 1 ,9 1 1 9 1 2 ,0 0 0 ,1 8 1 8 P O O R 2 2 2 2 1 6 3 8 1 ,7 3 1 7 3 6 ,0 0 0 ,5 5 5 5 G O O D 2 3 2 0 1 6 3 6 1 ,6 4 1 6 4 4 ,0 0 0 ,3 6 3 6 S A T IS F A C T O R Y 2 4 2 2 1 7 3 9 1 ,7 7 1 7 7 5 ,0 0 0 ,4 5 4 5 G O O D 2 5 6 2 8 0 ,3 6 3 6 4 ,0 0 0 ,3 6 3 6 S A T IS F A C T O R Y K E T U + L D P Ite m N u m b e r U p p e r L o w e r T K U -L respondent also explained some pictures for the test items were not culturally appropriate. She thought it was hard to find a city part that can be used as a recreational place. As has been mentioned before this test needed a skillful administrator, thus all the respondents agreed it was necessary to provide technical test manual. The test manual must be consisted of the purpose of the test, the test takers, the description of the test result and what the test result for. This would help the administrator to conduct the test.