

A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for

The Degree of Strata One

NUR QAMARANI NIM. 1110026000013





Nur Qamarani, Conceptual Metaphor on Kevin Rudd, Australian Prime Minister Speech Text, National Apology in 2008. A Thesis: English Letters Department. Letters and Humanities Faculty, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. Jakarta, Desember 2014.

The use of metaphor on Australia‟s Prime Minister text Speech “National

Apology” is discussed. The aim of this research is to find out the metaphor used in the text speech and to understand the meaning of metaphor by metaphor structure

in the “National Apology” text speech.

Qualitative case study is used in this research to gain specific outcome. Sentences or words are collected from National Apology text speech that contain metaphorical sentences or words then classified the data into source and target domain. After that, the systemacity of conceptual metaphor is organized.

From the analysis, some metaphor structures and the correspondences or mappings between both domains are found. The metaphor which commonly used in daily life is concluded. Metaphorical expression can give deeper understanding because they are more expressive and evoke particular sense which can help the hearer to conceive what the speaker means.





I Hereby declare that this submission is my own work, and that to the best of the my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substansial extend that has been accepted for the any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learnig, except, where due knowledge has been made in the text.

Jakarta, December 8 2014



In the name of Allah, the most gracious, praise and grattitude be to Allah for giving the writer ability and health to finish this thesis. Blessing is upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his descendant and his followers.

This thesis is presented to English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Jakarta as partial of requirements for the Degree of Strata One. This thesis could not be completed without a great of

help from many people, especially for Sholikatus Sa‟diyah M.Pd and Dhuha Hadiyansyah M.Hum, as the writer‟s thesis advisors, whose guidance, patience, support and encouragement from the initial to the final level enable her to develop an understanding of the subject. Without their guidance, this thesis could not be completed.

The writer also would like to express the deepest gratitude to those who helped her finishing this thesis, namely:

1. Prof. Dr. Oman Fathurahman, M.Hum, the Dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty.

2. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd, the Assistant of Dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty.

3. Drs. Saefuddin M.Pd, the Head of English Letters Department.

4. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the Secretary of English Letters Department. 5. All the lecturers of English Letters Department who had taught her during


6. The librarians of State Islamic University of Jakarta, and the librarians of UNIKA ATMAJAYA Jakarta.

7. The writer‟s beloved parents: Ibu Tuti and Ayah Ujang who always give her spiritual and financial support during the time of and the process of making this thesis.

8. The writer‟s sister and family who always giving her support, caring and love to finish this thesis.

9. The beloved friends of the writer Lisari Suplin and Nadya Fadhillah who always giving her support, advices, and love

10.To Dian Prasetyo, thank you for every love, pray, support and always giving the writers advices, xoxo.

11. All the writer‟s friends at UIN Jakarta, especially in Lingistics class A and Elbie Family.

Jakarta, December 8 2014


The List of the Table

Table 1 Argument is War ... 16

Table 2 Time is Money ... 18

Table 3 Time is Person ... 24

Table 4 Nation is Person ... 25

Table 5 Nation is Building ... 27

Table 6 History is Book ... 28

Table 7 Life is Journey ... 29

Table 8 Love is Fire ... 30

Table 9 Love is An Opponent ... 31

Tablc 10 Argument is War ... 33

Table 11 Black History is A Shadow ... 34

Table 12 Politics is War ... 35


i ii iii v viii 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 9 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS

ABSTRACT ……….…….... APPROVAL SHEET ………..………


DECLARATION ……….….…….. iv


THE LIST OF TABLE ... ……….……...…. vii



A. Background of Study .……...….……… B. Focus of Study ………...

C. Research Questions ………..…

D. Significance of Study ………...

E. Research Methodology ………....

1. Objectives of the Study ...……….... 2. Research Method ... 3. Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis... 5 4. Research Instrument . ...………... 5. Analysis Unit ………...


A. Previous Studies ...………...………… B. Meaning ...………...

C. Concepts .………... 10

D. Cognitive Metaphor or Conceptual Approach ... 12 E. Sytematicity of Metaphorical Concepts …...



20 21 40 41 41 42 44 1. Source Domain, Target Domain,

Correspondences/Mappings .………... 2. Highlighting and Hiding ……….…... 17

F. Metaphor and Culture ... 18 CHAPTER III Research Findings ………..………... 20

A. The Data Description …..………...

B. The Data Analysis ………..………


A. Conclusions ...……….

B. Suggestions..……….…..






Background of Study

Cognitive semanticist proposes the common human experience of maturing and interacting in society motivates basic conceptual structures which make understanding language possible.1 Thus, the way human speak and understand is always affected by their knowledge and cognition.

Every text has a communicative purpose, including speech.2 However, speech is an activity of public speaking to express an opinion or give an idea about something. Speech is delivered by a person who gives speeches and statements about an issue or event that is important and should be discussed.3

However, some communiation techniques are required in order to deliver speech efficiently. One of them is diction. Diction is style of speaking and writing determine by the choice by of words by a speaker or a writer.4 The diction will be very helpful to orator to communicate ideas.5 An orator is often creates a new meaning of the word or daily phrase who already have literally meaning. For example people are already familiar with the word, “Stand on your own feet”.


John Saeed, Semantics 2nd Edition (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003), p. 379 2

Literary Devices, Definition and Examples of Literary Terms, Acessed on September 5, 2014.

3 Ibid., 4

Ibid., 5


This word is not only relevant to human kinetic system but society can understand it as analogy of economic independence, social, politic, and cultural.

A politically idea can be very difficult to understand for amongst people who did not touch by its field. Thus, the delivery of ideas is supported by metaphorically process. Many metaphors are used to convey statements and ideas to the public. The most figurative used in text is metaphor. The word “metaphor” comes from Greek metha and phrein. Metha refer to the word “over” and phrein

“to bear” and “to carry”, and means “the carrying of meaning of one word over to another word”.6Metaphor defines as “a word phrase used in an imaginative way to describe something or somebody else, in order to show the same qualities and to make the description more powerfull”.7 Metaphor is pervasive in everyday life not just in language but in thought and action.

There are many reasons why metaphor used in speech or writing because there is sometimes no other word to refer a particular thing. People use metaphor in order to communicate what they think or how they feel about something, to explain what a particular thing is like, or to convey a meaning in more interesting or creative way.8

This is the way in which the Prime Minister of Australia perceives speech through his petition to provide his thought to the Australian public. On February 13, 2008 Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, moves to apologize to the

6Olive Classe, (ed), “Metaphor and Translation,”

Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English (London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers), Vol 2, p. 941


Oxford Advanced Dictionary (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 837 8

Murray Knowles and Rosamund Moon, Introducing Metaphor (London: Routledge, 2005), p. 3


indigenous people of Australia, especially to stolen generations. The Australian government dispatched more than 100 representatives of the stolen generations to witness the apology uttered by the Prime Minister of Australia at the parliament.

In his speech, many metaphorical expressions are found to express his idea. Thus, the concept mapping between domains, namely source and target domain that is a main concept to identify cognitive metaphor is analyzed. This mapping will be concluded into structure metaphor. This perspective helps to demonstrate a conceptual idea in speaker mind through language. Therefore, the writer assumes the metaphor that occurs in a sentence can be explained through Lakoff and Johnson cognitive theory.

A. Focus of the Study

Focus of this study is to analyze the structures and meaning of metaphor sentences contained in text speech of Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd‟s

„National Apology‟ on February 13, 2008 to Australia indigenous people in the House Of Representatives Gallery at parliament house.

B. Research Questions

1. How the structures of conceptual metaphor which contained in the text speech? 2. What are the meaning of metaphor that contained in the text speech?

C. Sigificance of the Study

1. To convey the structures of conceptual metaphor from the metaphorical sentence used in National Apology text speech by Kevin Rudd using conceptual metaphor theory conducted by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson


2. To discover the metaphorical meaning used in National Apology text speech by Kevin Rudd using the meaning theory conducted by Francois Recanati.

C. Research Methodology 1. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this research are to find the structures of conceptual

metaphor that leads to understand the meaning of Kevin Rudd‟s

National Apology text speech. 2. Research Method

The method used in this research is qualitative case study. According to Merriam (1988), as quoted by Nunan, qualitative case study can be defined as an intensive, holistic description, and analysis of a single entity, phenomenon or social unit. Case studies are particularistic, descriptive and heuristic and rely heavily on inductive reasoning in handling multiple data sources.9 The result of this research will be described in analytical description. Meanwhile, this research will be analyzed with conceptual metaphor theory by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. The analysis will be found the conceptual metaphor that leads to meaning and the function of metaphorical language based on conceptual metaphor theory.


David Nunan, Research Methods in Language Learning, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), p. 77


3. Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis

In this research, the technique of data collecting will use bibliography technique (teknik kepustakaan). According to Subroto, this technique used written sources to collect data.10 Using semantic field in data collecting therefore the relevant data will be included with the context sentence in each data. The data are collected by using written sources that is National Apology text speech to obtain data. The metaphorical language will be observed directly, it will be noted into data cards based on National Apology text speech delivered by Kevin Rudd. When collecting data cards are complete, then data cards will be shuffled and picked up randomly. After that, the chosen data will be classified based on the concepts which are found in the metaphorical linguistic expression. After the classification of the data based on the concept has done, the next step is finding the systematicity of metaphorical sentence to see the relation between source domain and target domain in the concept. The last is identifying the meaning of the metaphorical sentence used in National Apology text speech.

4. Research Instrument

The research instrument used on this research is the data card that contain data which taken from National Apology speech text that has metaphorical language.


D. Edi Subroto, Pengantar Metode Penelitian Linguistik Struktural (Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press, 1992), p. 42


5. Analysis Unit

The unit of analysis of this study is „National Apology‟ text speech by Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd on February 13, 2008.11


Sydney Morning Herald. Acessed on August 5, 2014. http:// www.



Theoretical Description


Previous Studies

In this part of theoretical description, this is not the only one research that discusses about metaphor, because five previous researches that have the same discussion are found. The first research comes from Lailiyyatuz Zuhriyyah (2011) entitled “ An Analysis of Metaphor and Metonymy on Stephanie

Meyer‟s Novel Breaking Dawn”. This research is focused on metaphor and metonymy in breaking dawn novel. Some types of metaphor and metonymy are found in this research.12

The same theory has been used by a student of English Letter from Widyatama University Tania Azhar (2013) entitled “ An Analysis of metaphor

„Argument is War‟ in Business News of English Newspaper: A Semantic Study ”. In this research, the theory that applied is correlated with semantic field, such as mappings and offense-defense metaphor. The research findings shows that metaphoric language utterance of war terms based on metphor mappings. The dominant metaphor that found is offensive category.13

Another research wrote by a student of English Letters student from

Widyatama University, Mila Puspitasari (2013) entitled “An Analyze of

12Lailiyyatuz Zuhriyyah, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “An Analysis of Metaphor and Metonymy on Stephenie Meyer‟s Novel Breaking Dawn”, (Faculty of Letters and Humanity, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2011).


Tania Azhar, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “ An Analysis of Metaphor

„Argument is War‟ in Business News of English Newspaper: A Semantic Study”,


Metaphor Ontology on Stephenie Meyer‟s Novel The Twilight New Moon and

The Twilight Eclipse”. This research is aimed to describe and analyze the ontology metaphor into four metaphor category such as: a) events, activities, and states are entities, b) event, activities, and states are containers, and c) visual fields are containers. This research has gained the outcome that states are entities are dominant data.14

Another research about metaphor has been analyzed by Ida Vestermark entitled Metaphors in Politics: A Study of the Metaphorical Personification of America in Political Discourse. This paper observed the conceptual metaphors of personification in American inaugural addresses, for what the metaphor are used and what do they suggest to the audience. The analysis proved that all presidents used metaphors in personalizing America to activate the emotions of the listener. The analysis also revealed the importance of interpreting metaphors based on the context, because sometimes the language not always interprets metaphorically.15

The last analysis wrote by Bintarti Mayang Sari, a student from University of Indonesia, with the title Metafora Dalam Pidato Charles De Gaulle Pada Perang Dunia II. The analysis focused on metaphor categorization and its meaning from an independence speech delivered by a French politician named De Gaulle, using Lakoff and Johnson conceptual

14Mila Puspitasari, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “

An Analyze of Metaphor Ontology on Stephenie Meyer‟s Novel The Twilight New Moon and The Twilight Eclipse”.

(Fakultas Bahasa, Universitas Widyatama Bandung, 2013). 15

Ida Vestermark, Extended Essay: “Metaphors in Politics Essay; A Study of The Metaphorical Personification of America in Political Discourse”, (Department of Language and Culture, Luleå University of Technology, 2007).


metaphor theory to show how a politics speech can be easier to understand by the listener and also can be easier to deliver by De Gaulle to share his concepts and point of view toward the actual situation in France. In this analysis, there are several concepts of metaphor used by De Gaulle to made French society easier to access De Gaulle‟s message. Metaphor in his speech showed the concept of his state of mind as a leader of French, toward the complicated actual situation in World War II to achieve real independence.16

Finally, from the previous researches above haven‟t mentioned the structure of metaphorical language; therefore this is the obvious reason why this research will be seen as newer and interesting research to analyze.




In the study of meaning, it can not be apart from kind of meaning called literal meaning. The literal meaning of a linguistics expression is its conventional meaning: the maeaning it has in virtue of the conventions which are constitutive of the language. Thus, understood literal meaning is a property of the expression type; for it is the expression type which the conventions of the language endow with a particular meaning.17 Whenever the meaning which the expression actually conveys departs, from that literal meaning, it is

said to be „non-literal‟, in ordinary sense of term, non-literal meaning contrast with normal meaning. Non-literal meaning is special, it involves a form of

16Binarti Mayang Sari, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “Metafora Dalam Pidato Charles De Gaulle Pada Perang Dunia II”, (Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, University of Indonesia, 2012).


Francois Recanati, Literal Meaning (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), p. 68


deviance or departure from the norm; a form of deviance or departure which must be transparent to language users.18

If people hear someone says “there goes a fox!” it is refer to literal meaning that there is a wild animal of the dog with red fur and a bushy tail, but if people hear someone says, “the fox is promised to help her” the listener have to refer to the non-literal meaning because that is impossible for fox to help a human, but if they force to take to the literal meaning that the fox here means a wild animal of the dog with red fur and bushy tail the meaning will become illogical. However, if the listener is refer to somebody that full of trick, the meaning will be accepted.

The paradigm case of literal meaning is metaphor. Cognitive linguists reject the so called substitution theory of metaphor according to which a metaphorical expression replaces some literal expression that has the same meaning. However, metaphorical meaning has a special character that distinguishes it from any literal meaning, it has the same range of basic functions as literal meaning. Thus, many metaphorical expression have a heavy load of expressive meaning. But so do literal expressions. In other words, metaphorical meaning is not, at least in basic functional respect, a special kind of meaning: it is rather the case that metaphor is the result of special process for arriving at, or construing a meaning.19


Ibid., p. 81 19

William Croft and D. Alan Cruse, Cognitive Linguistics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), p. 194




Saeed described concepts as follows “The sense of the some words, while mental, is not visual, but a more abstract element: a concept.”20 However, another definition of concept is taken, acording to Oxford dictionary the definition of concepts is as follows:

“Concepts is an idea or mental image which corresponds to some distinct

entity or class of entities, or to its essential features, or determines the

application of terms (especially predicates).”21

Thus, concepts is a mental image or mental abstract that refers to an entity and equal with the meaning of the word. As stated by Saeed that concepts are corresponds to single word, that are lexicalized.22 To make it clearer the writer takes the example as follows:

a) We‟re designing a device for cooking food by microwaves.

From the example above, the word microwave is two-word label from the word micro-wave oven, but is now usually called just a microwave. Microwave is a concept which is lexicalized from the understanding of a tool that is used for cooking and warmimg food. Moreover, not all concepts are like this, some concepts are described by phrase. The following example will be describe the concepts by phrase:

b) On the shopping channel, I saw a tool for compacting dead leaves into garden statuary.


John Saeed, Op. Cit., p. 34 21

Oxford Dictionary 22


From the example above, the concepts views from the usability. If every home ends up having a tool to turn leaves into statues, a name for it will be invented when new concepts or new words were given to them.

However, Saeed stated that concept views as list of knowledge. If we have concept like zebra, we might agree with some attribute that is an animal, has four legs, is striped, and is herbivore.23 Thus, from the explanation before it can be concluded that concept is a mental image of the entities that relate to one another and form a meaning.


Cognitive Metaphor or Conceptual Approach

According to Lakoff and Johnson conceptual metaphor is the understanding of one thing to another term.24 Conceptual metaphor is a system of metaphor that structures everyday conceptual system, including most abstract concepts that lie behind everyday language25. Thus, conceptual system plays a central role in defining realities. In conceptual metaphor, one mental domains in terms of another have conceptualized.

Conceptual metaphor employs an abstract concept as target to define a concrete concept as source26. The ordinary conceptual systems in terms of how thought and action are fundamentally metaphorical in nature. In addition, Lakoff and Johnson stated that metaphor governs everyday functioning, perceive concept what have been structured, how view the world, and how


Ibid., p. 35 24

George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, Op.Cit., p. 56 25

Geoge Lakoff, Contemporary Theory of Metaphor, (1992), p.3 26

Zoltan Kovescses, Metaphor: A Practical Introduction (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), p. 7


relate to other people.27 Metaphors are closely corresponding to human conceptual system. To make it clearer the writer takes the examples from Lakoff and Johnson of what it could mean for a concept to be metaphorical and concept to structure an everyday activity.28 The writer takes the example

with the concept “Argument” from conceptual metaphor “Argument is War”. This metaphor is reflected in everyday language by a many varieties expression such as:

He attacked every weak point in my argument.

He shots down all of my argument.

I demolished his argument.

Your claims are indefensible.

I‟ve never won an argument with her.

Many of the things in arguing are partially structured by the concept of war. In fact, as it can be seen, people do not just talk about arguments in term of war but it influences from they thought because that conceptual structures. Someone can actually win or lose arguments, plan and use strategies. If a position is indefensible, it can abandon and take a new line of attack. However, in this sense Argument is War structures the action performs in arguing and of course the term it is influenced by culture. Therefore, there is similarity between conceptual system and experience. The way people talk about argument that way because


George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, Op.Cit., p. 4 28


they conceive that way and they act according to the way they conceive things. From the example above there is similarity between the concept of Argument and the concept of War.

According to Knowles and Moon, dead metaphor is sometimes used to refer to conventional metaphor, especially those which people do not recognize as metaphorical in ordinary use.29 For instance, my spirits rose is a part of up-down metaphor structure, Happy is Up.30 According to conceptual metaphor, this metaphor will be extended like uppers that means stimulant recreational drugs and downers means tranquillizers.

Metaphor helps to understand something abstract. However, most people think that they can get along without metaphor. Yet, on the contrary they finds that metaphor is pervasive in everyday life. Generally, conceptual system naturally comes from the thought. Thus, conceptual system plays a central role in defining everyday realities. Moreover, according to Reddy in Lakoff explained that metaphor is part of conventional way of conceptualizing the world, and everyday behavior that have reflected metaphorical understanding of experience31. Therefore, it can be conclude that conceptual system is largely metaphorical but it has not been noticed by human thought processes.


Knowles and Rosamund Moon, Op.Cit., p 5 30

Saaed, Op.Cit., p. 156 31



Systemacity of Metaphorical Concepts

According to Lakoff and Johnson, there are some terms used to analyzing the elements involved in conceptual metaphor.32 Conceptual metaphor equates two conceptual ideas, those are source domain and target domain. Conceptual metaphor also sees connection between in terms of correspondences or mapping between source and target domain, highlighting and hiding. The following explanation will describe the elements of conceptual metaphor.

1. Source Domain, Target Domain, Correspondences/Mappings

Knowles and Moon stated that conceptual metaphor equates two concept domains as in Argument is War.33 The term source domain is used for the concept area from which is drawn here, War. Moreover, in Argument is War metaphor, the expression from the vocabulary of war is used to describe an idea in Argument. The expressions such as attacking, gaining, win, strategy, indefensible are meaning expression from the vocabulary war. Thus, the concept area of war is as source domain. The concept area to which the metaphor is applied is called target domain.34 The target domain here is Argument. Furthermore, the connection between source and target domain is called correspondences or mappings. Mappings are used to understand and to characterize the relationship between two concepts.35 However, Lakoff and Johnson believe that mappings are not based on similarities but on the correlating elements in source and target domain. To make it clearer the writer


George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, Op. Cit., p. 20 33

Murray Knowles and Rosamund Moon, Op.Cit., p. 26 34

Ibid., pp. 27-28 35


takes the example from metaphorical concept “Argument is War” and the explanation of source, target and mappings will be put on the table below:

Table 1 Argument is War

Source: War Target: Argument Position

Combatant Same position Different position

Opinion Conflict Agreement Disagreement

From the table above, it can be explained that the correspondences or mappings characterized the Argument is War conceptual metaphor. The elements of source domains are in systematic correspondence with the elements of target domains. The aspects in source war is a combatant. In target arguments this corresponds to or map onto conflicts. Finally, it can be concluded that the aspects in concepts of War are map into the concepts of Argument.

The research conducted by Siregar (2010) entitled Emosi dan Kebudayaan dalam Metafora is one of analysis of metaphor in cognitive semantics perspective.36 In his research, he examines the types of metaphor and the system that govern the metaphor to map the social changes that can be tracked through


Siregar, Bahren U. 2009, “Emosi dan Kebudayaan dalam Metafora”. Kongres International Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia. Accesed on September 17, 2014.


metaphorical change. The data used in this research is media press after the 1998 reform. The research conducted by Siregar the writer chooses as one of references because this research shown in brief.

2. Highlighting and Hiding

Not all concepts from source domain can be applied to target domain. When a source domain is applied to a target domain, only some aspects are brought into focus. Highlighting refer to the selective mapping of source domain features onto target domain.37 For instance, in the metaphor ARGUMENT IS WAR, only partial features from WAR can be applied to ARGUMENT. This metaphor highlights conflict and business of winning or losing (such as attacking, defending, and making strategy to gain victory) and hiding other possibilities such as agreement, reconcilement, armistice and compromise. The other features opposite from highlighting called hiding.

Moreover, a source or target domain may have multiple mappings that represent different sets of concepts in each mapping.38 For example, the target domain ARGUMENT has three source domains besides the source domain WAR. ARGUMENT IS A JOURNEY, ARGUMENT IS A CONTAINER and ARGUMENT IS A BUILDING, those metaphors represent different sets of concepts. The JOURNEY metaphor focuses on progress and content, the CONTAINER metaphor highlights the content and the basic of an argument, the BUILDING metaphor captures the aspects of the construction of an argument and


Murray Knowles & Rosamund Moon, Op.cit. p. 33 38


its strength. This means, when a concept has several aspects and the metaphor focuses on one or some aspects, the other aspects will remain hidden or out of focus. Such as in WAR metaphor highlights aspects of control over argument and hides aspects such content, construction, and progress. Therefore, different metaphors may highlights different features of the same target concept and at the same time hide its other features.39


Metaphor and Culture

Conceptual metaphor and culture are related to each other. As stated by Lakoff and Johnson that metaphorical expressions in daily language gives perception into the concept that structure everyday activities.40 For instance, the writer takes an example from the methaporical concepts Time is Money.This metaphor is reflected in daily language by many varieties of expression such as:

I‟ve invested a lot of time in her.

I don‟t have enough time to spare for that. You‟re running out of time.

You‟re wasting my time.

The metaphorical concepts from Time is Money will be drawn on the following table:

Table 2 Time is Money

Source: Money Target: Time

Valuable Precious


Zoltán Kövecses, Op.cit, p. 93 40


Invested Amount

Spend Duration

From the table above it can be explained that Time in western culture seen as valuable commodity and it is used to accomplish the goals. From the examples above, it explains that time is precious, valuable, and limited. Thus, it can be understood how the western culture understands and experiences time as the kind of thing that can be spent, wasted, and invested wisely or poorly.41 As it has

already known that in Indonesian it has the same metaphorical concepts “Waktu adalah Uang” which it is borrowed from “Time is Money” English metaphorical concepts. Yet, in facts, Indonesian people do not trully appreciate the value of

Time” because the way they experience time in terms of money is different as it

has known in term “Biar lambat asal selamat”. From the explanation above, it can conclude that the similarity between conceptual and metaphor is because of the experience and culture which will form a metaphorical structure.42


Ibid., p. 8 42




A. Data Description

In this research, the technique of data collecting is using bibliography technique. The data are collected by using written sources from the text speech of national apology. The steps to collect data are:

1. Download the text speech of National Apology speech from Kevin Rudd from the official website of Parliament House.

2. Read the entire text to determine the metaphorical sentence used in those texts.

3. When collecting data is complete, then data will be chosen randomly. After that, the chosen data will be classified based on the similarity concepts which found in the metaphorical linguistic expression. Then determine the most appropriate conceptual metaphor.

4. The next step is finding the mapping to see the relation between source domain and target domain in the conceptual metaphor. 5. The last is discovering the meaning of the metaphorical language

used in the speech.

There are 20 data found in the transcript and after the process of random sampling 11 of them were picked up as the chosen data that will be


analyzed in this chapter. The 11 data will be classified based on the 8 concepts that are found from the mostly represent the data. The data will be analyzed by using qualitative method with explaining the mapping process to convey the similarities in each concept that leads to understanding the meaning based on the metaphorical expression. The theory of conceptual metaphor from Lakoff and Johnson will be applied in the analysis. This theory indicates the concepts which obtained from the mapping process and the mapping process also leads to the meaning

Identification of meaning in metaphorical language will use some dictionaries to be the references; they are and Those references are to find the literal meaning and compare with non-literal meaning from metaphorical language which contained in the text speech.

B. Data Analysis

The analysis begins with conceptual metaphor categorization using capital letters which is the outcome of the classification from metaphorical expression that consisted in metaphorical text. Then, analysis continues with the mapping from source and target domain of conceptual metaphor that leads to the analysis of meaning of the metaphorical language.


There are two data represents the concepts TIME IS PERSON, the conceptual metaphor TIME IS PERSON derived from the mappings


process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number

A. Datum 1, no 7

The time has now come for the nation ..., and so moving forward with confidence to the future.

From the sentence above, the metaphorical expression such as come and moving is found.

In datum (A), the words come and moving are used to explain the concepts of time. Time is comprehended as events or actions that occurs independently from agent. The agent is someone or human beings or person that doing something. The word time in the paragraph above comprehended as person. Here, Time is constructed as someone or person and conceptually can experience process in the same way that person do. From the explanation above, the writer concluded time as target domain and person as source domain. Thus, the metaphor from Time is Person is coherent to this data. The conceptual metaphor from Time is Person will be shown on the table below

Table 3 Time is Person

Source: Person Target: Time

Person is moving Time is passing

Person as the agents The situation (actions, events)


From the table above explained the relations between the source domain person and the target domain Time. Person that moves from one place to another is time that runs from present to the future that can effect changes. The mappings is highlighted the human attributes in the source domain person which applied in the target domain Time. In this speech, Kevin Rudd felt sorry about what happened to the Aboriginal in the past and he persuade the nation that now is the best moment for the Australian to begin a new history.


This is the datum represents the concepts NATION IS PERSON, the conceptual metaphor NATION IS PERSON derived from the mappings process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number 20

B. Datum 2, no. 20

We the parliament of Australia respectfully request that this apology be received ..., as part of healing of the nation.

In the paragraph above, the metaphorical expression of healing is found. In datum (B), the word healing are related to the word nation. Nation is not human being but in the paragraph above Kevin Rudd gives qualities of human being such as apology and healing to the word nation. The word nation here used to explain the concepts of person. Here, Nation is constructed as someone or person and conceptually can experience process in the same way that person do. From the paragraph above it can be concluded nation as target and person as source. Finally, the conceptual metaphor from Nation is Person is coherent to this


data. The mapping from conceptual metaphor Nation is Person will be shown on the following table:

Table 4 Nation is Person

Source: Person Target: Nation

Person has age Nation has age

Person gets ill Nation gets unstable Person needs medicine Nation has reconcile Person has social class or


Nation has political organization

From the table above explained the relations between the source domain person and the target domain Nation. Person that gets ill and need medicine is the nation condition that gets unstable and needs to reconcile. The mappings highlighted the human attributes in source domain person which applied to target domain Nation.

The word healing from verb heal literally means become or make somebody healthy again.43 But healing in the case of nation does not mean literally, but rather to reconciling nation. The meaning of the metaphorical sentence is Kevin Rudd hope that the aboriginal accept the apology from the nation and parliament as a form of reconciling nation.




There are two data represents the concepts NATION IS BUILDING, the conceptual metaphor NATION IS BUILDING derived from the mappings process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number 40 and 49.

C. Datum 3, no.40

That is why parliament is today here assembled : to deal with this unifnished business of the nation, to remove a great stain from the nations soul ...,

D. Datum 4, no. 49

..., those who are indigenous and those who are not to come together to reconcile and together build a new future for our nation.

In the paragraph above, the writer finds the metaphorical expression to remove a great stain and build a new future. In datum (C), the word stain is related to the word nation. Kevin Rudd tries to explain the concepts of building by given the qualities of building through the metaphorical expression of stain. Stain symbolizes the fault of Australia to the Aboriginal in the previous years. Therefore, the parliament hopes that this apology will be accepted to begin a new history and between Australian and Aboriginal can respect to each other.

In datum (D), the metaphorical expression of build used by Kevin to give the concept of building to hearer to understand the concepts of nation. The metaphorical expression from stain and build in data A and B are used by giving the qualities of building to comprehend the concepts of nation. Here, Nation is


constructed as a structure with a roof and walls and conceptually can have the structure that building have. Thus, it can be concluded that the concepts of building is used as source domain to understand the concepts of target domain nation. Moreover, the metaphorical meaning is all Australians can come together to make a better future for the Australia. Finally, the conceptual metaphor from Nation is Building is coherent to this data. The set correspondences or mapping will be shown on the following table:

Table 5 Nation is Building

Source: Building Target: Nation

The building is dirty Nation can make mistake

The building is broken In nation, there can be a split if there is no sense of unity

The building has space Nation has government and its system

From the table above explained the relations between the source building and the target Nation. Here, the building is dirty means the building with stains on

the wall, then „dirty‟ for „nation‟ is rather to the condition that nation can make

mistake. The mappings highlighted the building aspects of source building which applied to target domain Nation. The word stain literally means leave marks that


are difficult to remove.44 Here, the word stain in the case of nation does not mean literally but rather to building condition.


This is the datum represents the concepts HISTORY IS BOOK, the conceptual metaphor HISTORY IS BOOK derived from the mappings process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number

E. Datum 5, no. 41

..., to open a new chapter in the history of this great land, Australia.

From the paragraph above, the metaphorical expression a new chapter is found.

In datum (E), Kevin Rudd gives a quality of book by using the metaphorical expressions a new chapter to allow the hearer understands the concepts of history. Thus, this indicates that history as target domain can be structured by the source domain of book. Here, history is constructed as a printed sheet of paper or books and conceptually have the same parts like the book. Finally, the conceptual metaphor from History is Book is coherent to this data.. The mappings will be shown on the following table:



Table 6 History is Book

Source: Book Target: History

Book has stories History has experiences

Book has page The situation involved (actions, events)

Book has chapter History has timeline

From the table above explained the relations between the source Book andthe target History. The book has „stories‟ here, means a division of a book,

then „stories‟ for history is rather to the experiences. The mappings highlighted the attributes of the source Book which applied to the target History. The word chapter literally means main divison of a book.45 But chapter in the case of history does not mean literally but rather the experience in the history. In this speech, Kevin stated this is the exact time for Australia to start a new history and together live in the spirit of reconciliation


This is the datum represents the concepts LIFE IS JOURNEY, the conceptual metaphor LIFE IS JOURNEY derived from the mappings process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number 52 and 56.

F. Datum 6, no. 52 to 56

Let me begin to answer by telling the parliament just a little of one‟s person story –an elegant, eloquent, and wonderful woman in her 80‟s,

45 Ibid.,


full of life, full of funny stories, despite what has happened in her life’s journey, a woman who has travelled a long way to be with us today ...,

From the paragraph above, the metaphorical expression life’s journey and travelled is found.

In datum (F), the expression of travelled is used to understand the concepts of life. Kevin Rudd explains the concepts of journey by using the metaphorical expressions travelled. From the explanation, it can be concluded that the source domain of journey is used to understand the target domain of life. Here, life is constructed as the act of travelling from one place or another or journey and conceptually can experience process in the same way like journey. Finally, the conceptual metaphor from Life is Journey is coherent to this data. The mappings will be shown on the following table:

Table 7 Life is Journey

Source: Journey Target: Life

The journey Events in the life

The obstacles encountered The difficulties experienced The destination of the journey The goals of life

On the table above explained the relations between the source journey and the target domain life. In journey „obstacles‟ means something that blocks your


the journey attributes of the source journey which is applied to target domain life. The word travelled literally means go from one place to another, especially over a long distance.46 Here, the word travelled in the case of life does not mean literally but rather to the events in the life. In this speech, Kevin told a story about a woman, she is a member of the stolen generations or the Aboriginal who has been through the bittersweet of her life that full of struggle.


There are two data represents the concepts LOVE IS FIRE, the conceptual metaphor LOVE IS FIRE derived from the mappings process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number 61.

G. Datum 7, no. 61

She remembers the love and warmth ...,

From the paragraph above, the metaphorical expression warmth is found.

In datum (G), the expression warmth used by Kevin Rudd to explain the concepts of fire. Thus, it can be concluded that the metaphorical expression refers to the structure of fire with such word as warmth. Here, love is constructed as a fire that can produces heat and burning something and conceptually can experience process like fire. Finally, the concrete domain of fire is used to understand the abstract domain of love. The conceptual metaphor from Love is Fire is

46 Ibid.,


coherent to this data. The set correspondences or mappings will be shown on the table below:

Table 8 Love is Fire

Source: Fire Target: Love

The thing is burning The person in love

The heat of fire The love

The cause of fire The cause of love

The table above, showed the relation between the source fire and the target

nation. In source fire the thing is „burning‟ means the thing destroyed by fire then, „burning‟ for love is means to the condition of person which is fall in love. The

mappings highlighted the fire attributes in source domain fire which applied to target domain love. Thus, conceptually human experiences warmth just like fire.

Literally, the word warmth means state or quality of being warm.47 Yet, warmth in the case of love does not mean literally rather to the person in love. In this speech this is the story about the woman who remembered the togetherness and the kinship that exist her family and community of Aboriginal.


This is the datum represents the concepts THE PAIN IS AN OPPONENT, the conceptual metaphor THE PAIN IS AN OPPONENT derived from the mappings process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number 100 and 101.

47 Ibid.,


H. Datum 8, no. 100

..., the pain is searing; it screams from the pages..., I. Datum 9, no. 101

These stories cry out to be heard; they cry out for an apology.

From the data cards above, the metaphorical expression of the pain is searing, screams, and cry out is found.

In datum (H), the words searing and screams are used to explain the concepts of An Opponent. The pain and the hurt feeling caused them to giving an opponent.

In datum (I), Kevin Rudd uses the expression cry out to explain the concepts of An Opponent. Thus, from the explanation it can be concluded that Kevin Rudd gives the aspects of An Opponent with such words searing, screams, and cry out. Finally, it can be concluded the metaphorical expression from data H and I, An Opponent is used as source domain and The pain is used as target domain. The conceptual metaphor from The Pain is An Opponent is coherent to this data.. The set correspondences or mappings will be shown on the following table:

Table 9 The Pain is An Opponent

Source: An Opponent Target: The Pain The thing is struggling The situation involved

The conflict The pain


From the table above that mentioned the elements of mappings, the elements of source domain in correspondence with the elements of the target domain. The mapping highlighted the elements of an opponent in source domain which applied to target domain the pain.


There are two data represents the concepts ARGUMENT IS WAR, the conceptual metaphor ARGUMENT IS WAR derived from the mappings process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number 137 and 140.

J. Datum 10, no. 137

..., if we are to deal once and for all with the argument ..., K. Datum 11, no. 140

...,the argument of intergenerational..., also used by some to argue against...,

From the paragraph above, the metaphorical expression such as to deal once and to argue against is found.

In datum (J), Kevin Rudd gives the aspects of war to understand the concept of argument by using the metaphorical expression to deal. Kevin Rudd stated that if the apology want to be successfull, the parliament must acknowledge about the past policy separation that was well motivated.


In datum (K), The aspects of war is showed by the metaphorical expression of argue against. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that Kevin Rudd uses the aspects of war by using such words to deal and argue against to explain the concepts of war. Here, argument is constructed as a war and conceptually can experience process in the same way like war. Thus, War is used as source domain to understand the concept of Argument as target domain. The conceptual metaphor from Argument is War is coherent to this data. In this sense Argument is War structures the action performs in arguing. The set correspondences or mappings will be shown on the following table:

Table 10 Argument is War

Source: War Target: Argument

In war we have position In argument we have opinion In war we have combatant In argument we have conlfict In war we have same position In argument we have agreement In war we have different position In argument we have


On the table above explained the relations between the elements of source war and the target domain argument. In war, we have postition, then „position‟

for „argument‟ is rather to someone who has opinion. The mapping highlighted

the war attributes in source war which applied to target domain argument. Thus, conceptually human experiences the word to deal and against just like war.


Literally, the word deal means take appropriate action in particular situation.48 But, the word deal in the case of argument means an agreement. Moreover, the word against means as an opposing.49 Yet, against in the case of argument is rather to conflict.


This is the datum represents the concepts BLACK HISTORY IS A SHADOW, the conceptual metaphor BLACK HISTORY IS A SHADOW derived from the mappings process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number

L. Datum 12, no. 167

..., A black armband view of history; it is just the truth: the cold, confronting, uncomfrontable truth ...,

M.Datum 13, no.169

..., there will always be a shadow hanging over us ...,

From the paragraph above, the metaphorical expression; A black armband and hanging over is found.

In datum (L), Kevin gives the concepts of black history by using the metaphorical expression a black armband. In this case, a black armband have the similarities with shadow because a black armband always follow the Australian history.

48 Accessed on March 24, 2015



In datum (M), Kevin Rudd gives the qualities of human like hanging over to understand the concepts of shadow. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the metaphorical expression of hanging over refers to the concepts of a shadow. Here, black history is constructed as a shadow and conceptually can experience process like a shadow. Finally, a shadow is used as source domain to understand the concepts of black history as target domain. The conceptual metaphor from Black History is A Shadow is coherent to this data.. The mappings will be shown on the table below:

Table 11 Black History is A Shadow

Source: A Shadow Target: Black History

Shadow will always follow wherever we go

Black history will always follow in life.

The table above showed the relations between the source a shadow and the target domain black history. the mappings highlighted attributes of source domain A shadow which applied to target domain black history. In this speech, Kevin Rudd persuade all australians to acknowledge and face the uncomfortable truth about the laws that previous parliaments made to the aboriginal people. If the australies does not want to acknowledge the mistake in the previous laws then the nation will not fully reconcile and united.


This is the datum represents the concepts POLITICS IS WAR, the conceptual metaphor POLITICS IS WAR derived from the mappings


process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number 253

N. Datum 14, no. 253

I said before the election that the nation needed a kind of war cabinet ...,

From the datum above, the metaphorical expression of war is found.

In datum (N), Kevin Rudd uses the metaphorical expressions of war to comprehend the concepts of politics. From the explanation, it can be concluded that the source domain of war is structured to comprehend the concepts of politics as target domain. Here, politics is constructed as war and conceptually experiences process in the same way like politics. Thus, the conceptual metaphor from Politics is War is coherent to this data. The set correspondences or mappings will be shown on the following table:

Table 12 Politics is War

Source: War Target: Politics

In war we have combatant In politics we have politicians In war we use strategies In politics we use planning In war we win or lose In politics we win or lose In war we have position In politics we have reputation In war we have different position In politics we have disagreement

The table above explained the relations between the source war and the target domain politics. In war, we have position, then „position‟ for politics is


rather to the reputation. The mappings highlighted the attributes of source domain war which applied in the target domain politics. characterizes Politics is War conceptual metaphor. In conclusion, the concept of war conceptualized the concept of Politics. In this speech, The metaphorical meaning is the nation needed a cabinet that can use strategies to protect the indigenous policy.


This is the data represents the concepts POLITICS IS SPORT, the conceptual metaphor POLITICS IS SPORT derived from the mappings process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number 254.

O. Datum 15, no 70

..., the consequences are too great to allow it all to become a political football ...,

From the paragraph above, metaphorical expression, political football is found.

In datum (O), Kevin Rudd uses the expression political football. The word football used to comprehend the concepts of politics. The word politics gives the aspects of sport by using the metaphorical expression football. Here, politics is constructed as a sport and conceptually experiencesin the same way like sport. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that sports as source domain is used to understand the concepts of politics as target domain. Finally, it can be concluded that conceptual metaphor from Politics is Sport is coherent to


this data. The set correspondences or mappings will be shown on the following table:

Table 13 Politics is Sport

Source: Sports Target: Politics

In sports there are challenges In politics there are difficulties

In sports we have to use strategies In politics we have to use planning

In sports there is win or lose In politics there is win or lose

In sports we get the score In politics we get the position

The table showed the relations between the source domain Sports and the target domain Politics. In sports we get the score, then „score‟ for „politics‟ is rather to the position. The mappings highlighted the attributes of the source domain sports which applied in target domain politics. In this speech, Kevin Rudd suggested to make an indigeneous policy working another cabinet is needed in order to prevent a problem that politicians from different parties argue about and try to use in order to get an advantage for themselves.




A. Conclusion

The result of the analysis in the previous chapter shows that metaphor can describe ideas or concepts and it is pervasive in everyday use. However, the words that are used by someone are unconciously based on his experience and culture. Thus, the metaphorical expressions make manifest particular conceptual metaphors.50

From the research findings, the writer concludes that in National Apology speech, Kevin Rudd uses the concepts of person to understand the concepts of nation. The concepts of building also used by Kevin Rudd to understand the concepts of nation by using another metaphorical expression with some words to give the aspects of buliding.

Thus, the writer concludes that Kevin Rudd uses the source domain which is concrete such as person, building, book, journey, fire, an opponent, war, bearer, and sports to allow the hearer comprehend the abstract concepts such as nation, time, life, pain, love, history and so forth.

B. Suggestion

The metaphor research in the National Apology speech is only the beginning. For further research, by using the same corpus, the writer suggests the reader to analyze the types of metaphor contains in the text or the reader



can also analyze the metaphor and metonymy meaning in the text. Beside metaphor, metonymy is also an important aspects of cognition. It can be important to know the meaning of metonymy in the text. Besides that, the research can be useful to solve the social problem by analyzing the metaphor and metonymy. The reader will be able to understand better the history and the culture of Australia by using the same corpus.



Binarti Mayang Sari, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “Metafora Dalam Pidato Charles De Gaulle Pada Perang Dunia II”. Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, University of Indonesia, 2012.

Classe, Olive, (ed). Metaphor and Translation: Encyclopedia of Literary Translation Into English. London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.

Croft, William and D. Alan Cruse. Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2010.

Farkhan, Muhammad. Proposal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra. Jakarta: Cella, 2007.

Ida Vestermark, Extended Essay: “Metaphors in Politics Essay; A Study of The Metaphorical Personification of America in Political Discourse”. Department of Language and Culture, Luleå University of Technology, 2007.

Keraf, Gorys. Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka 2001.

Knowles, Murray and Rosamund Moon. Introducing Metaphor. New York: Routledge, 2006.

Kovesces, Zoltan. Metaphor: A Practical Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Lailiyyatuz Zuhriyyah, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “An Analysis of Metaphor

and Metonymy on Stephenie Meyer‟s Novel Breaking Dawn”. Faculty of

Letters and Humanity, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2011. Lakoff, George. Contemporary Theory of Metaphor. 1992.

Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. Metaphor We Live By. London: The University of Chicago Press, 2003.

Mila Puspitasari, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “An Analyze of Metaphor

Ontology on Stephenie Meyer‟s Novel The Twilight New Moon and The Twilight Eclipse”. Fakultas Bahasa, Universitas Widyatama Bandung, 2013.

Nurhayati. 2011. “Conceptual Metaphor „Front is Good; Back is Bad‟ in Indonesian”. International Seminar Language and Maintenace Shift.


Accessed on September 15, 2014.

Punter, David. Metaphor. New York: Routledge, 2007.

Recanati, Francois. Literal Meaning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004.

Saeed, John. Semantics 2nd Edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 2003.

Siregar, Bahren U. 2009, “Emosi dan Kebudayaan dalam Metafora”. Kongres International Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia. Accesed on September 17, 2014.

Tania Azhar, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “ An Analysis of Metaphor „Argument

is War‟ in Business News of English Newspaper: A Semantic Study”,

Fakultas Bahasa, Universitas Widyatama Bandung, 2013.

Oxford Advanced Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press 2000. Website:

Literary Devices, Definition and Examples of Literary Terms, Acessed on September 5, 2014. Sydney Morning Herald.

Accessed onAugust 2, 2014. Accessed on March 24, 2015.



rather to the reputation. The mappings highlighted the attributes of source domain war which applied in the target domain politics. characterizes Politics is War conceptual metaphor. In conclusion, the concept of war conceptualized the concept of Politics. In this speech, The metaphorical meaning is the nation needed a cabinet that can use strategies to protect the indigenous policy.


This is the data represents the concepts POLITICS IS SPORT, the conceptual metaphor POLITICS IS SPORT derived from the mappings process based on the metaphorical expression found in data card number 254.

O. Datum 15, no 70

..., the consequences are too great to allow it all to become a political football ...,

From the paragraph above, metaphorical expression, political football is found.

In datum (O), Kevin Rudd uses the expression political football. The word football used to comprehend the concepts of politics. The word politics gives the aspects of sport by using the metaphorical expression football. Here, politics is constructed as a sport and conceptually experiencesin the same way like sport. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that sports as source domain is used to understand the concepts of politics as target domain. Finally, it can be concluded that conceptual metaphor from Politics is Sport is coherent to


this data. The set correspondences or mappings will be shown on the following table:

Table 13 Politics is Sport

Source: Sports Target: Politics

In sports there are challenges In politics there are difficulties In sports we have to use strategies In politics we have to use planning In sports there is win or lose In politics there is win or lose In sports we get the score In politics we get the position

The table showed the relations between the source domain Sports and the target domain Politics. In sports we get the score, then „score‟ for „politics‟ is rather to the position. The mappings highlighted the attributes of the source domain sports which applied in target domain politics. In this speech, Kevin Rudd suggested to make an indigeneous policy working another cabinet is needed in order to prevent a problem that politicians from different parties argue about and try to use in order to get an advantage for themselves.




A. Conclusion

The result of the analysis in the previous chapter shows that metaphor can describe ideas or concepts and it is pervasive in everyday use. However, the words that are used by someone are unconciously based on his experience and culture. Thus, the metaphorical expressions make manifest particular conceptual metaphors.50

From the research findings, the writer concludes that in National Apology speech, Kevin Rudd uses the concepts of person to understand the concepts of nation. The concepts of building also used by Kevin Rudd to understand the concepts of nation by using another metaphorical expression with some words to give the aspects of buliding.

Thus, the writer concludes that Kevin Rudd uses the source domain which is concrete such as person, building, book, journey, fire, an opponent, war, bearer, and sports to allow the hearer comprehend the abstract concepts such as nation, time, life, pain, love, history and so forth.

B. Suggestion

The metaphor research in the National Apology speech is only the beginning. For further research, by using the same corpus, the writer suggests the reader to analyze the types of metaphor contains in the text or the reader



can also analyze the metaphor and metonymy meaning in the text. Beside metaphor, metonymy is also an important aspects of cognition. It can be important to know the meaning of metonymy in the text. Besides that, the research can be useful to solve the social problem by analyzing the metaphor and metonymy. The reader will be able to understand better the history and the culture of Australia by using the same corpus.




Binarti Mayang Sari, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “Metafora Dalam Pidato Charles De Gaulle Pada Perang Dunia II”. Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, University of Indonesia, 2012.

Classe, Olive, (ed). Metaphor and Translation: Encyclopedia of Literary Translation Into English. London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. Croft, William and D. Alan Cruse. Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2010.

Farkhan, Muhammad. Proposal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra. Jakarta: Cella, 2007.

Ida Vestermark, Extended Essay: “Metaphors in Politics Essay; A Study of The Metaphorical Personification of America in Political Discourse”. Department of Language and Culture, Luleå University of Technology, 2007.

Keraf, Gorys. Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka 2001.

Knowles, Murray and Rosamund Moon. Introducing Metaphor. New York: Routledge, 2006.

Kovesces, Zoltan. Metaphor: A Practical Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Lailiyyatuz Zuhriyyah, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “An Analysis of Metaphor and Metonymy on Stephenie Meyer‟s Novel Breaking Dawn”. Faculty of Letters and Humanity, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2011.

Lakoff, George. Contemporary Theory of Metaphor. 1992.

Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. Metaphor We Live By. London: The University of Chicago Press, 2003.

Mila Puspitasari, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “An Analyze of Metaphor Ontology on Stephenie Meyer‟s Novel The Twilight New Moon and The Twilight Eclipse”. Fakultas Bahasa, Universitas Widyatama Bandung, 2013.

Nurhayati. 2011. “Conceptual Metaphor „Front is Good; Back is Bad‟ in Indonesian”. International Seminar Language and Maintenace Shift.


Accessed on September 15, 2014.

Punter, David. Metaphor. New York: Routledge, 2007.

Recanati, Francois. Literal Meaning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004.

Saeed, John. Semantics 2nd Edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 2003.

Siregar, Bahren U. 2009, “Emosi dan Kebudayaan dalam Metafora”. Kongres International Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia. Accesed on September 17, 2014.

Umar-Siregar-LTBI-UAJ-Emosi-dan-Kebudayaan-dalam-Metafora.pdf Tania Azhar, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “ An Analysis of Metaphor „Argument

is War‟ in Business News of English Newspaper: A Semantic Study”, Fakultas Bahasa, Universitas Widyatama Bandung, 2013.

Oxford Advanced Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press 2000. Website:

Literary Devices, Definition and Examples of Literary Terms, Acessed on September 5, 2014. Sydney Morning Herald.

Accessed onAugust 2, 2014. Accessed on March 24, 2015. Accessed on March 24, 2015.