The Previous Related Study



A. Place and Time of the Research

This research began by doing the observation at school, this research was conducted on February, 27 th to May, 6 th 2014. The writer took her research at Fatahillah Senior High School, which is located on Jl. Raya Buncit – Amil No. 67 RT 02 RW 05 Jakarta Selatan.

B. Method of the Study

The method of this study is descriptive qualitative. It is used to describe the students’ errors. First, the writer gave the written test to the students in the classroom. Second, the writer collected the student’ test, furthermore she analyzed them by describing the precentage of students’ errors in using realtive pronouns who, whom, which, whose. The last, the writer interpreted the data about what are the types of errors and the most errors that students made.

C. Population and Sample

Population is a significant factor in conducting research. It is the whole subject of research. Based on Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation in Arikunto, “A population is a set a collection of all elements possessing one or more atributes of interest. ” 1 In this case, the subject of the research is the second year of Fatahillah Senior High School with the total number of the students are 146 and are divided into three classes that is both Science and Social. The writer only took one class, XI Social class, which consists of 24 students. 1 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rienka Cipta, 1998, p. 115 D. Data Collecting Technique In this part, the writer used three techniques in collecting the data, they are: observation, test, and interview. 1. Observation The writer observed the students’ activity in teaching-learning process.

2. Test

The writer gave the students worksheet to be done based on the writer’s instuctions. After they finished and collected the worksheet, the writer checked their worksheet.

3. Interview

To meet the reason of students’ error in using relative pronouns, the writer used interview to teacher and to students as the technique.

E. Istrument of the Research

In her research, the writer used a test on relative pronouns as an instrument to obtain the data. The test consists of 25 questions. It is divided into two parts. First, it consists of 10 questions of multiple choice, asking the students to choose the right one whether A, B, C, or D. Second, it also consists of 15 questions asking the students to complete the sentences by filling in the blank spaces with the right relative pronouns. The distribution of test and number of each items can be seen in the table below; Table 3.1 Kinds of Relative Pronouns and the Number each Items No. Kinds of Relative Pronouns Number of items 1. Who 6 2. Whom 6 3. Which 6 4. Whose 7 Total 25 Table 3.2 The Number of Multiple Choice Items No. Kinds of Relative Pronouns Number of items 1. Who 2,3,9 2. Whom 5,7 3. Which 1,6 4. Whose 4,8,10 Total 10 Table 3.3 The Number of Completion Items No. Kinds of Relative Pronouns Number of items 1. Who 2,6,14 2. Whom 1,4,8,12 3. Which 7,9,11,13 4. Whose 3,5,10,15 Total 15

F. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze students’ answer in using relative pronouns who, whom, which, whose of adjective clauses, the writer identified the error by using the formula as below: 2 = x 100 Explanation = Percentage f = frequency of each error frequency of wrong answer n = sum of the Errors 2 Allan G. Bluman, Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach, 5 th edition, New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004, p. 68. 26


A. Finding

The writer took one class in second year social of Fatahillah senior high school as the sample consisting of 24 students. The writer gave 25-items test which focused in using relative pronouns who, whom, which, whose. From the test, it is obtained the data of errors which are described as follows. Table 4.1 Recapitulation of Students Types of Error in Using Relative Pronouns which Students’ Made of Multiple Choice and Completion Items Students Name Types of Errors Omission Addition Misselection 1 2 3 4 1 1 - 4 2 1 2 6 3 1 2 6 4 1 - 10 5 2 2 11 6 3 1 5 7 1 2 6 8 1 2 8 9 3 - 6 10 2 - 6 11 1 2 7 12 2 1 7 13 3 - 3 14 3 - 5 15 4 - 9

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