Lesson Plan 1 The Formulation of the Learning Objectives

34 conveyed the connection between events. Some designs of learning activities also developed the writing strategy through providing the feedback.

B. The Formulation of the Learning Objectives

Bloom 1964 has classified learning objectives in three domains which were cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. In designing a lesson plan, it was important to formulate learning objectives in all learning domains. The formulation of learning objectives should also be stated clearly. Pasch et al. 1991 had proposed the criteria of clearly stated learning objective in form of ABCD mnemonic aid. It explained that learning objectives should present the audience, the behavior, the condition and the degree of learning. The data of this research were obtained from seven microteaching students year 2009. The researcher studied their lesson plans, especially the objectives listed and the learning activities designed to see the coherence of both. For further exp lanation, the researcher presented the discussion of each student’s lesson plan.

1. Lesson Plan 1

The competence standard of this lesson plan was “mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative, dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. ” Then, the basic competence was “mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount.” 35 From the competence standard and basic competence, the participant formulated seven learning objectives. The researcher found that the participant had classified the learning objectives into three domains which were cognitive, affective and psychomotor. In the cognitive domain, the participant had formulated one learning objective as the product of learning and two learning objectives as the process of learning. In the affective domain, the participant had formulated three learning objectives. Then, one learning objective was formulated from psychomotor domain The formulation of learning objective as the product in cognitive domain was “diberikan waktu 10 menit, siswa mampu menulis teks recount sederhana berdasarkan pengalaman yang pernah dialami dengan baik. ” This learning objective was clearly stated since siswa as the audience, menulis teks recount sederhana as the behavior, pengalaman yang pernah dialami as the condition and dengan baik as the degree were presented there. It required the students to be able to write recount text based on their experience in ten minutes. In Bloom Taxonomy, this learning objective was in the high level of thinking. Writing was included in the category of synthesis which was in the fifth level. The first learning objective as the process in the cognitive domain was “diberikan beberapa paragraph acak, siswa mampu menyusun paragraf-paragraf acak yang diberikan guru menjadi sebuah cerita recount dengan urutan yang benar. ” It presented siswa as the audience, menyusun paragraf-paragraf acak yang diberikan guru as the behavior, menjadi sebuah cerita recount as the condition and dengan urutan yang benar as the degree of learning. Here, the 36 students were required to arrange jumble paragraphs. Arrange was included in the category of knowledge, which was in the first level of the taxonomy. Then, the participant wrote “diberikan sebuah cerita recount, siswa mampu menentukan generic structure dari cerita recount yang disusun dengan benar ” as the second formulation of learning objectives. It had also fulfilled the criteria of clearly stated learning objective since it presented the audience which was siswa, the behavior which was menentukan generic structure dari cerita recount yang disusun, the condition which was diberikan sebuah cerita recount and the degree which was dengan benar. This learning objective required the students to determine the generic structure of recount text paragraphs. Determine also means identify. This learning objective was in the second level of taxonomy, which was comprehension. In the affective domain, the participant formulated three learning objectives. They are 1 “diberikan kesempatan untuk mendengarkan penjelasan guru, siswa mampu menghargai guru saat memberikan penjelasan dengan seksama ”, 2“diberikan kesempatan untuk mengerjakan soal secara berkelompok, siswa mampu bekerja dengan anggota kelompoknya dengan baik ”, and 3 “diberikan kesempatan untuk menanggapi tulisan siswa lain, siswa mampu memberikan tanggapan terhadap terhadap tulisan siswa lain dengan seksama. ” It meant that the students were required to respect their teacher, to cooperate with their friends and to respond to their friends’ writing. All of those learning objectives presented the audience, behavior, condition and degree of learning. The audience was siswa. Then, the behavior was different for each 37 learning objective. It were menghargai guru saat memberikan penjelasan for the first one, bekerja dengan anggota kelompoknya for the second one and memberikan tanggapan terhadap terhadap tulisan siswa lain for the third formulation of learning objective. The condition of learning was also different for each of the learning objective. They are diberikan kesempatan untuk mendengarkan penjelasan guru, diberikan kesempatan untuk mengerjakan soal secara berkelompok and diberikan kesempatan untuk menanggapi tulisan siswa lain for the first, second, and third learning objectives. For the degree, the participant wrote dengan seksama for the first and third learning objectives, and dengan baik for the second one. Therefore, the learning objective formulated in the affective domain had fulfilled the criteria of clearly stated learning objective. The last learning objective was in the psychomotor domain. The formulation “diberikan waktu 15 menit untuk menulis, siswa mampu menulis teks recount secara sistematis ” was clearly stated. It presented siswa as the audience, menulis teks recount as the behavior, diberikan waktu 15 menit untuk menulis as the condition, and secara sistematis as the degree. It meant that the students should be able to write a recount text systematically. This learning objective was also included in the cognitive domain. It was clear since writing required bodily movement as what should be as psychomotor domain and level of thinking as what should be as cognitive domain. However, the formulation of this learning objective was not appropriate with learning objective formulated in the cognitive domain. Those two learning objectives required the students to be able to write recount text. However, the condition of time given was different. In the cognitive 38 domain, the participant wrote diberikan waktu 10 menit when in the psychomotor domain, the participant wrote diberikan waktu 15 menit. It would be a problem since a lesson plan should help the teacher to manage the time. This case could create misunderstanding for those who applied this lesson plan. When the researcher confirmed about this case, the participant directly laughed and said that the condition of time given should be 10 minutes.

2. Lesson plan 2