Research Instruments The Technique of Data Collection

35 4. Sorting the data by classifying the relevant ones and excluding the irrelevant ones. Then, the data were interpreted according to the topics. 5. Relating the description of the data with the theory in order to get the findings to the objective. 6. Interpreting the findings based on the researcher’s understanding about the theory.

F. Data Trustworthiness

According to Cresswell Miller in Cresswell, 2009: 191, data trustworthiness is one of the strengths of qualitative research since it is concluded based on the standpoint of the researcher, participant, and or the readers. In order to achieve the trustworthiness of the research, there are many kinds of strategies which can be used. In this research, the researcher used three strategies to achieve data trustworthiness. First of all, the researcher checked the data of the research so they matched with the theories used. Second, the researcher kept re-reading the data until she was assured that the data had valid interpretation. Last, the researcher also did peer debriefing to achieve the trustworthiness of the research. Cresswell 2009, 192 states that peer debriefer is a person who is located to review and ask questions about the research so the same understanding of related topic could be gained between the researcher and the debriefer. For this research, the researcher selected two of her friends who are also students of English Literature department and majoring in Literature to be the debriefer of the research. A 36 discussion was also conducted so there would not be any misunderstanding in interpreting the data. Besides, the researcher also discussed the data with her first and second consultant, Sugi Iswalono, M.A and Rachmat Nurcahyo, M.A who master the topics being discussed so that the researcher gets useful suggestion and opinion related to the research. 37


In this chapter, the researcher presents the discussion of the findings of the study. There are two sub chapters presented in this chapter; 1 the characteristics of antisocial personality disorder found in Amy’s actions and behaviors, and 2 the cause of Amy’s personality disorder. The first sub chapter focuses on identifying various actions and behaviors of Amy Dunne which are representing the characteristics of people with antisocial personality disorder, such as: 1 failure to conform social norms, 2 deceitfulness, 3 impulsivity, 4 irritability and aggressiveness, 5 reckless disregard for safety of self and others, 6 lack of remorse. The second sub chapter focuses on the cause of Amy’s personality disorder; i.e. role of peers.

A. The Characteristics of Antisocial Personality Disorder Found in Amy’s

Actions and Behaviors In order to know the kinds of actions and behaviors that reflect antisocial personality disorder, the research identifies the characteristics of antisocial personality disorder. According to American Psychiatric Association 2000: 645, antisocial personality disorder is a type of personality disorder that appears to be dramatic, emotional, and also erratic. It features pervasive pattern of disregard for,