Statement of Research Questions Research Goal Research Benefits


C. Problem Limitation

Based on the problem identification above, the researcher focuses this study primarily in exploring the teacher talk in Elementary school English class. The crucial reason why the reseacher feels interested focusing this study in this topic, is that the researcher himself is a teacher who teaches English in the Elementary school. So, hopefully the findings of this study will contribute in improving the quality of teaching-learning English in the Elementary school. English teachers are able to use the appropriate talk in the process of teaching- learning. Teacher can motivate, encourage, and improve the students‟ participation in teaching-learning language activities by using their appropriate talk, to help the students achieve the target language input. By doing so, the students are expected to build and develop their basic knowledge about English in the early stage of their study to prepare them to be ready learn it in the next level of education such as at secondary school.

D. Statement of Research Questions

From the identification and limitation of the problem, the question which should be answered is what are the functions of teacher talk in Elementary school English class?

E. Research Goal

In line with the research questions, this study is conducted to find out and describe the fuctions of teacher talk in Elementary school English class. 7

F. Research Benefits

The goal of the study is to find out and describe the functions of teacher talk in Elementary school English class. Theoretically, the research findings will contribute to teaching-learning English in Elementary school, particularly related to teacher talk in the English class. The Elementary school English teachers can use the research findings as a guidance to determine the appropriate uses of their talk in classroom. It can help students to achieve the target language input. Practically, this research benefits the participants to be more aware about their talk to perform in the process of teaching-learning English in classroom. It can also serve as a reference for the teachers to improve their performances during the process of teaching-learning. Besides, it also serves to be the model of teacher talk in teaching-learning process. At least, other teachers can apply this teaching model in their own classroom. By doing so, it is expected to increase teacher talk productivity when they address the target language to their students. Theoretically, the results of this study will provide scientific information and multiple advantages in education in general, especially in motivating teachers to make their talk more effective. The effective talk of the teacher will support the lessons in teaching-learning activity. It should relate to what the students want to achieve and need to improve in terms of the target language learning objective. The result of this study is also usefull for teachers in preparing their students to enter the next higher education level. It can help teachers in developing the quality of teaching-learning process and enable them to motivate the students to use the target language accurately. The result of this research can 8 also be used as a reference for those who wants to conduct a study in English teaching-learning processs in term of teacher talk in language classroom. 8