A study of politeness strategies as shown by the four main characters in begin again movie.



Rosiani, Maria Sandra Deta. (2016). A Study of Politeness Strategies As Shown by the Four Main Characters in Begin Again Movie. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

In communication, people need to pay attention to the language so that it can be used politely and properly. This requires the people to consider the context of the communication and the social aspects possessed by the addressee. However, there are still some difficulties in applying the polite and proper language for the communication. It means that language learners only learn the grammatical rules of a language without learning how to use it politely and properly. Moreover, the culture which is carried by a language may influence the way the language should be used. Considering these phenomena, the writer conducted a study on politeness strategies. This study was done by analyzing a movie entitled Begin Again, which tells about a singer and a music producer who are struggling to rise from the problems they face. This movie depicts the real application of politeness strategies. Thus, the writer intended to analyze the phenomena related to the application of politeness strategies in Begin Again movie.

In this study, the writer aimed to analyze the four main characters of Begin Again movie. Therefore, two research questions were built as 1) Which types of politeness strategies are used by the four main characters in Begin Again movie? and 2) What are the factors that influence the four characters in choosing the politeness strategies for communication?

The writer used qualitative research by employing document analysis to answer the research questions. The writer conducted the study by using the movie script of Begin Again movie to analyze the utterances of the four main characters. The writer analyzed the utterances in order to find out the types of politeness strategies used by the four main characters. Afterwards, the writer analyzed the factors which may influence the four main characters in choosing the types of politeness strategies.

The research result showed that the most frequent strategy used by the four main characters is positive politeness (67 utterances) followed by bald on record (61 utterances), negative politeness (34 utterances), and off record (20 utterances). Also, it was found that one of the four main characters named Steve only performed three of the politeness strategies: positive politeness, bald on record, and negative politeness. The factors which were found influencing the four main characters in choosing the types of politeness strategies were payoffs and sociological variables which consist of social distance, relative power, and rank of imposition.



Rosiani, Maria Sandra Deta. (2016). A Study of Politeness Strategies as Shown by the Four Main Characters in Begin Again Movie. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Dalam berkomunikasi, masyarakat perlu memperhatikan bahasa yang digunakan sehingga bahasa tersebut dapat digunakan dengan sopan dan benar. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan konteks pembicaraan dan aspek sosial yang dimiliki oleh lawan tutur. Namun, masih terdapat beberapa kesulitan yang dialami oleh penutur dalam menggunakan bahasa secara sopan dan benar. Hal ini berarti bahwa pelajar bahasa hanya mempelajari tata bahasa tanpa mempelajari bagaimana bahasa itu digunakan. Hal tersebut sangat penting untuk dipelajari mengingat sebuah bahasa berasal dari budaya yang dapat mempengaruhi penggunaan bahasa tersebut. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang dialami oleh pelajar bahasa, sebuah studi tentang strategi kesopanan bahasa dilakukan. Studi ini dilakukan dengan menganalisa sebuah film berjudul Begin Again, yang menceritakan tentang seorang penyanyi dan produser musik yang berjuang untuk bangkit dari permasalahan yang dihadapi. Film ini memperagakan penerapan strategi kesopanan bahasa secara nyata. Dengan demikian, penulis bermaksud untuk menganalisa permasalahan mengenai penerapan strategi kesopanan bahasa yang terjadi di dalam film berjudul Begin Again.

Di dalam studi ini, penulis menganalisa empat tokoh utama dari film Begin Again. Dengan demikian, terdapat dua pertanyaan yang dirumuskan sebagai berikut, 1) Tipe strategi kesopanan bahasa mana sajakah yang digunakan oleh keempat tokoh utama dalam film Begin Again? Dan 2) Faktor apa sajakah yang mempengaruhi keempat tokoh utama dalam memilih tipe strategi kesopanan bahasa?

Penulis menggunakan penelitian kualitatif melalui analisis dokumen untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian tersebut. Penulis menggunakan naskah film guna menganalisa ungkapan – ungkapan dari keempat tokoh utama. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tipe strategi kesopanan bahasa yang digunakan oleh keempat tokoh utama. Selain itu, penulis juga menganalisa faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi keempat tokoh utama dalam memilih tipe strategi kesopanan bahasa.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tipe yang paling banyak digunakan adalah positive politeness (67), diikuti oleh bald on record (61), negative politeness (34) dan off record (20). Faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi keempat tokoh dalam menentukkan tipe kesopanan bahasa yaitu keuntungan bagi penutur dan variabel sosial yang terdiri dari jarak sosial, kekuasaan, dan tingkat pemaksaan.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Maria Sandra Deta Rosiani Student Number: 121214091




A Sarjano Pendidikare Thesis on




ふ r/4G′4/'V MOVIE

Presented b1.: lvlaria Sandra Deta Rosiani


Dttc 5/ヽugust 201 6


Aヽθりαノ,θ ″σノァιルこカルα′?Tllesis on




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Presented by.

Maria Sandra Deta Rosiani

: 121214091


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Member Mernber l\ I or-- l-o.

Yogl'akarta. 8 Septerriber 20I fi

Facultv of Teacirers Trzuniug and Educatiou Sanata Dtrarina L inir.ersitv





I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work

or parts of the work of other people except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 8 September 2016 The Writer





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:


: Maria Sandra Deta Rosiani

NomorMahasiswa :121214091

Demi pengembangan iimu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudui::



Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan


kepada Perpustakaan universitas sanata Dharma untuk menyimpan,

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media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta


dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya' Dibuat di YogYakarta

Pada tanggal: 8 SePtember 2016

Yang menYatakan,

V Deta Rosiani



Rosiani, Maria Sandra Deta. (2016). A Study of Politeness Strategies As Shown by the Four Main Characters in Begin Again Movie. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

In communication, people need to pay attention to the language so that it can be used politely and properly. This requires the people to consider the context of the communication and the social aspects possessed by the addressee. However, there are still some difficulties in applying the polite and proper language for the communication. It means that language learners only learn the grammatical rules of a language without learning how to use it politely and properly. Moreover, the culture which is carried by a language may influence the way the language should be used. Considering these phenomena, the writer conducted a study on politeness strategies. This study was done by analyzing a movie entitled Begin Again, which tells about a singer and a music producer who are struggling to rise from the problems they face. This movie depicts the real application of politeness strategies. Thus, the writer intended to analyze the phenomena related to the application of politeness strategies in Begin Again movie.

In this study, the writer aimed to analyze the four main characters of Begin Again movie. Therefore, two research questions were built as 1) Which types of politeness strategies are used by the four main characters in Begin Again movie? and 2) What are the factors that influence the four characters in choosing the politeness strategies for communication?

The writer used qualitative research by employing document analysis to answer the research questions. The writer conducted the study by using the movie script of Begin Again movie to analyze the utterances of the four main characters. The writer analyzed the utterances in order to find out the types of politeness strategies used by the four main characters. Afterwards, the writer analyzed the factors which may influence the four main characters in choosing the types of politeness strategies.

The research result showed that the most frequent strategy used by the four main characters is positive politeness (67 utterances) followed by bald on record (61 utterances), negative politeness (34 utterances), and off record (20 utterances). Also, it was found that one of the four main characters named Steve only performed three of the politeness strategies: positive politeness, bald on record, and negative politeness. The factors which were found influencing the four main characters in choosing the types of politeness strategies were payoffs and sociological variables which consist of social distance, relative power, and rank of imposition.



Rosiani, Maria Sandra Deta. (2016). A Study of Politeness Strategies as Shown by the Four Main Characters in Begin Again Movie. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Dalam berkomunikasi, masyarakat perlu memperhatikan bahasa yang digunakan sehingga bahasa tersebut dapat digunakan dengan sopan dan benar. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan konteks pembicaraan dan aspek sosial yang dimiliki oleh lawan tutur. Namun, masih terdapat beberapa kesulitan yang dialami oleh penutur dalam menggunakan bahasa secara sopan dan benar. Hal ini berarti bahwa pelajar bahasa hanya mempelajari tata bahasa tanpa mempelajari bagaimana bahasa itu digunakan. Hal tersebut sangat penting untuk dipelajari mengingat sebuah bahasa berasal dari budaya yang dapat mempengaruhi penggunaan bahasa tersebut. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang dialami oleh pelajar bahasa, sebuah studi tentang strategi kesopanan bahasa dilakukan. Studi ini dilakukan dengan menganalisa sebuah film berjudul Begin Again, yang menceritakan tentang seorang penyanyi dan produser musik yang berjuang untuk bangkit dari permasalahan yang dihadapi. Film ini memperagakan penerapan strategi kesopanan bahasa secara nyata. Dengan demikian, penulis bermaksud untuk menganalisa permasalahan mengenai penerapan strategi kesopanan bahasa yang terjadi di dalam film berjudul Begin Again.

Di dalam studi ini, penulis menganalisa empat tokoh utama dari film Begin Again. Dengan demikian, terdapat dua pertanyaan yang dirumuskan sebagai berikut, 1) Tipe strategi kesopanan bahasa mana sajakah yang digunakan oleh keempat tokoh utama dalam film Begin Again? Dan 2) Faktor apa sajakah yang mempengaruhi keempat tokoh utama dalam memilih tipe strategi kesopanan bahasa?

Penulis menggunakan penelitian kualitatif melalui analisis dokumen untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian tersebut. Penulis menggunakan naskah film guna menganalisa ungkapan – ungkapan dari keempat tokoh utama. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tipe strategi kesopanan bahasa yang digunakan oleh keempat tokoh utama. Selain itu, penulis juga menganalisa faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi keempat tokoh utama dalam memilih tipe strategi kesopanan bahasa.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tipe yang paling banyak digunakan adalah positive politeness (67), diikuti oleh bald on record (61), negative politeness (34) dan off record (20). Faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi keempat tokoh dalam menentukkan tipe kesopanan bahasa yaitu keuntungan bagi penutur dan variabel sosial yang terdiri dari jarak sosial, kekuasaan, dan tingkat pemaksaan.




Foremost, I would like to send my gratitude to Jesus Christ and Mother Mary who always be my strength and motivation in life. Their blessings have accompanied and guided me all this time, specifically in accomplishing this study. They are the main reason of my life why I can keep my dream flying high.

First of all, I would like to send my profound gratitude to my thesis advisor, Bapak Drs. Y. B. Gunawan, M.A. for his guidance, support, time, patience, and attention to help me in accomplishing this study. He always gives comments and critics in order to build my spirit to keep working on this study. I would like to send my special gratitude Bapak Agustinus Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A. for the support which is given to me and to class B batch 2012 in the last four years. Next, I would like to thank Miss Patricia Angelina Lasut, M.Hum. and Miss Truly Almendo Pasaribu, S. S., M.A. who have been contributed in giving suggestion and guidance for this thesis to be perfect. I would like to send my gratitude for all lecturers of PBI for the guidance during my study in PBI. Then, I would like to thank all staffs of PBI and Sanata Dharma University Library for the five-star service during my study.

Second, my deepest gratitude goes to my father Bapak Aloysius Jumono and my mother Ibu Chrisanta Widayatmi, S.Pd., for the greatest love and everlasting support. I also would like to send my gratitude to my brothers Mas Felixius Ageng Bani Widanarko and Ferdinandus Eko Budi Prihanto for the advice, support, inspiration, and for every sarcastic word which always be my motivation to have bigger dreams in life.



Third, I would like to thank my best friends, Theodora Intan, Ayu Nyoman Aryani, Fransiska Selvy, and Pinguin Kejim Squad (class D PBI 2012) for thesis discussion, for the help in understanding theories, love, togetherness, support, and precious time we spent together in the last four years. I would also thank PA St. Christopher XXIV, special for Manis Manja (Caecilia Santi, Teresa Devina, and Elisabeth Listyana) for the love, support, sarcastic words, advice, happiness, and togetherness we have spent since we were kids. I send my warmest love to KKN USD LI 30 for being my new family. My special gratitude goes to Mbak Maria Dea Wrestiningtyas and Dwiki Prenandita who helped me a lot in checking my thesis and gives some advices related to the mechanics. I would also give my special gratitude for Gisela Gisa Maya and Miwita Rosari who write the same topic with me and help me in understanding the theory.

Finally, I would like to thank all people who have given contribution during the process of accomplishing this study. I am so grateful for being able to get much love from everyone.









ABSTRAK ... vii






CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION A.Research Background ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 5

C.Problem Limitation ... 5

D.Research Objectives ... 6

E. Research Benefits ... 7

F. Definition of Terms ... 8

CHAPTER 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A.Theoretical Description ... 11

1. Speech Acts ... 11



b. Illocutionary Act ... 14

c. Perlocutionary Act ... 15

2. Face Threatening Acts ... 15

a. Negative Face ... 16

b. Positive Face ... 16

3. Politeness Strategies ... 16

a. Bald on Record ... 17

b. Positive Politeness ... 18

c. Negative Politeness ... 18

d. Off Record ... 19

4. Factors that Influence the Choice of Politeness Strategies . 20

a. The Payoffs ... 20

b. Sociological Variables ... 22

1) Social Distance ... 22

2) Relative Power ... 23

3) Ranking of Imposition ... 23

5. Review of Begin Again Movie ... 23

6. Review of Related Research ... 25

B. Theoretical Framework ... 27

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A.Research Method ... 31

B. Research Setting ... 33

C.Research Subjects ... 33

D.Instrument and Data Gathering Technique... 34

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 35

1. Data Reduction ... 36

2. Data Display ... 36

3. Conclusion Drawing ... 37

F. Research Procedures ... 37



2. Categorizing The Characters‟ Utterances ... 37

3. Identifying The Factors of Politeness Strategies ... 38

4. Writing Up The Report ... 38

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Politeness Strategies Used by The Four Main Characters of Begin Again ... 39

1. Positive Politeness ... 41

2. Bald on Record ... 45

3. Negative Politeness ... 53

4. Off Record ... 57

B. The Factors that Influence the Application of Politeness Strategies by the Four Main Characters of Begin Again ... 62

1. Payoffs ... 62

a. Positive Politeness Payoffs ... 63

b. Bald on Record Payoffs ... 65

c. Negative Politeness Payoffs ... 67

d. Off Record Payoffs ... 68

2. Sociological Variables ... 71

a. Social Distance ... 71

b. Relative Power ... 74

c. Ranking of Imposition ... 77


B. Recommendations ... 83

1. Future Researchers ... 83

2. Language Learners ... 84







Tables Page 3.1 The Classification Politeness Strategies in Begin Again Movie ... 35 3.2 Code List ... 36 4.1 Politeness Strategies Found in Begin Again Movie ... 41




Figure Page




Appendix Page

1. The List of Politeness Strategies in the Utterances Produced by the Four Main Characters of Begin Again Movie ... 89



This chapter is divided into six parts. The first part is about the background of this study. In this part, the writer would like to present the topic which is going to be discussed and the reason why the writer choses a movie to be analyzed. The second part is about the problem formulation which contains the research questions of this study. The third part is about the problem limitation which presents the limitation of this study. The fourth part is about the research benefits of this study. The fifth part is about the objectives of this study. Finally, the sixth part is the definition of terms. This part defines and explains the terms used in this study.

A. Research Background

Communication is one of the important activities in people‟s daily life. Life goes easier because people have done the communication for exchanging the information by using the language. Wardhaugh (1972) defines a language as a set of systems which contain symbols used for communication. Since language is used as a communication device, it provides some communicative functions. Holmes (2001) states that “language provides a variety of saying the same thing – addressing and greeting others, describing things, and paying compliments” (p. 3).

Language can make people‟s life easier if they also think about the social context of the communication and the behavior that is performed during the communication.


Holmes (2001) states that social context influence the people‟s way of talking. This means that if the people are not aware with the social context, they may not be able to apply appropriate language for communication. As the result, the speaker and the addressee will face the misunderstanding. In other words, language has many functions in making communication among people easier to be done. However, the speakers should consider the way they express something to the addressee so that the main point can be accepted clearly.

Nowadays, there are many people who learn a new language as their second language. When they are learning a new language, they also have to learn the culture of where the language comes from. This should be done because each language has its own culture that also should be understood by the language learners. Holmes (2001) adds that the same message may be expressed differently to the different people. In other words, the choice of a language is determined by some aspects. Thus, the speaker should consider the background culture of the addressee so that the language and the behavior can be performed appropriately. However, the language learners still find it difficult to decide the polite language which is appropriate with the context and the social aspects for the communication. Most language learners only master the grammatical rules of a language and pay less attention to the background culture of the language itself. As a result, the language is considered as impolite or even improper. Therefore, as a language learner, it is important to understand the culture of a language because different language may carry different culture which influences how the language itself should be used. The matter of choosing the appropriate language and how


people communicate with others will be related to language politeness. Since language politeness deals with how people act when they are using the language for communication, it is closely related to sociolinguistics.

Based on Holmes (2001), sociolinguistics is concerned with the relationship between language and context in which it is used. In other words, sociolinguistics discusses about language and context where the language is used as the communication device. On the other hand, language politeness is also related to pragmatics study since pragmatics deals with language in social context and the way in which people produce and comprehend meanings through language. Katz (1977) (as cited in Levinson, 1983) says that pragmatics study deals more with the correlation of the social context and the way the users apply the language for the communication rather than concerning with the structure of grammar. Therefore, people will pay more attention to the language and the ways the users apply the language whether it is appropriate or not. Knowing that language is important for communication, people need to consider the language as well as the context. People also need to pay attention to the behavior that is performed. Therefore, the misunderstanding and the feeling of being offended can be avoided when people communicate with others.

According to Holtgraves (2002), “politeness is a technical term, a

theoretical construct invoked as a means of explaining the link between language

use and social context” (p.38). In other words, politeness aims to explain the correlation between language and social context. The correlation between language and the social context can be seen through utterances produced by


people who run the communication. Holmes (1992) states that in order to be linguistically polite, people need to involve appropriate speaking by paying attention to the relationship between the speaker and the addressee. This means that the way people talk is determined by the social context, such as relationship that the people have. Thus, the communication will be delivered differently among people who have different degrees of relationship. Furthermore, there are some other reasons such as age and gender which also influence people in choosing appropriate language and performing behavior for the communication.

This study focuses on the politeness strategies by the four main characters in the movie entitled Begin Again by John Carney. This movie tells about a producer and a singer who plan to produce an album using their way. This movie is chosen because it contains formal and informal language which is used in the daily conversation. Through the daily conversation, the writer analyzes the utterances of the four main characters so that the research questions can be answered. On the other hand, this movie is chosen because of its moral value which can make this study more meaningful for the readers. The moral value that can be learned from this movie is that there is always a way out for all problems in life. Therefore, people should be optimistic that all problems have their own solution and their life will still be going on although people are depressed because of the problems.

The writer employs the theory of politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson (1987), which classify the politeness strategies into four strategies, namely bald on record, off record, negative politeness, and positive politeness.


The classification of Brown and Levinson (1987) about politeness strategies is chosen because it classifies people‟s behavior when they are having conversation with others. The theory which is employed to answer the second research question is also from Brown and Levinson (1987) about the factors that influence the characters in choosing the politeness strategies. Therefore, the study is done by classifying the four politeness strategies as shown by the four main characters in Begin Again movie and analyzing the factors which influence the characters in applying the politeness strategies in their conversation.

B. Problem Formulation

There are two questions that become main points in this study. They are formulated as follows:

1. Which types of politeness strategies are used by the four main characters in Begin Again movie?

2. What are the factors that influence the four characters in choosing the politeness strategies for communication?

C. Problem Limitation

The writer limits this study only on the analysis of the four main characters in Begin Again movie. There are four characters that are analyzed to complete the data of this study, namely Gretta, Dan Mulligan, Steve, and Dave Kohl. The writer only focuses on the four characters because those characters


have important roles in the movie. This means that they will produce more utterances than the other characters. The utterances that they produce may contain politeness strategies because of the frequency of their appearances in the movie.

The writer conducts the research by watching the movie and finding the utterances which is included in politeness strategies. The next step is the writer categorizes the utterances into the types of politeness strategies. Then, the writer analyzes the type of politeness strategies which is applied by the four main characters. Afterwards, the writer will analyze the factors of why the four main characters choose certain types of politeness strategies to be applied for the communication.

D. Research Objectives

This section will present the research objectives of the study in accordance with the research questions. Therefore, there will be two objectives to be accomplished.

a. To find out the politeness strategies which are chosen by the four main characters in a movie entitled Begin Again.

b. To find out the factors which influence the four main characters in choosing the politeness strategies.


E. Research Benefits

The writer believes that this study could be beneficial for the language learners, teachers/lecturers, and future researchers.

This study is about human behavior in using the language for communications which is classified into the four types of politeness strategies. This study is hopefully can be beneficial for the language learners because in learning a new language, it is not enough if they only learn about the grammatical rules. They have to understand about the rules of how the language should be used for the communication. This study can help them in recognizing the types of politeness strategies so that they can be able to decide how they should behave when they are applying the language for communication. Therefore, the language learners can apply the appropriate language for the social interaction.

For the teachers/lecturers, they can learn from this study about politeness strategies to be applied in classroom activities. Therefore, the teachers/lecturers will be able to consider the types of politeness strategies when doing the activities in class in which they can apply more polite strategy for the communication. It is expected that through this study, the teachers/lecturers can differentiate the types of politeness strategies to be used in different condition. In order to be discipline, the teachers/lecturers can apply bald on record strategy in which the utterances are expressed clearly and directly. Besides, if the teachers/lecturers want to praise

students‟ work, they can apply positive politeness in which it can make the hearer feel that he/she is being admired or liked. Therefore, it is expected that through this study, the teachers/lecturers will help them to manage their behavior in class


activities. By understanding about the classification of politeness strategies, the teachers/lecturers can place themselves in appropriate condition and perform the behavior which is also appropriate with the condition.

For the future researcher, this study is hopefully can be beneficial for the future researchers who aimed to develop the research on politeness strategies. It is expected that this study can help them as the reference for the research that will be done by the future researchers. Therefore, they will obtain more references to be used for developing the research on politeness strategies.

F. Definition of Terms

In order to support the readers in understanding this study, several key terms which are used in this study will be explained in this part.

1. Politeness

According to Holtgraves (2002) the term politeness refers to the concept of behavior which is performed by people regarding how they act or behave in different social setting. In other words, different social setting will make people able to perform different behavior. According to Mills (2003), politeness is the act of showing respect to a person whom we are talking to and avoiding the possible acts which may offend the addressee. In other words, politeness is the act of respecting others in which the speaker can choose the way to communicate with others. The writer focuses more on the verbal aspects of politeness. Thus, the utterances which show the aspects of politeness will be taken as the focus of this study.


2. Politeness Strategies

According to Brown and Levinson (1987), politeness strategy is a strategy

that concerns saving the addressee‟s face by performing an expression that is less threatening for the addressee‟s face. Face behavior is the act that represents the desire of the speaker towards the hearer. In order to be polite, the speaker may formulate expression which does not impose the hearer to accomplish the

speaker‟s desire. Face is something that should be attended to in interaction (Brown & Levinson, 1987). In other words, face is something that is emotionally showed and invested in the interaction between the people. In politeness strategies, there are four strategies of politeness based on the theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) namely, Bald on Record, Off Record, Positive Politeness, and Negative Politeness.

In this study, the theory of politeness strategies will be used for analyzing the way the characters speak. Through the utterances which are produced by the four main characters, the writer analyzes the strategy that is performed in the interaction among the four main characters.

3. Character

According to Roberts (1983) character in literature is an extended verbal representation of a human being, specifically the inner self that determines thought, speech, and behavior. Roberts (1983) adds that through dialogue, action, and commentary, literature captures some of the interactions of character and circumstance. Therefore, a character is an important thing in literary works, such as poem, short story, or movie, because the appearance of a character can build


the atmosphere in a movie and they can build the conflicts which make the movie or the literary works become more interesting. That is the reason why Roberts (1983) says that the appearance of characters is worth noticing that most writers and film makers give physical features to a character in order to match them or contrast them with some aspects of the character‟s mind and personality.




This chapter consists of two parts, namely the theoretical description and theoretical framework. Theoretical description presents about some theories which are used as the basis of this study. Theoretical framework presents the summary of the theories which are employed to answer the research questions of the study and the correlation between the theories and the research questions.

A. Theoretical Description

This section discusses several theories, namely theories on speech acts, pragmatics, and politeness strategies. Theory of speech acts is significant for this study because this study is about politeness strategies which deal with the acts of speaking performed through the utterances. Pragmatics is also significant for this study since it comprises speech acts which discuss how language is used for the communication. The theory of politeness strategies is significant for this study because it is the primary theory of this study.

1. Speech Acts

Speech acts is part of sociolinguistics and under the scope of pragmatics study. The relationship between language and the context is the concern of sociolinguistics study (Holmes, 2001). Holmes (2001) adds that people‟s speech provides clues to others about who they are, where they come from, and perhaps what kind of social experiences that they had. Sociolinguistics is related


to the language that is used whether or not the language is in line with the social context. Besides, sociolinguistics is also related to the social behavior because when people do the communication, they also perform certain acts which may represent what they really think about.

Speech acts is also related to pragmatics study because speech acts is under the scope of pragmatics study. Katz (1977) as cited in Levinson (1983) has a simpler definition about pragmatics.

Grammars are theories about the structure of sentence types while pragmatics theories, in contrast, do nothing explicate the structure of linguistics constructions or grammatical properties and relations. They explicate the reasoning of speakers and hearers in working out the correlations in a context of a sentence token with a proposition. In this respect, a pragmatic theory is part of performance. (p. 8)

As mentioned in the theory above, it can be said that pragmatics is neither related with the structure of grammatical theories or the structure of linguistics. It is the reason of the speaker and the hearer work out to make the language appropriate with the context of the communication. Levinson (1983) adds that “the term pragmatics covers both context-dependent aspects of language structure and principles of language usage and understanding that have nothing or little to do with linguistics structure” (p. 9). In communication, people will not care about how they produce certain sounds of a language. They concern more about the way they choose and apply the language for the communication. Therefore, the proper language can be applied as well as the social context. Since the term pragmatics does not deal with linguistic structure, the study of speech acts is included in pragmatics study because it deals with language use and the understanding of the


language. Moreover, language politeness also deals with language choosing as well as the social context and the behaviors performed by the language users in understanding the message of the communication.

According to Searle (1974), speech act is the production of utterances which is done under the conditions. People may produce certain utterances based on the condition that is faced during the communication. Searle (1974) adds that

“speaking a language is firstly, performing speech acts, such as making statements, giving commands, asking questions, making promises, and so on; and, secondly, that these acts are in general made possible by and are performed in

accordance with certain rules for the use of linguistics elements” (p.16). In other

words, someone who makes statements, gives commands, or makes promises is considered as a speaker who performs the speech acts. Levinson (1983) states in order to deliver the meaning of what people want, all utterances which are produced perform specific actions of doing things. In other words, when a speaker produces utterances, it may contain specific actions that represent the speaker‟s wants or meaning. According to Austin (1962), there are three basic senses in which saying something one is doing something, and hence three kinds of acts that are simultaneously performed (as cited in Levinson, 1983). The classification of three basic senses as stated by Austin (1962) is explained in the following sections.

a. Locutionary Act

According to Austin (1962), locutionary act is the act of saying something or uttering something. In other words, when someone is saying something to the


hearer, it is included in locutionary act. The example of locutionary act can be found when someone is saying something, such as “Darling, you look so pale,

what happened?” By saying the utterance, the speaker asks about the condition of the addressee. The example above is included in locutionary act because by saying that utterance, the speaker aimed to express something to the hearer. Therefore, by saying something to the hearer, the speaker has been successful in performing the locutionary act.

b. Illocutionary Act

As stated by Austin (1962) “Ilocutionary act is the making of a statement, offer, and promise in uttering a sentence, by virtue of the conventional force

associated with it or with its explicit performative paraphrase”. Levinson (1983) adds that illocutionary act is the act of producing utterances which contain coercion to accomplish something. In other words, illocutionary act is the performance of an act in saying something. The example of illocutionary act is found in the example which is stated in the section above. In the example above, the speaker said, “Darling, you look so pale, what happened?” to the addressee. This means that the speaker is worried about the addressee‟s health. The feeling of worry which makes the speaker produces the utterance is included in illocutionary act. Therefore, the illocutionary act which can be found in the utterance is when

the speaker feels worry about the addressee‟s health which leads the speaker to


c. Perlocutionary Act

According to Austin (1962), “Perlocutionary is the bringing about effects on the audience by means of uttering the sentence, such effects being special to

the circumstances of utterance”. In other words, perlocutionary act is the act of

producing utterances which may give effect for the audiences. Searle (1974) states that the acts which may give effect for the audiences are the act of persuading, embarrassing, intimidating, boring, imitating, or inspiring the hearer. For example is in the utterance, “Come on. Join my team, you will get so many great experiences!” Through this utterance, the effect which will be given by the

addressee is either he/she is or is not willing to join the speaker‟s team.

2. Face Threatening Acts

Brown and Levinson (1987) develop a theory about face threatening acts which is closely related to the theory of politeness strategies. Brown and Levinson (1987) state that face must be included to interaction because face is something that is emotionally invested and that can be lost, maintained, or enhanced. In other words, when people hold the communication, they emotionally produce face threatening acts which are aimed to achieve the purpose in communication. Face threatening acts (FTA) are those acts which run contrary to the face wants of the addressee and/or the speaker (Brown & Levinson 1987). Therefore, the act which is performed through face may represent what the people have in mind and what is intended to be done through verbal or non-verbal communication. There are two kinds of Face Threatening Acts, namely negative face and positive face.


a. Negative Face

Brown and Levinson (1987) define negative face as the basic claim territories, personal preserves, rights to non-distraction. It is also stated as the freedom of action and freedom from imposition. In other words, negative face divests people of being impeded and gives freedom for people from imposition. Brown and Levinson (1987) add that negative face is the face wants of the members in the communication that they can act free. People who run the communication may give response through their face without any interference from others. Thus, negative face allows people who run the communication to perform their face more freely.

b. Positive Face

Positive face is the act that focuses on self-image appreciation (Brown & Levinson, 1987). In other words, positive face is about the desire of being appreciated and accepted by others. For example, there is someone who wants to be approved and appreciated by people in a group. He/she then performs the positive face in order to make others realize that he wants to get appreciation and approval. Brown and Levinson (1987) add that positive face includes the desire to be ratified, understood, approved of, liked or admired. Thus, if the speaker performs the positive face, it means that the speaker has desire to be ratified, understood, approved, liked, or admired.

3. Politeness Strategies

According to Holtgraves (2002) the term politeness refers not to a lay conception of politeness or a set of protocols regarding how someone is to behave


in different social settings. Politeness is not about the rules or protocols which are applied in the society, but it is more about how people perform the behavior which does not harm the listeners. Holtgraves (2002) add that politeness is a technical term, a theoretical construct invoked as a mean of explaining the link between language use and the social context. In short, politeness is the act of making the link between the language use and the social context. Thus, it is important to see and understand the social context before using the language, so that the addressee will not misunderstand in taking the assumption of the communication. The matter of applying proper language and performing behavior as well as the social context is related to the theory from Brown and Levinson (1987) about politeness strategies.

Brown and Levinson (1987) propose a theory about politeness strategies which consist of Bald on Record, Off Record, Positive Politeness, and Negative Politeness.

a. Bald-on-Record

Brown and Levinson (1987) state that bald-on-record is a set of principle for achieving maximally efficient communication. In order to achieve the efficient communication, the utterances which are expressed through this strategy are clear and direct. In this strategy, FTA is performed with maximum efficiency more

than the speaker wants in order to satisfy the hearer‟s face. According to Brown

and Levinson (1987), there are two kinds of bald on record strategy in different circumstances. The first kind of bald on record strategy is where the face is not minimized, where the face is ignored or is irrelevant. The second kind of bald on


record strategy is where the speaker minimizes face threats by implication. Direct imperatives are the clear example of bald on record usage where the utterances are stated clearly and directly to the hearer (Brown & Levinson, 1987). The example of direct imperative is “Lend me a hand here.”

b. Positive Politeness

Brown and Levinson (1987) state that “Positive politeness is a redress

directed to the addressee‟s positive face, his / her perennial desire that he / she

wants – or the actions, acquisitions, values resulting from them – should be thought as of desirable” (p. 101). If a speaker applies positive politeness into his/her utterances, it indicates that the speaker wants to get closer with the hearers. The speaker will produce utterances which are aimed to attract the hearer‟s

interest in order to satisfy the hearer‟s positive face by sharing wants and

knowledge. Brown and Levinson (1987) state that the only thing that makes positive politeness is different with other strategies is the element of exaggeration. The speaker will use the element of exaggeration in their utterance in order to

satisfy the hearer‟s positive face such as, “He built the house terrifyingly” (Brown & Levinson, 1987). When the speaker performs positive politeness strategy, it means that the speaker is maintaining a closer relationship with the hearer. The speaker will do so through the utterances which contain the elements of exaggeration.

c. Negative Politeness

According to Brown and Levinson (1987) “Negative politeness is


freedom of action unhindered and his attention unimpeded” (p. 129). The speaker in this strategy tends to produce the utterances which are aimed to increase the social distance. However, this strategy seems to be more polite rather than positive politeness since this strategy is addressed to the hearer‟s negative face. Brown and Levinson (1987) state that the utterances produced in negative politeness are performed due to the function of minimizing the imposition to the hearer. It means that the speaker wants the hearer to fulfill his/her wants by satisfying the hearer‟s negative face. Therefore, this strategy is the heart of respect behavior because there is FTA redress which is done by the speaker in order to give chance for the hearer to perform the negative face. The example of this strategy is as can be seen in the utterance “Can you pass the salt?” which can only be an indirect request and that is not really a question to ask about

somebody‟s ability.

d. Off – Record

Brown and Levinson (1987) state that “A communicative act is done through off record strategy if it is done in such a way that it is not possible to

attribute only one clear communicative intention to the act” (p. 211). The

utterances which are performed through off record mostly contain more than one possible intention and mostly are about critics or satire. Since off record is mostly used for indirect usage of language, the speakers will let the hearer to decide the

possible intention of the utterances through the speaker‟s FTA if it is performed.

Furthermore, off record is an ineffective way of saying things because the speaker may have another meaning from the utterances which are expressed. The example


of this strategy is shown in the utterance “Beautiful weather, isn’t it?” which is said to the postman who drenched in rainstorm.

4. Factors That Influence The Choice of Strategies

According to Brown and Levinson (1987) there are two factors which influence the choice of strategies, namely payoffs and the sociological variables between the speaker and the hearer. The first factor, namely payoffs, refers to the result when certain strategy is applied. After certain strategy is applied in the communication, the speaker will intrinsically afford certain advantages. Brown and Levinson (1987) explain that the second factor, namely sociological variables, is elaborated into three variables, namely social distance, relative power, and absolute ranking.

a. The Payoffs

Brown and Levinson (1987) state that a payoff is the result after certain strategy is implemented in the communication. When a speaker chooses certain strategy to be implemented, he/she is expecting result of having implemented certain strategy. The speaker also expects that the result of certain strategy to be advantageous for him/her. According to Brown and Levinson (1987), each strategy has its own advantageous result for the speaker. The advantageous result will be explained in the following paragraphs.

By implementing bald on record, the speaker can get several benefits. The speaker can enlist public‟s pressure against the addressee. The speaker can also get support for his/her own image and he/she can get credit for honesty and outspokenness. Moreover, the speaker can avoid the danger to be seen as


manipulator and of being misunderstood. The last advantage that will be gained by the speaker is he can have the chance to redress the face that has been potentially taken away by the FTA (Brown & Levinson, 1987).

By implementing off record, the speaker may profit in the following ways. The speaker can get credit for being non-coercive. The speaker can also minimize the risk of being gossiped by others and avoid the responsibility for the face-damaging that he/she makes. The last profit of this strategy is the speaker can give the hearer a chance to be seen as caring with the speaker since the speaker can also avoid the threat of ordering the hearer (Brown & Levinson, 1987).

For going on record with positive politeness, the speaker can get the following several profits. Through this strategy, the speaker can avoid face-threatening by stating that the speaker and the hearer belong to “the same kind” or that the speaker likes the hearer and also wants his/her wants. A criticism in the assumption of friendly context may support the face-threatening reduction. Another profit is that the speaker can avoid the debt implications of FTA either by asserting the relationship between the speaker and the hearer or including the hearer as the participants of the request or offer (Brown & Levinson, 1987).

For going on record with negative politeness, the speaker can get the following benefits. The speaker can pay respect and deference to the hearer for the

FTA that the speaker‟s made. Therefore, the speaker can avoid incurring a future

debt. The speaker can also maintain social distance and avoid the presumption of familiarity towards the hearer. The last benefit from this strategy is the speaker can avoid giving order to the hearer by pretending to give chance for the hearer


not to fulfill the speaker‟s desire. It means that the speaker can show his/her

respect towards the hearer‟s negative face. b. Sociological Variables

The second factor that may influence the choice of the strategies is sociological variables. According to Brown and Levinson (1987), sociological variables include three factors namely social distance, relative power, and ranking of imposition. Those factors of sociological variables are used for measuring the seriousness of the FTA. Thus, the factors will affect the choice of the politeness strategies that will be applied for the communication. The factors which are included in the sociological variables will be elaborated in the following sections. 1) Social Distance

According to Brown and Levinson (1987) the measurement of social distance is based on the frequency of interaction and the kinds of material or non-material goods exchange between the speaker and the hearer. In this factor, the social attributes such as age, sex, and the social background may affect the choice of the strategies. Holmes (2001) states that people tend to perform different speech style when they are talking to adult and children. In other words, the same message of a communication will be delivered through different language depends

on the hearer‟s age. Holmes (2001) adds that social background of the hearer also

affects the speaker‟s speaking style. The speaker will consider the proper

language style that will be applied for the hearer based on the hearer‟s social

background. Therefore, the different age and social background of the hearer will be considered by the speaker in applying the language.


2) Relative Power

According to Brown and Levinson (1987), “Relative power is the degree to which the hearer can impose his own plans and his/her own self-evaluation or

face at the expense of the speaker‟s plans and self-evaluation” (p. 77). In other words, the hearer has power to impose his/her own desire over the speaker‟s desire. It means that the speaker will employ more polite language if the hearer has high power for his/her desire to be fulfilled. However, the speaker can also employ the less polite language if the hearer does not have high power to impose his own desire over the speaker‟s desire.

3) Ranking of Imposition

According to Brown and Levinson (1987), “The ranking of imposition is

the degree to which they are considered to interfere with an agent‟s wants of self-determination or of approval, his negative- and positive-face wants” (p. 77). In other words, the interference is the FTA made by the speaker which can determine the degree of imposition. Brown and Levinson (1987) state that for the negative face, there are two possible scales that can identify the rank of imposition, namely the imposition in proportion of services and of goods. Meanwhile, for the positive face, the rank of imposition involves the measurement of the threat given to the

hearer‟s face. This can be done by looking at the differences between the hearer‟s

own desire and what is presented through the FTA. 5. Review of Begin Again

Begin Again is a movie which was directed and written by John Carney. This movie was released on 2013 staring Mark Ruffalo, Keira Knightely, James


Corden, and Adam Levine. John Carney‟s Begin Again is a bitter yet warm -hearted movie which tells about some people who can heal their damaged life through music (Hood, 2014). This movie tells about people who are in their lowest condition of their life and they can lighten up their life by working with music. Mark Ruffalo played as Dan Mulligan, a producer in a famous record label who finds some complicated problems because he does not make contract with new artists in several years. Furthermore, he is cheated by his wife which makes him live apart from his family. On the other side, Keira Knigthely played as Gretta James, a young woman musician who follows her boyfriend to build his career in New York. However, she is also cheated by her boyfriend and she decides to break up with his boyfriend. In this study, there will be two other characters that will be used as the subject of this study, namely Dave Kohl and

Steve. Dave Kohl is Gretta‟s boyfriend and this character is played by Adam Levine. Dave Kohl aims to be a singer by moving on to New York and starts his career, but then Dave Kohl cheats on Gretta that makes them breaks up.

Meanwhile, Steve who is Gretta‟s close friend is played by James Corden. Steve is Gretta‟s close friend who helps Gretta when she breaks up with Dave Kohl. Besides, Steve also helps Gretta and Dan when they are working on their album.

Hood (2014) states that Begin Again movie is related to Christian faith because it delivers the message that there will always change to start over. As shown in the scene when Dan is depressed and Gretta is broken heart, they are willing to start their life again. The result of what they are doing through music can make them find their “missing life”. Besides, this movie also gives a moral


value about the failure that happens in life will make somebody stronger. Hood (2014) adds that “Dan and Gretta‟s character arcs are one of reconciliation,

redemption, and resurrection.” The example can be seen at the scene when Dan is being approached by a missionary on the subway who distributes the pamphlets related to the religion.

In Begin Again movie, John Carney as a director did not make common ending which usually happens in the drama movie. In the middle of the movie, the audiences will guess the ending that Dan and Gretta will fall in love to each other. However, John Carney turned the story up that Dan and Gretta are not falling in love to each other. They keep their relationship as a producer and an artist or as colleague. Even though John Carney did not make romantic story between Dan and Gretta, he built a happy ending. As the ending, Dan can gather with his family and Gretta can continue her life because she decides to forgive her ex-boyfriend. This movie wants to make people believe that there will always be a way out to solve the problems that they face. From this movie, there is another moral value according to Hood (2014) that we can rebuild our lives when we can join together in forgiveness and love.

6. Review of Related Research

Politeness is a behavior of people in using the language as a communication device. Politeness is a study under the scope of sociolinguistics which connects the social behavior and the study of linguistics. There are some strategies of politeness which can be applied in the communication in order to make the communication either polite or less polite. In this section, the writer will


provide an example of the study of politeness strategies which had been done by the previous researchers.

An example of the study of politeness strategies has been done previously by Heribertus Hercules Anggi Oktorio (2015). The study is entitled A Study of Politeness Startegies Used by The Four Main Characters of Yes Man. The study which is written by Oktorio (2015) analyzed the types of politeness strategies used by the four main characters in Yes Man movie and the factors which influence the four main characters in choosing the types of politeness strategies. The researcher employed the theory from Brown and Levinson (1987) about the types of politeness strategies and the factors that influence the four main characters in choosing the types of the politeness strategies. The method applied for this study was document analysis which analyzed the movie script of Yes Man movie.

Another example of the study of politeness strategies had been done previously by Tunggul Kumoro Damarjati (2014). The study is entitled A Study of Politeness Strategies and The Degree of Politeness by the Main Characters in

“King’s Speech”. In his thesis, Damarjati (2014) analyzed the politeness strategies used by the main characters with a reference from the politeness strategies theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987). Damarjati (2014) also analyzed the degree of politeness of the main characters‟ utterances by using the theory from Leech (1983). In his thesis, the researcher employed document analysis as the method in doing the research.

The research written by Oktorio (2015) and Damarjati (2014) are significant for the writer of this study as references in finding the theories.


However, there is a different problem which is analyzed in this research. In the study done by Damarjati (2014), the research questions are to find out the types of politeness strategies and the degree of the politeness strategies. Besides, the study done by Oktorio (2015) is different with this study because of the different subject which is taken as the data source. In the study done by Oktorio (2015), Yes Man movie was taken as the data source while in this study Begin Again movie is taken as the data source. Therefore, the findings of this study will also be different from the previous study which has been done by Oktorio (2015). Since the writer of this study aimed to develop the research done by the previous researcher, the research questions of this study are to find out the types of the politeness strategies from other movies and to find out the factors which may influence the characters in choosing the politeness strategies. Thus, the conclusion is the researches from Oktorio (2015) and Damarjati (2014) give significant help in finding the references of the theories. However, since there are some differences in the research problem and the subject, the writer of this study expects that this study can give significant benefits for the readers and the future researchers to improve their understanding about politeness in a language.

B. Theoretical Framework

There are two research problems in this study, namely types of politeness strategies applied by the characters in Begin Again and the factors that influence the characters in applying certain strategy of politeness. In order to answer the two research problems, the writer employs the theory of politeness strategies from


Brown and Levinson (1987) and the theory also from Brown and Levinson (1987) about the factors that may influence the choice of the strategy.

In order to answer the first research problem, the writer refers to the theory of politeness strategies which are proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987). There are four strategies in politeness, namely bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. The writer attempts to analyze the utterances of the four characters in order to find out the strategy which is used by the four characters.

Besides, in order to answer the second research problem, the writer refers to the theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) about the factors influencing the choice of politeness strategies. There are two factors in language politeness, namely payoffs and sociological variables. The sociological variables are elaborated into three factors, namely social distance, relative power, and ranking of imposition. The writer attempts to analyze the utterances of the four main characters based on the two factors to find out which factor that affects the characters in choosing the politeness strategies.

Thus, this chapter provides all theories which are needed and related to this study. The main theory of this study is the theory from Brown and Levinson (1987) about the four politeness strategies and the factors which may influence in choosing the strategy. The main theory of this study is employed to analyze the politeness strategies applied by the four main characters and the factors which may influence the four characters in applying certain strategy. Therefore, in order to find out the answer of the research questions in this study, the writer will


analyze the utterance of the four main characters in Begin Again movie. The theoretical framework of this study can be seen in figure 2.1.


Figure 2.1: The Theoretical Framework of the Study Begin Again


Dan Mulligan Gretta James Dave Kohl Steve

Politeness Strategies

Types Brown and Levinson


Factors Brown and Levinson


Positive Politeness

Bald on Record


Politeness Off Record The Payoffs

Sociological Variables





This chapter will be divided into six parts. The first part is about the research method which describes the methods used in this study. The second part is about the research setting which describes when the study was conducted. The third part is about the research participants which elaborates the participants who were involved in this study. The fourth part is about the instruments and data gathering technique which describe about the instruments and the techniques in gathering the data. The fifth part is about the data analysis technique which explains about the technique employed in this study to analyze the data. Then, the sixth part is about the research procedures which elaborates the steps in conducting this study.

A. Research Method

This study focused on the politeness strategies of Begin Again movie. There are two research questions which are attempted to be answered by the writer. The research questions of this study are, first, which types of politeness strategies used by the four main characters in Begin Again movie? and second, what are the factors that influence the four characters in choosing the strategy for communication? The research was done through analyzing the utterances of the four main characters in Begin Again movie. The utterances which were analyzed depicted the use of politeness strategies in daily conversation. Therefore, this


study analyzed the social phenomenon of the politeness strategies implication in each utterance which is expressed by the four main characters.

Since this study is focused on how people apply the language for the communication, the writer aimed to do qualitative research to analyze the phenomenon. Qualitative research focuses on the total picture of a phenomenon rather than the variables of the phenomenon (Ary, Jacobs, & Razavieh, 2002). This means that the qualitative researchers do not use some variables, such as numeric data, in analyzing a phenomenon. In qualitative research, the researchers analyze the data in the form of detail explanation rather than in the form of numeric data. The goal of a qualitative research is a holistic picture and depth of understanding, rather than a numeric analysis of data (Ary et al, 2002). In other words, qualitative researchers will be dealing more with words rather than number of data. Thus, the qualitative researchers will focus more on the depth explanation about the phenomenon that is being analyzed.

In this study, the writer analyzed the characters‟ utterances in Begin Again movie. Since this study aimed to analyze the characters‟ utterances in a movie, this study belonged to document analysis or content analysis. Document analysis or content analysis is a technique that enables researchers to study human behavior in an indirect way, through an analysis of their communication (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2011). The communication that can be analyzed to observe human behavior can be in the form of textbooks, essays, newspapers, novels, magazine articles, cookbooks, songs, political speeches, advertisement, pictures, newspaper, editorials, graffiti, musical compositions, magazine articles,


films, or electronic media (Fraenkel et al, 2011). This means that the document which is used as the subject to be analyzed can be in a form of written, audio, or visual documents. According to Ary, Jacobs, & Razavieh (2002), document analysis focuses on analyzing and interpreting recorded material within its own context. Therefore, the writer took the recorded material or the script of Begin Again movie to be analyzed in order to answer the two research questions of this study.

B. Research Setting

This study was done by using a movie entitled Begin Again which was directed by John Carney and was released in July 4th 2014. The analysis of the movie was started from March 21st 2016 until June 20th, 2016. Therefore, the writer spent three months in analyzing the script of the movie. Those three months

were used for analyzing the script, categorizing the characters‟ utterances,

identifying the factors which influence the choice of the politeness strategies, and writing up the report.

C. Research Subjects

The subject of this study was the movie entitled Begin Again. The writer only took four main characters in which their utterances were taken to be analyzed. The four main characters were Gretta James, Dan Mulligan, Dave Kohl, and Steve. The first character was Gretta James, a songwriter and a singer who


produces an album after she breaks up with her boyfriend. The second character was Dan Mulligan, a producer who gets some complicated problems in his job and family and who finally can get rid of all problems he had. The third character was Dave Kohl, Gretta‟s boyfriend who becomes a famous singer after he gets contract with one of the famous record label in New York. The last character was Steve, a friend of Gretta who helps Gretta and Dan in creating the tools to produce the album. Gretta and Dan were chosen because they had important roles in the movie. Dave and Steve were chosen because of the relationship they had with Gretta and Dan.

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

Since this study was document analysis and it belonged to qualitative research, the human investigator is the primary instrument for gathering and analyzing of the data (Ary et al, 2002). It is also stated that qualitative inquiry relies on fieldwork methods – interviewing, non – structured observation, and document analysis – as the principal means of collecting data, avoiding the use of paper – and pencil tests, mechanical instruments, and highly structured observational protocols (Ary et al, 2002). In addition, qualitative researchers

believe a researcher‟s worldview, or theoretical framework greatly influences how

research studies are designed and their results interpreted (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2011). Therefore, the researcher of this study was considered as the human instrument and Begin Again movie was considered as the subject instrument which was going to be analyzed.


In line with the method of this study which was document analysis, the technique in obtaining the data would be the observation. Observation is the most basic method for obtaining data in qualitative research, it is more global type of observation than the systematic observation in quantitative research (Ary et al, 2002). The data gathered from the observation would be more in a form of words rather than numeric data. In this study, the writer also made a table which was used for observing and classifying the utterances of the characters as well as the main theory used in this study. Table 3.1 was used to collect and classify the

characters‟ utterances which happened in Begin Again movie.

Table 3.1: The Classification of Politeness Strategies in Begin Again Movie

Characters Politeness Strategies Bald on


Off Record Positive Politeness

Negative Politeness Gretta

Dan Mulligan Dave Kohl Steve

E. Data Analysis Technique

Miles and Huberman (1994) qualitative research includes three activities namely, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Each step will be elaborated in the following section.


Dan Mulligan Hey, don‟t listen to anything he is saying. It‟s bullshit.

BoR Dan Mulligan We‟re going to use it. It‟s going to be genius.

You‟re genius. You‟re going to make this amazing, beautiful.


Dan Mulligan You want to come with me to get Violet? PP Dan Mulligan I need to… I need to contemplate that. PP OR Dan Mulligan Hey, babe. Hey. Uh, where‟s Violet? PP Dan Mulligan Listen, I was wondering, uh, you think it

would be cool if she came and played guitar on one of these songs that I‟m recording on Thursday?


Dan Mulligan I think she‟ll be OK. PP

Dan Mulligan Yeah. 5:00, will you bring her? Yeah. I‟ll text you the address

NP Dan Mulligan Why don‟t you come too? Come on. PP

BoR Dan Mulligan Come on. Just come. It‟ll be fun. I want you

to come.

BoR Dan Mulligan What, are you the fucking social services


OR Dan Mulligan You‟re really showing your age right now. OR Dan Mulligan No. maybe people in the music industry just

don‟t make a good life partners, or fathers. OR Dan Mulligan Yeah. You‟ve got to travel over a lot more

string to get to the pearls. This moment is a pearl, Gretta.


Dan Mulligan Hello, Steve. PP

Dan Mulligan Maybe they were private dreams. Maybe he just never told you about them.

OR Dan Mulligan Miriam, thank you. Thank you. PP Dan Mulligan You want me to set your amp or are you


PP Dan Mulligan Let‟s hear that bass, my brother. PP Dan Mulligan Yeah, we‟re not interested in any of that stuff. BoR Dan Mulligan You know but don‟t feel like you have to

overdo it or prove anything.

BoR Dan Mulligan All right. Don‟t get too excited. I‟m just

trying out.

BoR Dan Mulligan Well, look at you. A vision of pure class.


Dan Mulligan You look great. Look how cool you are. PP

Dan Mulligan Yeah. Let‟s start a band. PP

Dan Mulligan How about two bucks? PP

Dan Mulligan Check it out, I got Troublegum to tweet out the album.

BoR Gretta Sorry, didn‟t you see what just happened up


NP Gretta Are you really an A&R man? You look more

like a homeless man.

BoR Gretta So why did you give me your card? PP Gretta No, I am sorry, something went down the

wrong way. Sorry? No, you were saying? Me with a cardigan on? Norah Jones?


Gretta No, I just think that an A&R man telling an artist how they should dress or come across is total bullshit.


Gretta You can‟t sign me and I don‟t want to be signed

BoR Gretta All right, look, I am going to go home and

think about it, and I‟ll call you either way tomorrow.


Gretta Oh my God! Come here. BoR

Gretta Can I ask you something? NP

Gretta Should I have come over in like, a week or two and let you settle in first and get used to everything?


Gretta Oh, yeah, sure. I mean, if Dave wants. PP Gretta Um, just to be completely clear, I‟m… I‟m

just tagging along this. I‟m really happy to be here and more than happy to accompany Dave on a couple of tracks.


Gretta Yes, I‟m sorry. I‟ll, uh, deliver coffee. OR

Gretta Aw, it‟s lovely. PP

Gretta My God, look at this stuff. PP

Gretta Well, that would be cool. Look at you.

You‟ve got CDs. PP

Gretta That‟s impressive. How do you get up there? PP

Gretta Whisky please. BoR

Gretta Tell me about it, I‟m becoming “Dave Kohl‟s girlfriend” back home

BoR Gretta That‟s impressive. How do you get up there? PP


Gretta OK, you play the guitar, cause I can‟t do that

when that thing‟s on. BoR

Gretta Slower. BoR

Gretta Aah! Turn it off, turn it off, turn it off, turn it off.

BoR Gretta Cause I hate your fucking songs. OR Gretta So, where are we going, Mr. A&R Man? PP Gretta Can we stop talking about cats now? NP

Gretta Will you produce it? PP

Gretta No, but I want you to do it. BoR

Gretta The problem is we can‟t pay them. OR Gretta No, no, no. Don‟t you touch me. I will kill

you. I will.

BoR Gretta Well, I mean, he didn‟t look out of your

league. Ignore him.

BoR Gretta Well, for starters, stop dressing like you‟re

totally easy.


Gretta You want to go shopping? PP

Gretta Look, it‟s going to be easy. Let her do it. BoR Gretta You know, it was nice to see you with Violet

today. It must be hard not seeing her more.

NP Gretta What does that mean? Look, I just… OR Gretta No. I don‟t think you‟re selfish, depressed

prick. I think you‟ve let your troubles get in the way of your entire life.


Gretta Yeah, it certainly looks that way. I didn‟t mean about the fathers bit.


Gretta Woow, that‟s lovely. PP

Gretta I‟m not giving you access to my music library. I‟m really not. There‟s a lot of embarrassing, very guilty pleasure in there.


Gretta This is a really good choice. Oh yeah. PP Gretta I‟m going to write a song. Actually shut up! BoR Gretta I‟m sorry, wait a minute. Um, do you play


NP Gretta „Cause I read on the internet that you used to

play a bass. So, um, I think seeing as we‟ve got Violet doing some guitar on this, this should be a family affair.


Gretta Yes, you are… you got to do it. You got to do it.

BoR Gretta Guys, can we… sorry. Can we take five? PP



Gretta No, I mean it worked for him. OR

Gretta I would love to hear that. NP

Gretta I think I need to listen to it again. NP Gretta My immediate reaction? OK, um, I think that

you‟ve lost the songs in the production. NP Gretta I really, I just… I think you should get it


NP Gretta You think? Don‟t. Don‟t become this like

music biz couple, you know? Arguing about our, um, our albums.


Gretta Would you? Would you throw it in the ocean? NP Gretta No. no, I just, you know, I think… I think

everything‟s changed. And I‟m… I‟m just finding it a bit hard to adjust.


Gretta Um, take that. NP

Gretta Please don‟t play it like that. OK. BoR Gretta We‟re very glad that you like it. So, NP Gretta Well, I think Dan needs his job back. NP Gretta OK, all right, so how, I mean, I guess I want

to know how does this work? We put the albums out, we sell it for?


Gretta So, I think what I‟m wondering is why do you get nine of ten of my dollars?

NP Gretta We could take the whole gang. You know?

Rachel, Malcolm, Steve. So,

PP Gretta Look, I guess I‟ll see you in a while. Thank


NP Gretta OK, um, I don‟t want your label to release my



Dave Kohl Thank you so much guys! PP

This place is a shit hole. OR Dave Kohl Yeah. I don‟t know if I could do this without

you. It‟s kind of scary. PP Dave Kohl So I would love for us to try a couple of her


NP Dave Kohl Gretta‟s very much a part of the inspiration

behind everything, you know, so I just thought she‟s not just my girlfriend. We‟re partners almost. I just wanted to include her.


Dave Kohl Hey guys, can we do this again? PP NP


Dave Kohl I think… I think I am angry. I think I‟m mad at you „cause it‟s so good. That I hate you a little bit. So incredibly good.


Dave Kohl I don‟t like it. I think it‟s… I love it, and I

think it‟s incredible PP

Dave Kohl I wrote a new song. OR

Dave Kohl Want to hear it? Would you be interested in that?

PP Dave Kohl You‟re like a fucking mind reader. BoR Dave Kohl Uh, call me. Please call me. BoR Dave Kohl Touring was amazing, grueling, punishing,



Dave Kohl God, it‟s amazing… Gretta. PP

Dave Kohl God, it‟s so great. PP

Dave Kohl I cannot believe what he is done with your songs.

PP Dave Kohl Anyway, would you like to go hear it? NP Dave Kohl And if I could somehow say something or do

anything that would undo what I did to us, then just tell me what it is. Help me.


Dave Kohl I know. It makes sense. But we‟re just going to have to find a way to get through this, get through this together.


Dave Kohl I hear you, just take your time, I‟m not going anywhere.

BoR Dave Kohl Come on to Gramercy. On Saturday, please.

Just hear the song, I want you to see how everyone‟s just falling in love with what you created.


Dave Kohl There‟s a guitar right there, so, you know, if

you‟re here, please… please join us. NP Steve Gretta, would you come up here, please? Uh,

just give me a moment.

NP BoR Steve I think it would be a good idea if you‟d come

up and sing one of your songs.


Steve Look at you. Oh my God! PP

Steve This is unbelievable. You‟re total rock star. PP

Steve Have a sit down. BoR

Steve People are going crazy for that here. When I play a show, and the people know I went to college in Bristol, the first thing they ask is if I know your boyfriend.


Steve Do you want to put your head this end or this end?


Steve Do you want a tea? PP

Steve Please, won‟t you come out with me tonight? I‟m going to play some songs down at this open mic tonight. Why don‟t you come with me?


Steve That‟s exactly why you need to come with me. Come on. I insist. Picked that up and come with me. You‟re coming. I‟m not leaving you here. I‟ll come back, I‟ll find your fucking head in the oven. Come with me.


Steve Hi guys! PP

Steve Come on and check. BoR

Steve I don‟t think that‟s cheesy. I think that sounds like a phenomenal song.

NP Steve Yeah, it sounds like a song. I think it sounds

like a song you should write a song right now. NP Steve Just write it down. Write it down, write it

down. You‟re in the zone. Say, “I‟m in the zone”


Steve Don‟t say it like a posh English girl, say it like someone in New York.

BoR Steve Say “I‟m in the fucking zone”! I‟m going to

write a song. I don‟t give a shit!


Steve Oh my God! Violet! PP

Steve We‟re going to play a game, OK? We‟re going to play a song that is impossible to not dance to.