Problem Limitation Research Question

13 with the teacher, students can increase their language storage and so; improve their knowledge of language as much as possible” Yanfen and Yuqin, 2010:76. According to Brown, 1997:212-213 “Interaction is the collaborative exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas between two or more people, resulting in a reciprocal effect on each other“. Theories of communicative competence emphasize on the importance of interaction as human beings use language in various contexts to “negotiate” meaning, or to get an idea out of one person‟s head and into the head of another person and vice versa. Through interaction, students can increase their language storage as they listen to or read authentic linguistic material, or even the output of their fellow students in discussions, skits, joint problem-solving tasks, or in other dialogue tasks. In interaction, students can use all they possess of the language, all they learned or casually absorbed in real life exchanges. Even at an elementary stage, they learn in this way to exploit the elasticity of language Brown, 2007. Interaction in the classroom occured when there is communication between the teacher and students. The exchanges of teacher talk and student talk occured in various kinds of occassions. Teacher talk influences student talk.

b. Interaction in EFL Classroom

Interaction is the fundamental fact of classroom pedagogy. “Everything that happens in the classroom happens through a process of live person – to – person interaction Allwright, 1984:156 ”. Classroom interaction is an important concept for English language teachers, because through interaction teachers provide language input for students. It is supported by Long 1996 that interaction facilitates acquisition because of the conversational and linguistic modifications 14 that occur in such discourse and that provide learners with the input they need. The relationship between teacher‟s plans and the output in classroom interaction can be seen in figure 1 below: Syllabus Input Method Practice Opportunities Atmosphere Receptivity Figure 1. The relationship between plans and outcomes from Allwright and Bailey 1991, cited in Ellis, 2008:784 To facilitate classroom interaction, the teacher plans their lessons activities by making selections of what to teach syllabus, how to teach method, and how to create such classroom atmosphere that the teacher willing to be Ellis, 2008. When the teacher acted on, their plans result in „classroom interaction‟. The interaction provides learners with opportunities to encounter input or to practice the L2. There is also a state of „receptivity‟ which defined as „an active openness‟ a willingness to encounter the language and the culture. In traditional language classroom settings, teacher is the one who becomes the major portion of class time Richards and Lockhart, 1996. They provide learners with instruction and explain activities; clarify the procedures that the students should use on an activity and check students‟ understanding on lessons. Through the interaction, learners have opportunities to understand and use the language they comprehend.

1. Teacher Talk

Talk mediates learning because we learn in and through language Vygotsky, 1994. Since any classroom interaction consists of „Teacher talk‟ and „Student talk‟, and because “A major portion of class time is imployed by the Classroom interaction