Forgiveness Sincerity Priest Andre and His Teaching

them. Even when Madame Wu asked him to teach her son, he did not want to be paid for what he did. He was glad to teach other people and share his knowledge to others. Never did he complain when teaching. He always did his best in teaching Madame Wu’s son and even teaching Madame Wu and her daughter-in-law in every meeting, although he was not paid. While other people must ask to be paid for whatever they do, and it is seldom someone do good to other people without any intention behind it. But Priest Andre was never oriented to money as many people were, for Jesus also teaches us not be oriented to money, but to doing good things, sharing our love and attention to many people, being a good model for other people.

4. Fear No One, But God

Besides being intelligent, Priest Andre feared no one in his life. On the other hand most people must have fears in their life, either to certain individuals or certain things. Even Madame Wu’s father-in-law, who had also taught Madame Wu many things and was one of intelligent and wise men she ever knews, also had fear. ‘…. He was the only being she had ever met whom she worshipped. Old Gentleman had taught her much. But Old Gentleman had feared many things. Priest Andre feared no one. He feared neither life nor death....’ p. 277 Being a man who feared nothing and no one in his life, Priest Andre did what is taught in Bible. In Bible, Jesus tells us to fear nothing, except Him, for many times. If Jesus is beside us, who our enemies are Alkitab, Roma 8:31 So, Jesus teaches us to fear nothing in our life, except Him, indeed. While many people worry and fear many things in their life because of the 38 condition and problems in their life. Priest Andre worried about nothing. He also did not think about getting as much money as possible. He handed his life over God’s hands. Being a Christian does not mean we should always teach or preach the teaching of Christianity, but more we should be able to do the teaching in our daily life. Many people can only speak without being able to do what he says, but Priest Andre is different. He could both teach and do what he had taught for a teacher must be a good model for his students and other people. Practicing the teaching is better than just teaching. People will see the teaching from what he does in his daily life.

C. Madame Wu’s Personality Development under the Influence of Priest Andre

As stated in chapter II, according to Hurlock 1976: 234-235 someone’s personality develops and changes under the influence of people around himher. Family and environment have a very important role in forming one’s personality. In the first section, we have seen how Chinese culture, especially culture in family, has formed Madame Wu’s personality. But an individual develops through her life under the influence of people around her. The people influencing the individual must be important ones for the individual. In this section, the influence of Priest Andre to Madame Wu’s personality will be discussed further. Priest Andre was Madame Wu’s teacher, someone that Madame Wu admired and loved much. 39 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI