Microteaching Coherent Learning Activities Learning Objectives


2. Lecturers

This research gives description for the lecturers on microteaching students’ ability in designing coherent learning objectives and learning activities. If the result is that microteaching students have not designed coherent learning activities, the lecturers can improve their teaching technique and create new methods in teaching designing lesson plan. By knowing the microteaching students ’ problems in designing coherent learning objectives and learning activities, the lecturers are expected to find better solution to help the students solve the problems.

3. Other researchers

This research can help and develop further research on designing similar topics about the coherent learning objectives and learning activities.

F. Definition of Terms

There are some terms which are often used in this study. In order to avoid misunderstanding, the researcher is going to define the terms as follows:

1. Microteaching

Purnomo, Rismiati, Domi Rohandi 2008 state that in microteaching class, the students are expected to master the basic teaching competence and implement a certain approach of teaching method. In this study, microteaching is one of the courses in the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University. This course belongs to a compulsory course and is offered in semester six. 7

2. Coherent

In a piece of writing, there is one principle that is called coherent principle. It means that every sentence in a paragraph should support the idea. As Langan 1996 said, “All the supporting ideas and sentences in a paper must be organized so that they cohere, or stick together ” p.104. This study is going to see the coherence of learning objectives and learning activities. Coherence here means that the learning activities should be designed to reach the purpose of learning that is formulated in the learning objectives. Learning activities might be varied. However, it should be well organized, set in a logical order, and meet at least one of the learning objectives.

3. Learning Activities

Harmer 2001 states that learning activities are the main body of the lesson plan in which the procedure of teaching process is listed together with the time taken for each activity p. 315. In this study, the learning activities refer to the learning activity as one of the components of lesson plan designed by microteaching students of the English Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University. Here, the researcher will use the list of activities written by the students in their lesson plans as the main data.

4. Learning Objectives

According to Kemp 1977, “A learning objective is a precise statement that answers the question, “What does the student have to do in order to show that he or she has learned what you want the students to learn” p. 28. It means that learning objective has something to do with the target of learning. Davies 1976 8 also says, “An objective implies direction and goal, cause and effect, process and product” p. 104. As written in Permendiknas no 41 year 2007 on Standar Proses, a learning objective describes the process and expected achievement of students learning based on the basic competence. Then, an indicator is observable behavior to indicate the achievement of basic competence. From those two sentences, it is obvious that both learning objective and indicator are related to the target of learning. Therefore, learning objectives and indicators are interchangeable. In this study, learning objectives refer to the learning objectives listed in the lesson plan designed by microteaching students of the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University. The researcher uses these as the main data. These learning objectives are derived from the basic competence and will be the main data of this research. However, these learning objectives can be exchanged with indicators. 9


In this chapter, the researcher presents the theoretical description and the theoretical framework. Theoretical description presents some theories which support the study conducted. Theoretical framework presents the logical concept on the use of the theories to answer the problem formulation. A. Theoretical Description 1. Lesson Planning in Language Teaching According to McNeil Wiles 1990 , “Lesson plan is a teaching outline of the important points of a lesson for a single class period, arranged in the order in which they are to be presented ” p. 59. From the definition of lesson plan given, it is obviously known that a lesson plan is important to design before the teachers teach in class. They have to plan all of the things related to the teaching and learning process first and write it in the lesson plan. It will be the guidance for the teacher in delivering the lesson, what they have to do is just implementing the designed plan. Burden Byrd 1999 present the reason why designing a lesson plan is important: The goal of planning is to ensure student learning. Planning therefore, helps create, arrange, and organize instructional events to enable that learning to occur. Planning helps arrange appropriate flow and sequence of instructional events and also manage time and events p. 19.