Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Three Components of Education

A. Module 1: Introduction

This is the first meeting for the subject of English Lesson Plan. This subject is very important for teachers and prospective teachers. As a professional teacher, they have to master three competencies, 1 personality competence, 2 pedagogic competence, 3 professional competence, and 4 social competence. One of sub- competence of the pedagogic competence is “designing and implementing teaching and learning process” or “merancang dan melaksanakan pembelajaran” Suparlan, Menelusuri Jejak Sejarah Perkembangan Kompetensi Guru di Indonesia. So, write English Lesson Plan is an essential indicator for the pedagogic competence. In this introduction first meeting we just want to remind the students about: 1 Definition of Curriculum in the National Education System, 2 Three Components of Education in the National Education System. For more understanding to the two concept, the students are to be advised refer to UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang National Education System stated that: “Kurikulum adalah seperangkat rencana dan pengaturan mengenai tujuan, isi, dan bahan pelajaran serta cara yang digunakan sebagai pedoman penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan tertentu” Pasal 1 Butir 19 or “Curriculum is a set of plans and organization on objectives, content, and teaching materials and methods used as guidance for the implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational objectives In national education system, curriculum is one of the important component of education. In short sentence, it said that curriculum is learning materials that we transfer to the students in instruction process.

B. Module 2: Three Components of Education

Education is a system. What is national education system? UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional also stated that as below: “Sistem Pendidikan Nasional adalah keseluruhan komonen pendidikan yang saling terkait secara terpadu untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan nasional” Pasal 1, butir 3 or “National Education System is a whole component of education that interrelated and integrated to achieve national education goals” 1 This definition of national education system indicated that in the system, there are elements of the whole system: 1 components of education, 2 the components are interrelated and integrated as a whole, and 3 national education goals. The national education system can be illustrated in a simple chart as below: In another chart, the national education system can be illustrated as below: Resource: EFA Global Monitoring Report 2005, UNESCO, page 36. Peserts Didik PROSES OUTPUT OUTCOMES GURU, KURIKULUM, FASILITAS PENDIDIKAN ALAM: GEOGRAFIS, DEMOGRAFIS SOSEKBUD: KEMAMPUAN SOSIAL EKONOMI, KEBUDAYAAN, DSB. Enabling inputs Teaching and learning materials Physical infrastructur and facilities Human resources: teachers, principles, inspectors, supervisors, administrators School governance Outcomes Literacy, numeracy and life skills Creative and emotional skills Values Social benefits Learner Characteristics Aptitude Perseverance School readiness Prior knowledge Barriers to learning Teaching and learning Learning time Teaching methods Assessment, feedback, incentives Class size Context o Economic and labour market conditions in the community o Educational knowledge and support infrastructure o Public resources available o Philosophical standpoint of teacher and learner o Peer effects o National standards o Public expectation o Labour market demands o Socio-cultural and rreligious factors for education o Competitiveness of the o Parental support o Time available for o Globalization o Aid strategies teaching profession on the labour market o Schooling and homework o National governance and management strategies 2 A school is also a system. In the system, there are many components of education. The components are: 1. The learners or peserta didik anak didik, siswa 2. Principal or headmaster or kepala sekolah 3. Teacher or educator or pendidik atau guru 4. Administration staffs or staf tata usaha 5. Curriculum or kurikulum 6. Educational fasilies or sarana dan prasarana pendidikan 7. Parents of the students and society or orang tua siswa dan masyarakat. Based on the producttion function theory, components of education can be classified as: 1. Component of raw input Component raw input is the learners with all individual differences, wether in physical or in mental, also because of their background of social- economics and social-culture, and also academic readiness. In another words, the learners has differences in a interest, potency, academic ability and also non-academic ability, b physical and mental health, c socio- economic condition of their family. 2. Component of instrumental input: a. Human resources: principal, teacher, administration staff, laboran, learning resources center, librarian, laboran, etc. b. Physical infrastructures: school building, books, etc. c. Curriculum, library, laboratory, etc. 3. Component of environmental input: a. Geographical and demographic condition b. Social, economics, and culture. 4. Educational process is an educative interaction between ther teacher and the students. Educational process is called the teaching and learning process. 5. Output is about how many student will graduated from the school, how many DO drop out from the school. 6. Outcomes is the result of education. It is about competencies of the students, such as literacy, numeracy, social skills, values, and other competencies of the students. From all of the components of education, there are three components of education that the most important. The three components are 1 teacher, 2 student, and 3 curriculum. Teacher is the one that responsible to transfer learning materials to the students. Student is the subject of education, and in short sentence, curriculum is what will be transferred from the teacher to the students. 3

C. Module 3: The Important of Planning