Kaki orang itu terinjak oleh Ahmad. The man‟s foot was trampled on by Ahmad. Rumahnya kedatangan penjahat. = didatangi His house was visited by criminals. Kain itu berlipat pada tepinya. = dilipat The piece of cloth was folded at the edges.

SL : Buku ini harus kau baca. TL : You must read this book. First person Second person Third person Singular Saya Kamu , etc Dia -nya A Plural Kami, Kita B Mereka Nouns Passive type one is used when the actor is in box A. Passive type two is used when the actor is in box B. Beside using prefix di-, in Indonesian, passive voice can also be formed by using prefix ter-, ber- and circumfix ke – an. These are examples which are related to passive form without di-:

1. Kaki orang itu terinjak oleh Ahmad. The man‟s foot was trampled on by Ahmad.

2. Rumahnya kedatangan penjahat. = didatangi His house was visited by criminals.

3. Kain itu berlipat pada tepinya. = dilipat The piece of cloth was folded at the edges.

Indonesian passives construction which has the sense of being unintentionally done has different elements. Prefix ter- is commonly used to show the passive form. Examples: 1. Tangannya tersayat pisau 2. Penumpang itu terlempar keluar 3. Pintu gudang itu terbuka 4. Petinju itu terpental keluar ring In addition to containing the meaning not on purpose, the passive verb that uses prefix ter- also has the meaning of God’s will or power of nature. Example : 1. Gunung Agung terletak di Kabupaten Karangasem. 2. Masalah itu terlepas dari rasa senang dan tidak senang Sneddon 1996:326 contends that passive imperative is an imperative with a transitive verb which can be expressed in the passive with prefix di-. As such a verb cannot take place in a statement with a second person agent. This construction contains recommendation of being directed not at the addressee but at the third person. It is thus more indirect and consequently less forceful than imperative with an active verb, which carries a sense which is to be done; rather you do it, even though this is not always reflected in the translations of the examples below: SL : Barang itu ditaruh di sini saja TL : Just put those things here SL : Diangkat, jangat diseret TL : Lift it, don‟t drag it In a negative construction the subject can either precede jangan or follow the predicate. Observe the following examples: SL : Pintu jangan dibuka TL : Don’t open the door SL : Jangan dibuka pintu itu TL : This door was not to be opened Prohibitions are expressed as passive; for instance, with dilarang it is forbidden. The following sentences are in the forms of statements. However, their intention is imperative. Examples: SL : Dilarang masuk TL : No entry SL : Dilarang menyalakan api TL : Lighting fire was prohibited

2.5 Shift