Motivation Conflict Diary Definition of Terms


C. Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to see one’s responses to the conflicts taking place during a certain period of time as seen in Anne Frank, one of the main characters in Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl who lived in a hiding place.

D. Benefit of the Study

The benefit of the study is to investigate the motivation of Anne Frank to live in and conquer every problem during her life in the hiding. By reading this thesis, the readers and the English Education students may know how Anne Frank gives responses to the conflicts appearing during her hiding. Therefore, they can also realize that war will only bring misery and suffering in our life. Besides, the students who want to analyze the same literary work can use this study as a reference to have a different perspective of it.

E. Definition of Terms

There are some terms which need to be clarified in order to avoid misunderstanding, as follows:

1. Motivation

Huffman, Vernoy and Vernoy 392 describe motivation as factors within an individual such as needs, desires, and interests that activate, maintain, and direct behavior toward a goal. This indicates that the way a person behaves is guided by some purposes and that it leads to a goal or the satisfaction of some 7 needs. Huffman, Vernoy and Vernoy 392 also state that research in motivation attempts to answer ‘why’ questions about human and animal behavior. That is why to answer the question of why people behave as they do. Moreover Abrams 23 defines motivation as the ground in the characters’ temperament, desires, and moral nature for their speech and actions. Motivation in this study refers to Anne Frank’s motivation in giving responses to the conflict appearing during her hiding.

2. Conflict

Conflict is the essence of all stories. According to Holman 107, conflict is the struggle that grows out of the interplay of the two opposing forces in a plot. It provides interest, suspense, and tension. Holman 107 adds that a character might be involved in conflicts of four different kinds: a struggle against nature, a struggle against another person, a struggle against society, a struggle of mastery by two elements within a person. The conflict may be simple single or complex. Nevertheless, it is hardly to find a simple conflict taking part in someone’s life, generally a complex one partaking of two or even all of the preceding elements. Conflict not only implies the struggle of a protagonist against someone or something, it also implies the existence of some motivation for the conflict or some goal to be achieved thereby 108. The conflict used in this study refers to a struggle against another person or the disagreement among the Anexe’s residents. 8

3. Diary

According to Hornby in Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 331, Diary is “a book used for a daily record of events, thoughts, appointments, etc”. While the term “Diarist” refers to “person who writes diary, especially one that is later published”. Diarist in this novel refers to Anne Frank herself. In this study, diary refers to Anne Frank’s notebook which records her life-story during the hiding and a little part tells her life before going into hiding.

4. Response