Durativity Punctuality Situation Types In The Novel Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban

19 punctual cannot be used with this meaning because the events referred to by this type of verb do not accupy a period of time. Punctual verbs can be put into the progressive, but in this case the use of this tense must be interpreted in a special way- not to mean that an event is “onging” but that it is being repeated Examples : 30 Harry is writing to Jill We are referring to just one writing event. 31 Harry is knocking on Jills door. We are referring to several knocking events, saying that Harry knocked several times in other words. 5. With some other punctual verbs, such as “arrive” or “die” when a progressive tense is used, the interpretation is that a reference is being made not to arrival or a death but to the approach of one of those punctual events. Examples : 32 Jack phoned Jill, and told her that Harry’s plane was arriving. It means that although Harry’s plane had not yet arrived, it would arrive very soon.

b. Punctuality

Punctuality is one of the factors that explains the incompatibility of some verbs with the progressive, and aspectual verbs like “stop”, “finish”, “start” either exclude punctual verbs as complements or provide them with a particular e.g. 20 oterative interpretation. Punctual verbs have very short duration, the time occupied to express the process is longer than the time occupied to perform it. Examples : 33 The soldier startedfinished shooting an narrow nor It means that soldier had completed the action that shout the narrow. 21 CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE STUDY

3.1. Research Design

In scientific analysis, there is a method which is used to support the process of analyzing the object of the study. There are some methods which are applied in this study. Firstly, qualitative method is used in order to explain and describe the data. According to Bungin 2001:124 – 125,”Data kualitatif diungkapkan dalam kalimat serta uraian-uraian, bahkan dapat berupa cerita pendek” Qualitative data is applied in sentence and description, even in short story. The next method which is used is descriptive method. According to Fraenkel and Wallen 1993:23 state that descriptive method is used to explain, analyze, and classify something through various techniques, survey, interview, questionnaire, and test.

3.2. Data and Source of Data

The data of this thesis is all sentences consist of situation types in the and the sources of data are the novel of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The writer was observed to find out the sentence which consists of the state situation types

3.3. Data Collecting Method

The data which was analyzed in this study is the state situation in the novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.The data that are considered to be 22 relevant for this study are collected by using technique of sampling. Purposive sampling is used to collect the required data. Bailey 1987:94 also cites: “In purposive sampling the investigator does not necessarily have a quota to fill from within various strata, as in quota sampling, but neither does ge or she just pick the nearest warm bodies, as in convenience sampling. Rather, the researcher uses his or her on judgement about which respondents to choose and picks only those who best meet the purposes of the study.” In addition Arikunto 2006:139 says, “Sampel bertujuan atau purposive sample dilakukan dengan cara mengambil subjek bukan didasarkan atas strata, random atau daerah tetapi didasarkan atas adanya tujuan tertentu. Teknik ini biasanya dilakukan karena beberapa pertimbangan, misalnya alasan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga, dan dana sehingga tidak dapat mengambil sample yang besar dan jauh” purpose of sample or purposive sample is done by taking a subject not based on strata, random or area, but is based on a certain purpose. This technique is usually done because of some considerations, for example the limitation of time, energy, and find, so it cannot take a great and far sample.

3.4. Data Analyzing Method

1. Reading the novel 2. Identifying the state situation in the novel 3. Classifying the state situation into four types 1 states 2 activities 3 achievements 4 accomplishment 4. Tabulating the data