C. Population and Sample 1. Population

The population of this research was all students of second and fifth semester at English Education Department UIN Jakarta. There were 162 students from those two grades; 72 students of second semester in three classes and 90 students of fifth semester in also three classes. From 72 students in the second semester, only 60 students who participated to fill the questionnaire; and from 90 students in the fifth semester, only 75 who participated to fill the questionnaire. Thus there were only135 students who were being selected.

2. Sample

The sample used in this research was purposive sample. It is constructed to serve a very specific need or purpose. The writer used questionnaire to determined the sample. From 135 of population, only 28 students met the demand. They did not come from others school except SMA and MA, and they did not have any English course when they studied at senior secondary school. Those 28 students were used as the sample who 13 students had graduated from SMA, and 15 students had graduated from MA.

D. Data Resources

The writer got the data from English Education Department, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. The data was the second and fifth semester students’ scores in English subjects.

E. Technique of Data Collection

In collecting the data of the research, the writer conducted several steps. First, the writer used questionnaire to know students’ educational background and it limited certain implication that influence students’ achievement beside their educational background like English course. The result of this step determined the sample of the research. In this case, the sampling used in this research is purposive sampling. The sample is taken based on the purpose of the research. Second, the writer got students first semester English scores or GPA Grade point Average from English Education Department. The students here were the students who had been selected in the first steps.

F. The Technique of Data Analysis

After det ermining sample, the writer analyzed students’ educational background particularly from SMA and MA. Then she analy zed students’ scores from English Education D epartment as students’ achievement particularly students’ English scores. Next, she compared students’ English scores and their educational background. In this case, the writer used comparative analysis “Comparative analysis investigates whether there are differences between two or more groups on the phenomena being studied. 2 Because the research is non- experimental research, so the writer used data information to measure the hypotheses, and the result will explain how the results either support or refuse the hypothesis or answer the research question. In this research the writer used the formula: Mean of Variable X1 ∑ Mean of Variable X2 ∑ Standard Deviation of Variable XI S = √ ∑ Standard Deviation of Variable X2 S = √ ∑ 2 Ibid., 25.