Room 13 Grade 6B Direct Influence

120 No Questions Responses Teacher A Teacher B 5 Giving Information  When do you think you need to give an explanation to your student? “ Sometime when they forgot about the lesson which I have given them, I need to remind them by giving an exstra explanation so that they will remember it again. Also for something which is they have not learned before, I need to give information about that.” “I give them an information, when the students seem do not understand well about a certain topic they learn. For example, we use they are if there are more than one person or thing.” 6 Correcting  Do you have special intention when you correct your students? “Yes, I correct my students to realize them that their answer or response was not appropriate.” “Correcting the students is important to do, so other students know that their friend’s response is not true and they will encourage to correct it by giving their answer.  How do you correct your students? “Usually I not directly say that “you wrong or bad ” but I say “no, not like that ”, than I provided the right answer or ask other students to give their response.” “ What I do that, I directly give the right answer and asked the students to repeat the answer or asked other students to answer.” 7 Giving Directions  When you give a direction to your students you usually used English first, then Indonesian, e.g. “follow me, ikuti saya.”; “like example, seperti contohnya .” why? “Iya...for me there is no special intention about that role, I used English first in order for the students can recieve the target language input by giving the translation next.” “Hehehe, I just following what was written in the text book. In the text book I used I was written all in English, so I have to read what are there in the book, then I translate it into In donesian.” 121 No Questions Responses Teacher A Teacher B  Do you have special intention in giving direction to yous students? TA: Yes of course, they will understand well what or how to do a certain task. TB: Yes, they can do a task properly if I give them clearly direction. 8 Criticizing  When should you critic your students? “You asked me when. Well, my experienced I will critic the students when they show inappropriate bahavior toward the lesson. For example, when I asked them to do a task but they do not do it well, so I will talk to them how to do it.” “I usually critic my students when they did something not relate to the lesson during the process of teaching and learning. When I teach and they do not pay attention I will ask for their attention. ”  Do you have any intention when you critic your student? “Iya, in order for them to show their positive behavior toward the lesson.” “I hope them to participate seriously in the losson, so they can achieve the goal of the lesson.” 9 Translating code-switching  Based on the transcriptions of your teaching practices, you taught your student mosly in Indonesian, and less of using English, why? “Well you know that they are still beginer English learners, they haven’t enough exposure of the terget language yet, if I used more English they will not understand well, therefore, I try to give them little by little of the input.” “Yaa, they have not understand yet, if I used more English during the lesson. How can I teach them in English if they can not understand to what I talking about. Hopefully, in the future, I will teach them fully in English.”  What do you think about using Indonesian-English in teaching? “I usually used Indonesian and English when I teach my students, I think it is good way for guidance our students in “Good for students in the elementary school, because they still need some inputs from their teacher, if teacher used mix