Module 3: The Important of Planning Module 4: Lesson Plan and National Education Standards

C. Module 3: The Important of Planning

Planning is very important aspect in our daily life. In management theory, planning is one of the functions of management. The management function are called as POAC, there are 1 planning, 2 organizing, 3 actuating, and 4 controlling. A good planning is almost equal with fifty percent of the process of the program and activity implementation. So, planning is the first thing that very important in our life. Planning is also very important in the teaching and learning process. People said that “who don’t make a plan, make a fail”. It is very understandable. Before the teacher stand in front of class, they have to make a good planning. It is what we called “LESSON PLAN” or in Indonesian terminology we can called “Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran RPP. Last time Indonesian school use terminology that called “LESSON UNIT” or Satuan Pembelajaran. The terminologies are different, but actually there are the same things. Writing English Lesson Plan for English teacher is the important activity. Every teacher should write their lesson plan, before they teach. This writing process of lesson plan is one of an essential indicator of the competence of the teacher. Again, please do remember this wise word: “WHO DON’T MAKE A PLAN, MAKE A FAIL. Do you like this wise word?

D. Module 4: Lesson Plan and National Education Standards

In PP Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan SNP, there are eight national standards of education: 1. Standard of content isi; 2. Standard of process proses; 3. Standard of competence of the student kompetensi siswa; 4. Standard of teacher and educational personnel pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan; 5. Standard of educational management pengelolaan; 6. Standard of facilities sarana dan prasarana; 7. Standard of financial pembiayaan; 8. Standard of educational evaluation penilaian pendidikan. The national standards of education are closed to lesson plan. Teachers, who want to write lesson plan, they have to refer to most of the standards, especially to standard of content, because it is explaining about curriculum, and other standards, such as standard of process, standard of student competence, and also standard of educational evaluation. Please discuss these issues on the national standards of education and the relationship with lesson plan Which standards that are highly closed relationship with the process of writing lesson plan? 4

E. Module 5: Syllabus