Context of Speaking Pragmatics


1. Pragmatics

Levinson 1983: 8 states that Pragmatics is the study of those relations language structure and principles of language usage between language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of a language. Meanwhile Leech, as quoted by Nirmala Sari, states that pragmatics is the study of how language is used to communicate. It concerns itself with how people use language within context and why they use language in particular ways 1992: 19. In everyday conversation, usually a speaker will communicate not only explicitly but also implicitly. The speaker will modify his utterance in order to get successful communication, for instance, using indirect speech, imperative speech, etc. To do this, the speaker always pays attention carefully to the context of speaking. Meanwhile, the hearer will interpret or infer what the speaker implies as well as possible in order to avoid miscommunication and to maintain a smooth conversation.

a. Context of Speaking

According to Nirmala Sari, context can be divided into four subparts. The first one is called physical context that is where the conversation takes place, what objects present, and what actions take place. The second one which is called an epistemic context covers background knowledge shared by the speakers and the hearers. Third, there is a linguistics context which concerns with how the hearer interprets the speaker’s previous utterances. Finally, the fourth context which is illustrated in the social relationship and setting of the speakers and hearers is called a social context 1992: 20. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 In order to build a smooth conversation, thus it is quite significant to pay attention to the context of speaking. For example, when we talk to an elementary student about global warming, we are supposed to use simple words instead of using scientific words. In other words, modifying our utterances by avoiding scientific words means that we comprehend the background knowledge of that person. In fact, the conversation could run well. The elementary student will get more interested in our explanation. Furthermore, Leech 1992: 14 clearly puts forward that: Categories and rules are set of conventions governing language use that preserves its integrity by requiring us, among other things, to be honest in its use, to have evidence for what we say relevant to the speech context. What is interesting about these conventions is that they were never officially proposed and voted to anybody, but instead have emerged naturally. Besides, we learn then in much the same way we learn most social rules, that is, by trial and error. Indeed, pragmatics is closely related to the use of language in conversation, which becomes the focus of this study. In other words, it has to do with the way we use language to communicate rather than the way language is structured internally. Therefore, by paying attention carefully to the meaning in context or the context of speaking in conversation, someone will be able to express meaningful utterances and interpret utterances correctly. It is one of the ways to being polite in order to make someone else more comfortable and respected Politeness. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11

2. Speech Acts