Teaching Reading Comprehension Teaching Reading Comprehension

4 Principle 4: Prediction is a major factor in reading. The fourth principle is about the students’ expectations and active process of reading is ready to begin when they can get the hints of the text so they can predict what’s coming in the next segment of a particular text. 5 Principle 5: Match the task to the topic. Choosing the good tasks for students in reading is important since it can undermine boring and inappropriate questions so the reading activity can be more exciting and challenging for the students. The five principles behind teaching reading propose some important points that need to be considered by the teacher in teaching reading, such as it is important to make the students engaged with and have the abilities to respond to the texts. The principles also highlight that predicting is crucial in reading since it is related to the students’ active process of reading. In addition, choosing the good tasks is one of the considerations to make the reading activity be more exciting and challenging. By referring to those principles, the teacher and students can be facilitated to attain a good-quality of reading process.

d. Types of Classroom Reading Performance

Brown 2007:312 classifies types of classroom reading performance into two types; oral reading and silent reading. The latter is subcategorized further into intensive and extensive reading. Oral reading occasionally employed for the beginners and intermediate level. Oral reading can a serve as an evaluative check on bottom-up processing skills, b double as a pronunciation check, and c serve to add some extra student participation if the teacher want to highlights a certain short segment of a reading passage. Not only having some benefits, oral reading also has the disadvantages. Oral reading is not a very authentic language activity, while one student is reading, other students can easily lose attention or be silently rehearsing the next paragraph. It may have the outward appearance of students ’ participation when in reality it is mere recitation. Another type of classroom reading is the silent reading. As mentioned earlier, silent reading is subcategorized into intensive and extensive reading. 1 Intensive reading Intensive reading leads the students to focus on the language features of a particular text. Intensive study of reading texts can be a means of increasing learners’ knowledge of language features and their control of reading strategies. It can also improve their comprehension skill. It is because intensive reading focuses on comprehension of a particular text with no thought being given to whether the features studied in this text will be useful when reading other texts. Nation, 2008:25. Brown 2007:312 also adds that it supports the students to center their attention in the linguistic and semantic detail of a passage, such as grammatical forms, discourse makers, and other surface structure details for the purpose of understanding literal meaning, implication, rhetorical relationship, and the like Brown, 2007: 312. This activity is likely more to emphasize the accuracy activity involving reading for detail. The process of scanning takes a more prominent role here than skimming. Reader is trying to absorb all the information given, example: reading a recipe how to cook something, so, it usually deals with a short text. 2 Extensive reading Readers deal with a longer text as a whole. They require the ability to understand the component part and their contribution the overall meaning, usually for one’s own pleasure. This is a fluency activity, mainly involving global understanding, for example reading a newspaper, article, short story or novel. Nation 2008:49 states that reading is a source of learning and a source of enjoyment. As a source of learning, reading can establish previously learned vocabulary and grammar, it can help learners learn new vocabulary and grammar, and through success in language use it can encourage learners to learn more and continue with their language study. As a goal in its own right, reading can be a source of enjoyment