The Procedure of Error

the learner 70 times or 40. Furthermore, the source of error that influenced in her research were interlingual, intralingual, and contex of learning. 26 Furthermore, the other study was by Rina Wahyu Andriyani in An Anlysis on Students’ Error in Using Adjective Clause by second year of SMA Nusantra Plus Ciputat-Tangerang 2012. Her study categorized as a decriptive qualitative research. The objectives of her research are to know the types of errors made by the Second Year Students of SMA Nusantara Plus in using relative pronouns of adjective clause and to know the causes of errors made by the Second Year Students of SMA Nusantara Plus in using relative pronouns of adjective clause. The result of her study, the reseacher found four types of errors that students made in using relative pronoun of adjctive clause, they are; misselection 270 or 64, misordering 88 or 21, addition 37 or 9, and omission 25 or 6. Moreover, the students’ error were caused by ignorance of rule restriction 210 or 49, false concept hypotesized 89 or 21, over generalization 70 or 16, and incomplete application of rules 58 or 14. 27 Based on the related research above, it was almost same as Rina Wahyu Andriyani research that found the type of error and the method of study is descriptive qualitative. In her research, she also found the causes of error in using relative pronouns that occur in adjective clauses. Different from her research, this research only find out the type of error. E. Thinking Framework Grammar is one of language components which is taught intensively in learning English process. It is because grammar shows some rules that describe how words and groups of words can be arranged to sentences in a particular language. 28 Grammar involves a lot of language elements, relative pronouns is one of students should be master. The students used relative pronouns to join two 26 Hanifah Lestyawati, An Analysis on Students’ Error in Using Adjective clause Who, Whose, Whom. 2012 27 Rina Wahyu Andriyani. An Anlysis on Students’ Error in Using Adjective Clause by second year of SMA Nusantra Plus Ciputat-Tangerang.2012 28 Ron Cowan, The Teacher’s Grammar of English: A Course Book and Reference Guide, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008, p. 3 statements that refer to the person or thing in adjective clause relative clause. Language system differences between Indonesian and English in expressing relative pronouns of adjective caluses. These differences sometimes influence students to apply Indonesian grammar rule in expressing English relative pronouns of adjective caluses. Based on explanations above the writer encouraged to conduct this research. She analyzed students’ errors in using relative pronouns of adjective clauses. This analysis has been carried out to recognize the errors that were made by second year students of SMA Fatahillah. In order to find out the types of errors produced. She clasiffied the errors based on Target Modification Taxonomy proposed by James, which consists of omission, addition, misselection, misordering, and blends. 23


A. Place and Time of the Research

This research began by doing the observation at school, this research was conducted on February, 27 th to May, 6 th 2014. The writer took her research at Fatahillah Senior High School, which is located on Jl. Raya Buncit – Amil No. 67 RT 02 RW 05 Jakarta Selatan.

B. Method of the Study

The method of this study is descriptive qualitative. It is used to describe the students’ errors. First, the writer gave the written test to the students in the classroom. Second, the writer collected the student’ test, furthermore she analyzed them by describing the precentage of students’ errors in using realtive pronouns who, whom, which, whose. The last, the writer interpreted the data about what are the types of errors and the most errors that students made.

C. Population and Sample

Population is a significant factor in conducting research. It is the whole subject of research. Based on Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation in Arikunto, “A population is a set a collection of all elements possessing one or more atributes of interest. ” 1 In this case, the subject of the research is the second year of Fatahillah Senior High School with the total number of the students are 146 and are divided into three classes that is both Science and Social. The writer only took one class, XI Social class, which consists of 24 students. 1 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rienka Cipta, 1998, p. 115

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