The Curriculum in School Level

28 or response showed by the students in relation to the basic competence Nurgiyantoro, 2003: 4. Therefore, English skills become the main concerns of the CBC. The standard competence for each skill for the seventh grade students is described in Table 1. According to Direktorat Pendidikan Lanjutan Pertama 2004: 3, there are four phases in presenting any kinds of texts in spoken or written cycles. The phases are: 1 Building Knowledge of the Field BKOF, 2 Modeling of Text MOT, 3 Joint Construction of Text JCOT, and 4 Independent Construction of Text ICOT. The first phase is meant to bring the students’ attention to specific features of the text, such as the vocabulary, sentence structure, generic structure, and lexicon grammar. In the second phase, models of texts are given. It is advised to present authentic texts. The students are required to write a certain kind of text in pairs or groups in the third phase. Finally, the students write a piece of writing individually. More importantly, it is noticeable that those four phases are not always implemented thoroughly. Those phase s can also start from any phases in a disorderly fashion. The considerations are the competence to achieve and the students’ ability.

6. The Curriculum in School Level

As the development of knowledge, technology, and art, government recently revised the previous curriculum into what it is called Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP. The curriculum is still basically the same as Competence – Based Curriculum CBC since it also presents the materials integratively. However, 29 there is one thing that makes it different from CBC; that is, it offers schools to provide its syllabus based on their students’ needs. The curriculum in school level KTSP means “Kurikulum operasional yang disusun dan dilaksanakan oleh masing-masing satuan pendidikan ” an operational curriculum which is made and held by each school. The curriculum consists of goals, subjects, teaching – learning schedules, and syllabus. In the syllabus, teachers describe the competence standard, the basic competence, teaching – learning sources and activities, the indicators, the students’ assessment, the time allocation, and the teaching – learning aids Bahan Sosialisasi KTSP, 2007: 5. It means that teachers are free to make the syllabus based on their students’ needs. Therefore, it is hoped that by making its syllabus, schools will be able to maximize the teaching – learning process in order to achieve the goals. Considering the fact that the curriculum is being socialized at schools, the writer will still apply the Competence – Based Curriculum to the designed materials. The other consideration is that KTSP is not significantly different from CBC, therefore, the designed materials are still based on CBC type. Finally, the writer would like to emphasize that SMP N 3 Sleman still uses CBC as the basis of teaching – learning process. 30 Table 1 The Standard Competence for Grade Seven Direktorat Pendidikan Lanjutan Pertama, 2004: 13-21 English Skills Competence Standard Listening Students are able to understand phonological system, word meanings, the meaning of interpersonal, ideational, and textual in simple sentences, which are included in interactional and narrative texts accompanying pictures. Speaking Students are able to pronounce sounds and words, and express the meaning of interpersonal, idea tional, and textual in interactional sentences accompanying pictures. Reading Students are able to read words, phrases, and sentences with correct pronunciation loudly, and understand the meaning of interpersonal, ideational, and textual in simple interactional, narrative, and descriptive texts. Writing Students are able to write words, phrases, and sentences to express the meaning of interpersonal, ideational, and textual in the form of loose sentences, interactional, procedural, and short descriptive texts.

B. Theoretical Framework

A set of supplementary instructional reading materials using fables for the first grade stud ents of Junior High School is designed based on the theories mentioned above. The writer combined Kemp’s, Yalden’s and Borich’s models of instructional design to make the writer’s own steps. The purpose of combining those three models is that each of them has their own strengths which complete each other. Yalden’s model provides a syllabus which focuses on the communicative needs of the learners, while Kemp’s model has its flexibility in deciding the education level of