Report of Cycle 1 Implementation of the Actions

together.They werevery attracted to the comic strips and paid attention to the board because it was the first time they got this medium in their writing class. The students gave their opinion on the differences and the similaritiesof narrative text and comic strips. “Can you mention the difference between the text and the comic strip?” Some students answered, but most of all were silent. After asking their opinion, the researcher explained the function of the comic strips to guide the students easier in writing a narrative text. After explained the narrative text, the social function and the language features of narrative text, she gave some questions to the students to make the students understand about narrative text. The researcher asked the students about comic that they ever read, and discussed the story and divided it based on the generic structure of narrative text. The students interested in answering the questions about narrative story. Most of allanswer the narrative story ever played in movies and novels. When R asking about the comic strips, they answer “comic strips itu ada gambarnya, kalau cerita narrative itu tidak ada”there were pictures in comic strips, and there is not in narrative text, or “lebih jelas comic strips daripada cerita narrative”comic strip is clearer than narrative text. When R asked about other comic strips, most students mention some titles, such as Laskar Pelangi, Spiderman, Cinderella, and many more. R tried to took one from the students’ examples, and discuss it together based on the generic structure of narrative text. Many students still confused divide the story as orientation, complication and resolution. FN.0721-03-2013 The students could tell the story easier. They also knew well about the story of ‘The Little Red Riding Hood’. They were familiar with the story, so that the researcher was easier in explaining it based on the generic structure and language features of narrative text. The following presents their statements after the researcher used the comic strips in the modelling stage. R : Sebelumnya pernah engga diajarin text pakai comic strips kayak tadi?‘Have you ever taught a text using comic strip before? S1 : Engga Miss. Biasanya cuma dikasih text dari buku atau LKS. ‘Not yet Miss. Usually we got text from textbook or worksheet’ R :Trus gimana pendapat kalian waktu Miss nunjukin gambar tadi buat jelasin narrative text? ‘So, what is your opinion when I showed the comic strips to explain the narrative text?’ S1 : Lebih menarik comic strips nya Miss daripada textnya.‘It was more interesting the comic strips than the text Miss’ S2 : Iya Miss, jadi lebih jelas ceritanya.Gak banyak kata-katanya‘Yes Miss, Its more understandable. It consist less words’ R : Tentang apa? ‘About what?’ S1 : Bisa membayangkan ceritane Miss walaupun tadi ga ngerti bahasa inggrise . ‘I could imagine the story although I did not understand the English text’ R : Oh urutan ceritanya ya? ‘Oh about the order of the story?’ S2 : Iya Miss. ‘Yes Miss’ S1 : Iya Miss jadi lebih paham narrative text‘I understand what a narrative text is’ Interview transcript11 23-03-2013 Before the students came to real writing session,they need to comprehend the generic structure of narrative text. The teacher asked them to answer based on narrative text. After answer and discussed it together, students are also got task to choose the right verbsand the punctuation in a text showing the past events. Most of the students looked at their dictionaries to find the simple past verbs. They were motivated to answer the right options.