Data Collection Data Analysis Technique

42 While for interviews, there are two basic types of questions used in an interview Ary et al., 1990: 418. They are structured and unstructured interview. Unstructured interview permits a free response from the respondents to answer the question rather than restricts the response to a choice from among stated alternatives. In structured interview, the interviewer reads the questions and presents the respondents with various alternative response options. In this study, the writer used unstructured interview. Through this interview the writer obtained information about the characteristics and the needs of the first grade students of SMP N 3 Sleman. The interview was done until all information and evaluation needed were obtain ed.

2. For the Second Survey

To obtain feedback of the designed materials, the writer decided to distribute the unstructured questionnaire. It was distributed to the English teachers of SMP N 3 Sleman and to the English language instructors of ALPHA Englis h Course Yogyakarta after the writer finished designing the instructional materials. The writer used the questionnaire to obtain the respondents’ opinions about the designed materials. The respondents were required to choose one of the five points of evaluation from 1 to 5. The results would be the basis of materials evaluation.

D. Data Collection

There were two kinds of questionnaire used by the writer. The first questionnaire for the needs survey was distributed to three classes chosen randomly from the first grade students of SMP N 3 Sleman. For this purpose, the writer conducted it in June 2006. In fact, the writer needed to guide the students in filling in 43 the questionnaire since it was written in English. The purpose of guiding them was to avoid confusion and difficulties in understanding the meaning. Briefly, the writer translated each number into Indonesian language, and then the students chose the options. To gather the data for the needs survey, the writer also conducted an informal interview with the English teachers of SMP N 3 Sleman. To come up with the best final version of the materials, the second questionnaire on the developed material was distributed to the English teachers of SMP N 3 Sleman and the English language instructors of ALPHA English Course Yogyakarta. The evaluation questionnaire for the designed set of materials was distributed in August until September 2006.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The analysis of the data was aimed at solving the problem of what the English supplementary reading materials using fables to the first grade students of SMP N 3 Sleman looked like. In the study, a descriptive data analysis was chosen. To evaluate the proposed English supplementary reading materials for the first grade students of SMP N 3 Slema n, the data were taken from the questionnaire and interview. The data of the questionnaire for the students as the needs’ survey were calculated as follows: N x 100 ? N 44 Note: N : the number of students who chose certain answers ? N : the total number of the students The survey for the designed materials evaluation used two types of questionnaires. They were closed-questions to assess the respondents’ opinions on the designed materials and open questions and interview to gain the respondents’ opinions, criticisms, and suggestions. The Likert Scale 1932 is one of the most widely used techniques to measure attitudes. It assesses attitude toward a topic by presenting a set of statements about the topic and asking respondents to indicate for each whether they strongly agree, agree, are undecided, disagree, or strongly disagree Ary et al., 2002: 224. Therefore, the writer uses Likert Scale or summated rating scale to measure the assessment of the respondents’ opinions on the designed materials. There were five points of agreements as follows: 1 : if the respondent strongly disagrees with the statement 2 : if the respondent disagrees with the statement 3 : if the respondent is undecided with the statement 4 : if the respondent agrees with the statement 5 : if the respondent strongly agrees with the statement Then the data were all measured by central tendency. To compute the data, three indices were needed as follows: § Mean : an average of all the scores in a distribution § Median : the midpoint in a distribution 45 § Mode : the most frequent score in a distribution Table 3. The Sample of Descriptive Statistics Central Tendency No. Respondents’ Opinion N Mn Med Md Note: • N : number of respondents • Mn : an average of all the scores in a distribution • Med: the midpoint in a distribution • Md : the most frequent score in a distribution

F. Procedures