From those description can be summarized into a single entity, Public Speaking is the art of speaking in public about something or certain topic orally, with the certain aims. Actually public speaking can be applied to many things, one of them is on speech. To know more what the speech, it will be explained further in the following section about speech. In addition, the researchers also need to include the theory of speech because the main data of this research is about speech.

2.6 Speech

Accor ding t o Oxfor d dict ionar ies, t her e ar e t wo definitions of speech, t he fir st is t he expr ession of or t he abilit y t o expr ess t hought s and feelings by ar t iculat e sounds. Fr om t his definit ion can be elabor at ed int o a per sons st yle of speaking which closely r elat ed wit h t he way a per son speak and t he language of a nat ion, r egion, or gr oup t hat means speech as t he r epr esent at ion of a nat ion or a gr oup of people. Meanwhile, st ill wit h t he same sour ce, t he second definit ion of speech is a for mal addr ess or discour se deliver ed t o an audience. It means t hat t her e is one per son as t he speaker who t alks about cer t ain t opics in fr ont of people. That second definit ion is in accor dance wit h t he Anwar ’s definit ion in his book ent it led Teor i dan Pr aktek Pidato explain t hat speech is a pr ocess t o deliver an impor t ant pr oblem ver bally t o t he public in official sit uat ion Anwar , 1997:17. It is also r elat ed, basically anyone can do a speech, but if it is done t o t he public and in an official sit uat ion, so only cer t ain people who can do which nor mally t he per son who has t he power , which is in t his case is a leader . Speech is commonly used by a leader which is in the form of an utterance with a good arrangement to be delivered to the people with a specific purpose. The general purpose of the speech itself involves several things like the following: 1. Giving an understanding or information to others. At this stage, someone just gives a message without asking for feedback from the receiver receiver of t he message . 2. Influencing other person to follow our willingness to voluntarily. It means to drive or to shape the attitudes of a person according to what the influencer wants, in this stage, the mob became obedient to what is conveyed by the messenger. 3. Making other people to participate in. It means the message aims to be followed or be a role model for others who hear and observe. In this case, speaker is as a role model for the mob. Because of the main data in this research is taken from The Jakarta Globe, so researcher feels need to put its history into the theory as follows

2.7 The History of The Jakarta Globe