Bella cut Dr. Deliana, M.Hum Supervisor

Firs blessing an requirement Studies, Un I w parents, Ism loves and fi My advice, kno completene mind to go Fu Head of En and his time as the Dean study in Fac for giving m Sp typing and bored. st of all, I w nd giving me ts to get Di niversity of N would like to mail Lubis inancial. I pre y thank also owledge, cri ss. Thank yo ahead….. urthermore I w nglish Diplom e to read and n of Faculty culty of Cult me advices an ecial thank correcting th ACK would like to e health, stre iploma III c North Sumate o express m and Wilda esent this pap goes to my s itics, and hi ou Mom, for would also l ma Study Pro d give sugge of Culture S ture Studies, nd knowledg for my only his paper and KNOWLED thank and p ength and ea certificate fro era. my deep grat Hanifa. Tha per for you. super superv is precious shared your ike to thank ogram and as stions for thi Studies, Univ then for all ge. y one sibling d gave some j DGEMENTS praise to the ase to accom om English titude, love, ank you for visor Dr. Del time in rea life experien to Dr. Mati s a reader, w is paper. And versity of No lecturers in E

g, Bella cut

jokes to mak S Almighty G mplish this p Department and apprec all motivati liana, M.Hu ding and co nces to me, so ius C.A. Sem who gives me d also Dr. Sy orth Sumatra English Dipl te. Thanks to ke me relax w God, Allah S paper as one Faculty of ciation to my ions, advices m for given orrecting thi o that I can o mbiring, M.A e a lot of kno yahron Lub a for allowin loma Study P o companied when I felt st WT for e of the Culture y super s, prays, n me her is paper open my A as the owledge bis, M.A ng me to Program d me to tuck and Universitas Sumatera Utara To my best friends: Amel stresss, Iin, Ciknoer, Delta, Rani, Naffi, and all SOLIDAS B-Class 2008 who I cannot mention you all one by one here, thank you so much for the nice friendship during our study. I will be missing the days we spent together. The last but not the least thanks to my sister Beby Selvia and my brother Eza Fahlevy who give me secret spirit in completing this paper. Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper. Medan, June 21 th , 2011 The writer, Nurminah Oktavia Lubis Reg. No. 082202060 Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION……………………………………. i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION…………………………………. ii ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………… iii ABSTRAK ……………………………………………………… iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………… v TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………… vii 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………… 1 1.1 The Background of Study……………………………………… 1 1.2 The Scope of Study ………………………………………. 2 1.3 The Purpose of Study ………………………………………. 2 1.4 The Significance of Study……………………………………… 3 1.5 The Method of Study ………………………………. 3 2. GENERAL CLARIFICATION ON INTRINSIC …………. 4 ELEMENTS IN LITERATURE 2.1 Theme ………………………………………………………… 4 2.2 Plot ………………………………………………………… 5 2.3 Character ………………………………………………………… 10 2.4 Setting ………………………………………………………… 14 3. THE ANALYSIS OF INTRINSIC ELEMENTS IN EDITH.…. 17 NESBIT NOVEL THE RAILWAY CHILDREN 4. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS………………………. 26 4.1 Conclusions ……………………………………………… 26 4.2 Suggestions ……………………………………………… 27 REFERENCES APPEDINCES Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK Novel adalah salah satu bentuk karya sastra yang banyak masyarakat penikmat karya sastra. Sebuah novel yang hadir kehadapan pembaca adalah sebuah totalitas, dalam arti merupakan satu kesatuan organik antara unsur yang satu dengan unsur-unsur yang lain. Unsur-unsur tersebut merupakan bagian internal sastra yang menjadikan novel menjadi sebuah kesatuan seperti tema, plot, karakter, dan latar. Penulis mengambil salah satu novel Edith Nesbit “ The Railway Children”. Untuk dasar analisis, penulis menggunakan teori Maryorie Boulton dalam Anatomy of the novel, yang menyatakan bahwa ada empat unsur yang membangun novel. Yaitu tema, plot, karakter, dan latar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk membuktikan unsur- unsur intrinsik di dalam novel the railway children, yang terdiri dari: Tema, Alur, Karakter, dan Latar. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penulis mengambil langkah- langkah analisis terdiri dari empat bagian, yaitu : 1 penelitian pustaka, penulis membaca buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan kesusteraan khususnya analisis kajian fiksi yaitu memperoleh informasi yang lengkap serta pemahaman yang mendalam, 2 membaca keseluruhan teks 3 menganalisis teks, penulis menganalisa unsur-unsur intrinsik 4 menjelaskan temuan-temuan yang di dapatmemberikan pendapat akhir tentang hasil analisis yang dicapai secara objektif. Tema novel The Railway Children adalah tema moral dan tema hukum. Di dalam ini tampak adanya penyusunan cerita ke dalam bentuk alur yaitu 1 Alur berdasarkan kriteria urutan waktu, yaitu alur lurus, progresif. 2 Alur berdasarkan kriteria jumlah, yaitu single plot, 3 Alur berdasarkan kriteria isi, yaitu alur penghukum. Dalam novel ini terdapat penggarapan perwatakan pelaku. Jumlah pelaku sekitar 3 sampai 15 orang, terdiri dari pelaku utama dan pelaku tambahan Waktu yang dijadikan latar adalah pukul 09.15 am dan 10.07 am. Latar yang menunjukan tempat berlangsungya peristiwa di villa Edgecombe. Latar social menunjukkan bahwa tokoh-tokoh harus beradaptasi dari hidup yang mewah dan kemudian hidup dengan serba biasa. Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT Novel is a form of literature that much-loved literary lovers community. A novel presented to readers is a totality, in a sense is an organic unity between the elements one with the other elements. Elements are the internal parts that make literary novel into a unity such as theme, plot, character, and background. The author takes one of the novel Edith Nesbit “ The Railway Children”. For basic analysis, the author uses the theory of Maryorie Boulton in anatomy of the novel, which states that there are four elements that construct a novel that is theme plot, character and background. Research was done in order to prove the intrinsic elements within the novel the railway children, which consist of : theme, plot, character, and background. To achieve these objectives, the authors take measures analysis of four, such as : 1 research literature, the author of books related to literature, especially fiction studies to obtain complete information and a deep understanding. 2 read the entire text. 3 analyze the text, the authors analyze the elements of the intrinsic. 4 explain the findings obtained and give an opinion regarding the ultimate result achieve an objective analysis. Theme of novel The Railway Children is theme of moral and legal. In this novel seem a compilation of three stories into the groove shape, such as 1 plot based on the criterion of times order, progressive plot. 2 plot based on the criterion of number, single plot. 3 plot based on the criterion of content, punished plot. In this novel there is the cultivation of offender disposition. Number of people in about 3 to 15 people, consist of : main character and subordinate character.time which to be background is villa Edgecombe. Background of society is they must adapt with simple life. Universitas Sumatera Utara