Script untuk Load dan kontrol fungsi xml Script untuk menunjukan hasil pencarian

commit to user 34 else if _root.cursorMovieClip { _root.kamera.toolzoom.gotoAndStop1; } }

c. Script untuk Load dan kontrol fungsi xml

posisix= []; posisiy= []; areamap= []; var myXML:XML = new XML; myXML.ignoreWhite= true; myXML.loaddataku.xml; myXML.onLoad = functionsuccess { if success { var mydata = myXML.firstChild.childNodes; fori= 0; i mydata.length; i+ = 1{ showInfomydata[i]; posisix[i]= mydata[i].attributes.mapx; posisiy[i]= mydata[i].attributes.mapy; areamap[i]= mydata[i].attributes.judul; } } else { pesan.text= gagal; } }; _root.kamera.papan._visible= false; function showInfodataxml { var judul= dataxml.attributes.judul; var isi= dataxml.firstChild.nodeValue; var gambar= dataxml.attributes.gambar; var posx= dataxml.attributes.posx; var posy= dataxml.attributes.posy; var no= i; var area=[z+ no]; commit to user 35 map.attachMovietanda, tanda+ no, 500+ i; var marker=[tanda+ no]; marker._x= posx; marker._y= posy; marker.infopt.text= judul; marker._visible= false; area.onPress= function{ tracethis; _root.kamera.papan.gotoAndStoptkfungsi; _root.kamera.papan.infot.text= judul; _root.kamera.papan.infot2.text= isi; _root.kamera.papan.gbr.loadMoviegambar; _root.kamera.papan._visible= true; _root.zoomin= false; _root.zoomout= false; _root.dragme= false; _root.kamera.toolzoom.gotoAndStop1;[tanda+ i]._visible= false; } roll over button balik semula area.onRollOver= function { _root.kamera.toolzoom.gotoAndStop1; _root.kamera.papanpt.nmpt.text= judul; } area.onRollOut= function { _root.kamera.papanpt.nmpt.text= ; teks kosong tugelmode; } end for }; _root.kamera.papan.clos.onRelease= function { _root.kamera.toolzoom.gotoAndStop1; _root.kamera.papan._visible= false; _root.kamera.papan.gotoAndStopfungsi; }

d. Script untuk menunjukan hasil pencarian

search function zoom2mc, waktu { commit to user 36 type = mx.transitions.easing.Elastic.easeOut; besarx = new mx.transitions.Tweenmc, _xscale, type, mc._xscale, 100, wa ktu, true; besary = new mx.transitions.Tweenmc, _yscale, type, mc._yscale, 100, wa ktu, true; geserx = new mx.transitions.Tweenmc, _x, type, mc._x, 275, wa ktu, true; gesery = new mx.transitions.Tweenmc, _y, type, mc._y, 200, wa ktu, true; gesermapx = new, _x, type,, 271.85, wa ktu, true; gesermapy = new, _y, type,, 126.7, wa ktu, true; }

e. Script untuk menu pencarian search