Teacher’s Text Book Curriculum Number of English Teachers Teachers Students

2 To achieve teaching and learning process that effective, efficient, and productive 3 To achieve competitive student 4 To achieve active, creative, innovative teachers so that they can think globally and act locally 5 To achieve standard facilities 6 To accomplish effective school organization 7 To increase academic and non academic achievement 8 To accomplish valid, reliable, and objective assessment 9 To accomplish good construction for human resources 10 To create the religious students

C. Academic Staffs

The following table shows the number of the academic and their educational background. The Principal‟s table

1. Teacher’s Text Book

The text books, which are used by the teachers, are the Bridge English and Smart English. They use two text books and one student‟s work sheet for drilling.

2. Curriculum

No. Jabatan Nama Jenis Kelamin Usia Pendididikan terakhir Masa Kerja L P 1 Kepala Sekolah Hj. N Jumroh S.Ag. V 45 S.1 25 Th The curriculum which is used by the teachers is school based curriculum KTSP. Teachers develop the indicators to make the syllabus.

3. Number of English Teachers

There are three English teachers. Their educational backgrounds are Bachelor degree of English Education Department.

4. Teachers

The total numbers of teachers are 29 teachers. Most of teachers are strata 1. This table shows educational background of the teachers. Table 3.2 The Educational background of teachers No Teachers Educational Background D1D2 D.3 S.1 S.2S.3 1 Science 2 2 Math 1 3 Indonesian 3 4 English 3 5 Social 2 6 Health 2 7 Art 1 8 Computer 2 9 Counseling 2 10 Aqidah Akhlak 3 11 Qur‟an Hadits 3 12 Fiqih 2 13 Ski 1

5. Students

The total numbers of students in academic year 20092010 are 395 students. The students in class VII are 132, class VIII 118, and class IX are 145 students. The class VII divided into 3 classes, VII-A, VII-B,and VII-C. The class VIII divided into 3 classes, VIII-A, VIII-B, and VIII-C. And the class IX divided into 4 classes, IX-A, IX-B, IX-C, and IX-D. There are some extracurricular activities. The writer classified into three categories. The first is the activities that relate to the sport such as football, volley ball, tennis, and basket ball. The second is the activities that relate to the art such as traditional dance, Qosidah, and Marawis. The third is for the other activities such as PMR, Rohis, Scouting and Paskibra.