Fifth Meeting Sixth Meeting

correction by giving more examples to makethe students more understand about their mistake. To make students clearer understand about the past tense, the researcher gave video about past tense. Students looked very enthusiast watched the video. Researcher use different technique to engage students’ motivationin class.After that, students revise their drafts that they made in the previous meeting, then students submitted it. The researcher also gave them explanation to her notes that might be not be understood by the students. In JCoT, students made their draft based on the text given individually. While reading the text, they had to fill in the blank spaces with the right simple past tense and answer the questions to check their understanding on what they should write in orientation, complication and resolution. From the tasks, the students understood how to write a good narrative text. The following field note presents the students’ behaviour during the teaching and learning process. At the end of the class, the researcher asked the students to submit their writing. Then the researcher reviewed about the generic structure, language features and the purpose of the narrative texts and asked the students’ opinion The researcher focused on the task of filling in the missing parts of sentences with the correct tense. This task was aimed to improve their skills on the use of simple past tense in writing narrative texts. After finished completing the story and answering some questions related to the organization of the text, the researcher and the students discussed the task together. They did the task enthusiastically.They also answered the questions correctly. FN.1304-04-2013 about the lesson. They felt happy and the lesson could run well. As the bell ringing, the researcher ended the class.

c. Third Meeting

The researcher started the class by greeting the students, checking their attendance and asking one of the students to lead the prayer. Then the researcher asked about what they did in the last meeting. She did brainstorming to elicit the students’ ideas by asking some questions related to the teaching and learning in the previous meeting. The researcher gave students the narrative text and asked the students to answer the question and discuss the generic strictures, language features of the text. After discussed together, they need to rearrange the jumbled paragraph of narrative writing in pairs. It motivated them and more comprehend the generic structure of the text. The researcher distributed another comic stripto the students. She asked the students to study the comic strips by asking “what did the pictures tell about?” or “what did they do in this picture?”Then she asked them one by one to mention some action verbs and objects that they found in the pictures. At the same time the students mentioned them, the researcher wrote the words on the white board, so that the students could use those words in writing the story. After studying the pictures, the students did outlining and drafting to write narrative text. In this meeting, the researcher found that the students’ difficulties to writenarrative texts were decreasing. They knew what they should write in the