Focus of the Study. Research Question. Objectives of the Study. Significances of the Study. The Method of the Study.

15 The short story Mother’s Hair on the Jakarta Post by Hamzah Puadi Ilyas is a literary text that will be analyzed by the writer to the stylistic approach. The short story has various events. The writer concerns that there are many kinds of stylistics used by the author in the short story Mother’s Hair. One of them is the illusion word or Figurative Language at the following sentence: “Tunggal, my son, go to the Guava tree beside our house. The tree has borne fruit. ” 7 The sentence above is a form of figurative language that used by the author in personification form. It explains that the dead things have the attributes of human being. Besides that, there is Simile on this sentence: “Then I saw a black shadow pulling at mother’s hair, accompanied by a howl, like a wolf. ” 8 The sentence above explains that the author uses word of Like. So, in this case, the writer will analyze more deeply about stylistic that used by the author on short story Mother’s Hair.

B. Focus of the Study.

Based on of background of the study above, this analyzing will concentrate on the stylistic used by the author on short story Mother’s Hair. 7 Hamzah Puadi Ilyas, “Mother`s Hair; Short Story”, Jakarta Post Jakarta, May 20 2007, p.8 8 Ibid. 16

C. Research Question.

Based on focus of analysis, there are few questions such as: 1. What are the figurative languages of stylistics used on the Jakarta Post Short Story Mother’s Hair? 2. What messages do the stylistic on Jakarta Post’s Short Story Mother’s Hair convey to the readers?

D. Objectives of the Study.

As usual, the analysis aims to know the style used by the author at his literary work on the Jakarta Post short story Mother’s Hair. The analysis especially tries to delve: 1. To describe a stylistic terms existing on the short story Mother’s Hair. 2. To know what the message will be given by the author to the reader in form of the stylistic on the short story Mother’s Hair.

E. Significances of the Study.

The writer expects that the analysis give the positive knowledge for the literature. The analysis is specially expected that will be very advantage for the reader who has desire to know the stylistic analysis which can be used in prose, especially in short story form. 17

F. The Method of the Study.

1. Method. A stylistic analysis refers to the problem and the aim of the analysis. So, the writer uses a qualitative analysis. By the descriptive analysis explanation, the writer tries to answer the questions which appear, and then the writer gives descriptive explanation to commit the analysis based on the sources of documentation. 2. The Analysis of Data. The analysis of data is analyzed to the stylistic theories which are aimed to know the stylistic used on short story Mother’s Hair and the meaning which content on that stylistic. 3. The Technique of Data Analysis. On this time, the qualitative analysis is using the writer as an instrument to get a qualitative data. This analysis has function to know the meaning of stylistic used such as signing, clustering, and giving the notes on short story Mother’s Hair. 4. The Unit of Analysis. In this case, the unit of analysis is short story Mother’s Hair on the Jakarta Post May 20, 2007. The story told about a mother entered a real life with her son together. 18

G. Time and Place of Analysis.

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