Meaning of Picture Did she say it was less cold in the north of the country? B: No. She said it was more cold.

Union. - The director thinks she is the best singer in the musical show. Adjectives which have more than two syllables form their superlative by putting most in front of the adjective. e.g.: Handsome – more handsome – most handsome Important – more important – most important – Zaki is the most handsome of the three of his friends. - Education is the most important thing of everything. B. Picture

1. Meaning of Picture

Picture not only describes a thousand words, but also is used in a wide variety of teaching activities. Picture has been used for centuries to help students understand various aspects of foreign languages. The pictures can motivate the students, make the subject clearer, and illustrate the general idea and forms of an object or action which is particular to a culture. Based on The Webster New World Dictionary of American English pictures are an imaginee or likeliness of an object, person or scenes on a flat surface, especially by painting, drawing or photography. 20 Vernon S. Gerlach points out that pictures are the two dimensional visual representation of persons, places or things, photographs which are most common, but sketches, cartoon, murals, cottons, charts, graphs and maps are widely used. Picture may not only be worth a thousand words. It may also be worth a thousand years or a thousand miles. Through pictures, learner can see people, places, and things from areas for outside, their own experiences. 21 20 Noah Websters, Webster New Dictionary, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1994. P. 67 21 Venon S. Gerlach, Teaching and Media A Systematic Approach, New Jersey, 1980, p.273 As Saidiman Said, Diantara media pendidikan, gambar atau photo adalah media yang paling umum dipakai. Dia merupakan bahasa umum yang dapat dimengerti dan dinikmati di mana-mana. Oleh karena itu ada pepatah Cina yang mengatakan sebuah gambar berbicara banyak dari seribu kata. Picture is one of educational media that can be general used and understood everywhere. The Chinese say, picture describes a thousand words. 22 The writer can explain that there are many advantages of teaching and learning process using pictures. By using pictures in explaining materials to be taught, the teacher can teach more effectively and can motivate the students to study more seriously. It shows that pictures are really important to use especially for young students and the hard materials. By using picture in explaining material to be taught, the teacher can teach more effectively and can motivate the students to study more seriously. The last, the students understand the materials easily, therefore using pictures as teaching aids will make the class more alive. Through pictures in reinforcing degress of comparison of adjective, it is expected to increase and affect the quality of teaching learning processes and the student achievement. According to Andrew Wright, the advantages of using picture are: 23 1 Easy to prepare 2 Easy to organize 3 Interesting 4 Meaningful and Authentic 5 Sufficient amount of language 22 Saidiman dkk, Media Pendidikan Pengertian, Pengembangan Dan Pemanfaatannya, Jakarta:PT Raja Grafindo,2002. P. 71 23 Andrew Wright, Pictures for Language Learning, Cambridge :Cambridge University Press, 1989, p. 3 It can indicate that pictures as tools that can help a teacher in presenting materials, in order to be easy to understand especially in teaching degrees of comparison of adjective. In pictures there is something called illustration. It of course can help motivating students in learning. The writer says that pictures can be used by teachers and students whatever the emphasis of the syllabus they are following can cover all possibilities and for that reason it might be of value and interest to show how one picture can be used as a reference and stimulus students ability.

2. Types of Picture