Form Distribution Function Form

18. compass V + -tion  compassion N 19. company N + -tion  companion N 20. habitat N + -tion  habitation N 21. create V + -tion  creation N 22. associate V + -tion  association N 23. separate V + -tion  separation N 24. precipitate V + -tion  precipitation N 25. prepareV + -tion  preparation N 26. protest V + -tion  protestation N 27. contemplate V + -tion  contemplation N

4.2.13 Suffix -able

1 honourable p.112ch.9ph.1 2 respectable p.127ch.11ph.3 3 conceivable p.172ch.18ph.2 4 audible p.187ch.20ph.3 5 miserable p.202ch.23ph.3 6 referable p.217ch.24ph.3 7 dispensable p.262ch.7ph.2 8 admirable p.307ch.12ph.3

a. Form

Suffix -able changes the form when it is attached to the base form or word in which has vocal e, o or consonant y in the end of base form or word. 3. conceive bsf + -able  conceivable 4. audio bsf + -able  audible 5. misery bsf + -able  miserable 7. dispense bsf + -able  dispensable 8. admire bsf + -able  admirable Universitas Sumatera Utara Suffix -able does not change the form when it is attached to these base forms: 1. honour bsf + -able  honourable 2. respect bsf + -able  respectable 6. refer bsf + -able  referable

b. Distribution

Suffix -able can be attached to Noun and Verb: 1. honour N + -able  honourable 2. respect V + -able  respectable 3. conceive V + -able  conceivable 4. audio N + -able  audible 5. misery N + -able  miserable 6. refer V + -able  referable 7. dispense V + -able  dispensable 8. admire V + -able  admirable

c. Function

The function of suffix -able in these samples is change the class of base form ‘Verb’ or ‘Noun’ to become ‘Adjective’. 1. honour N + -able  honourable Adj 2. respect V + -able  respectable Adj 3. conceive V + -able  conceivable Adj 4. audio N + -able  audible Adj 5. misery N + -able  miserable Adj Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. refer V + -able  referable Adj 7. dispense V + -able  dispensable Adj 8. admire V + -able  admirable Adj

4.2.14 Suffix -ity

1 originality p.7ch.1sn.5 2 obscurity p.22ch.4ph.2 3 perplexity p.22ch.4ph.2 4 prosperity p.52ch.1ph.1 5 majority p.67ch.3ph.1 6 captivity p.67ch.3ph.3 7 humanity p.217ch.24ph.1 8 equality p.232ch.2ph.1 9 responsibility p.232ch.2ph.2 10 respectability p.232ch.2ph.2 11 security p.232ch.2ph.4 12 safety p.307ch.12ph.4

a. Form

Suffix -ity changes the form when it is attached to the base form or word in which has vowel e in the end of base form or word. 2. obscure bsf + -ity  obscurity 6. captive bsf + -ity  captivity 9. responsible bsf + -ity  responsibility 10. respectable bsf + -ity  respectability 11. secure bsf + -ity  security 12. safe bsf + -ity  safety Suffix -ity does not change the form when it is attached to these base forms: 1. original bsf + -ity  originality 3. perplex bsf + -ity  perplexity 4. prosper bsf + -ity  prosperity Universitas Sumatera Utara 5. major bsf + -ity  majority 7. human bsf + -ity  humanity 8. equal bsf + -ity  equality

b. Distribution