The Ways In Which Information Given Related To The Type Of Visitor (A Description on Guiding Technique at the Room of History of Life in Bandung Museum of Geology)


The final paper was written based on the job training at Bandung Museum of
Geology which was started on 28 July 2008 and ended on 30 August 2008. This final
The purpose of this final paper is to describe the ways to inform materials
related to the visitors in Bandung Museum of Geology, especially in exhibition room
of History of life. The method used for writing this final paper is descriptive method.
During the job training, the writer found there were the ways to inform
materials to make information which was given were be easier to be received. The
process began with observing the materials and classifying the visitors related to their
education background. Then, learning the ways to inform and applying them in
process of giving information were done comprehensively.
It may be concluded that the success of guiding process depends on the proper
application to inform materials to the different visitors.
Keywords: Information, visitors, the ways to inform.



Laporan ini ditulis berdasarkan praktek kerja di Museum Geologi Bandung
yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28 Juli 2008 sampai 30 Agustus 2008. Adapun
Tujuan penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana cara
memberikan informasi tentang benda-benda yang ada di ruang peragaan Sejarah
Kehidupan Manusia berdasarkan para pengunjung selama kerja praktek di Museum
Geologi Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan laporan akhir ini adalah
metode deskriptif.
Selama melaksanakan kerja praktek penulis mengetahui ada beberapa cara
pemberian informasi agar informasi yang disampaikan lebih cepat diterima.
Prosesnya dimulai dengan observasi benda-benda di museum dan mengelompokan
para pengunjung berdasarkan latar belakang pendidikannya. Selanjutnya
mempelajari cara pemberian informasi dan menerapkannya dalam proses
pemanduan secara komprehensif.
Akhirnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa suksesnya proses pemanduan tergantung
pada penerapan cara pemberian informasi yang tepat kepada para pengunjung yang
Kata kunci: Informasi, pengunjung, cara-cara pemberian informasi




First of all, the writer would like to be grateful to Allah SWT for giving
strength and patience to finish this final paper. The purposes of this final paper are to
explain the way in which information was given related to the visitors in the guiding
process in Museum Geology of Bandung and to fulfill one of the requirements to
graduate from Diploma III Program.
Finally, the writer wants to say thanks to all people who helped while writing
this final paper. Especially the writer wants to say thanks to:
1. Prof. Dr. Moh Tadjuddin, M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Letters
2. Retno Purwani Sari, S.S., M.Hum. as the Head of English Department and
3. Asih Prihandini, S.S., M.Hum as the Coordinator of Final Paper.

4. All Lectures in English Department.
5. Dra. Julianty M., M.Hum, as Counselor in Bandung Museum of Geology.


6. Mbak Sofi and Mbak Tyas, as the Secretaries in English and Japan

Annisa Maharani and Dedi Sutendi who teach me about some important
thing to become a good guide.


All my best friends who never tire to help me anytime and anywhere.

Furthermore, the writer really wants to say sorry and thank you very much for
all people who are not mentioned.
The writer expects this final paper is useful for the readers who want to know
the effective ways to inform information in process of delivering information,

especially in guiding. Finally, the writer looks forward to having critics and advices.

Bandung, Mei. 2010
The writer






1. Profile


: Dede Supriadi

Place & Date of Birth

: Ciamis, October 1st , 1985


: Moslem


: Single


: Male

Home Address

: Jln Babakan Ardiyasa No 37 Parigi Ciamais


: 081220402560

2. Educational Background






SD Negeri III Parigi



SMP Negeri I Parigi



SMA Negeri I Parigi









1.1 Background

Museum is a place to keep many materials which are related to history. Usually,
the materials are proofs from every time and moment which had been happening in
the past. They were found and investigated. Many of them have related to human life
today. Therefore museum becomes one of the destinations in tourism.
Every material in the museum has something that will be shared to visitors. It
connects with many things in each detail such as name, kind, function and relation
with the other materials. Indeed, the visitors sometimes are eager to know its detail,
especially the materials which make them interested. They will give an extra effort to
get something that is needed. The things needed are everything related to the
materials and shared to visitors; the concepts of the materials maybe defined as

As mentioned earlier, information is essence in giving a service to the visitors.
That is a reason why the ways in which information was given is an issue in this pinal


paper. To discus about it, there is one important factor related, it is the type of
visitors. Basically, the types of visitors are classified based on their education
background such as student of school, student of university and teacher also. Student
of school usually comes in their education tour. Student of university usually comes
to make a paper which is related to some materials in the museum. The other visitors
are teacher who comes to make a research about materials which become their
material research.
Related to the type of visitors above, the way in which information was given will
differ for each visitor. There are some ways which will be used to inform materials.
The ways are simple, attractive, and complex. To make the visitors satisfied, applying
of these ways should be taken regarding to the type of them.
In the process of giving information, all materials need someone as a connector to
give information to the visitors. The person who has responsibility to inform all
materials in museum is called guide. It was one of the assignments which the writer
had in job training. As a guide the writer should use different ways to inform all

information. It had purpose to make the activity of giving information more
interesting but still worked out successfully. Based on that reason the writer
considered that the ways to inform information were the key of the success of
delivering information. All the issues would be described in the paper entitled “The
Way in which Information was Given Related to the Type of Visitors (A


Description on Guiding Technique at the Room of History of Life in Bandung
Museum of Geology).”

1.2. Objectives
The objectives of the final paper are as follows:
1. To give description about the way in which information was given effectively
related to the visitors
2. To give description about problems that usually occurred during delivering
3. To give description about alternative solution to solve the problem in
delivering information
4. To fulfill one of requirements to graduate from English Department of

Indonesia University of Computer.

1.3 Methods
The method of this final paper is descriptive method. The main purpose of this
method is to describe the ways in which information was given related to the type of
visitors in delivering information. Data were taken from observation in exhibition
room of History of life room in Bandung Museum of Geology. It helps the writer to


get much information about materials. To learn the ways to inform information the
writer uses instruction book of guiding.

1.4 Place and Time of Job Training
The writer did the job training at Bandung Museum of Geology that is located at
Diponegoro street No. 56, Bandung. It was held in 1 month from 28th July to 30th
August 2008. The schedule was started from Monday to Friday at 8.30 am to 3 pm.




For many years, geologists were doing geological investigations in some area
of Indonesia. Since 1922 the activities were increasing rapidly and the geologist
found many samples of minerals, rocks and fossils. As a result, a place to keep the
entire samples was required to investigate all the materials to the society. Finally, in
1928 the building for Laboratory was established. Because the building not only used
for laboratory but also to publish all materials to the society, on May 16th, 1928
Museum of Geology was declared after name “Geologisce Museum”. After
renovation and development of exhibition room on August 22nd 2000, it was redeclared by the former President of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarno Putri.
Related to its function, the museum has some important functions for the
scientist and society. The scientists are using the building not only as a laboratory or a
place for the documentation and exhibition of geological survey activities but also as
information of earth and geological data center. For the society the museum becomes


the one of the interesting tourism objects which visits by tourist who came to
The museum-under “Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi”
(Puslitbang Geologi), center of mineral source and energy research- have vision and
mission. The museum vision are become professional source of information
(Collection and geo heritage) for community as one of the biggest museums in
Indonesia. Then the museum missions are following:
1. Exhibit and Communicate Museum collection
2. Provide information and geological education material
3. Document and conserve museum collection
4. Research on collection and museum development
5. Museum exhibition on Geology
6. Geological socialization
To explore the museum, there are some rooms that will be visited. The rooms
were designed same as kind and function of Geological museum information as a data
junction and geological information which connected one and each other. Every
corner of exhibition room was setting based on hand on clockwise. There are four
main rooms in the museumwhich are consisting of one orientation room and three
room of exhibition. To make everything in a good order a certain classification was
made and it was shown by the name of exhibition rooms. ”Geology of Indonesia”,”


History of Life”, and “Geology for Human Life” are the three main of exhibition
rooms which should be visited.
The first room is Orientation room which is occupying in 1st floor has
function for registration of the visitors and in this room we can find information in
panel and audiovisual form. At the north wall we can see audiovisual about
information of exhibition rooms.At the west wall, there are information panel about
history shaping of earth 4,6 billions years ago. The last information panel is about
history of life on earth star with plants, vertebrata, until invertebrata.
The first exhibition room is History of life which is still occupying in 1st floor
.This room exhibits the development of life on Earth beginning with the earth
formation around 4,6 billion years ago. Stromatolite is the oldest primitive life on
earth. Mesozoikum is considered as the golden period of gigantic creature so called
Dinosaur. The most interesting collection is a fossil replica of Tyrannosaurus rex
exhibited in this room. During this period, most of Indonesia is still submerged under
the sea as indicated by abundant of ammonite and other invertebrate fossils.
The second room is geology of Indonesia which is occupying in 1st floor.
Exhibition start with earth formation processes, followed by the development of
Indonesian Archipelago using plate tectonic theory generated by the interaction three
major plates including Eurasian, Pacific, and Indo-Australia plates. The room is
divided into five prominent islands and Mollusca Island. Each island shows specific


geological as well as tectonic phenomena, such as volcanic belt, active faults, and
earthquakes. The oldest rock found in Papua is Cambrian (604-790 ma) age.
The last exhibition room is Geology for human life which is occupying in 2nd
floor. This part of exhibition shows mineral and oil gas exploitation and processing as
country source of incomes, and also utilization of water resource to support human
civilization. Besides its benefit, geological condition in one area can also become
source of geological disasters, such as earthquake, tsunami, landslide, and volcanic
Beside three exhibition rooms, there are also some interesting rooms such as
auditorium and souvenir shop. Auditorium has functions as audiovisual theater;
visitors who come will watch some movie about Museum of Geology history and
earth formation process. The last room which should be visited is souvenir shop. In
this room we can get some interesting souvenirs which are connected with this
During the job training the writer was allowed to choice exhibition room.
There were some reasons why the writer chose History of life room. First, this room
was the most interesting room because it keeps many important materials about
history of human life. Then this room keeps the most interesting materials collection
such as Tyrannosaurus rex fossil and stomatolite. Working in this room made the


writer fun because there were many extraordinary materials that you cannot see
Finally, there are many benefits if we visit Museum of Geology. Visiting this
museum would give new experience and increase our knowledge about geological
and history of human life. From this place we would learn how the earth process and
human life begin.



3.1 Job Position and Coordination
During the job training the writer was assigned in two main divisions in Bandung
museum of Geology.

The divisions were Exhibition division and Auditorium

division. In the process of guiding, the writer made coordination with counselor and
guide coordinator.

3.1.1 Job Position
As mentioned above, the writer conducted the job training in two divisions;
Exhibition and Auditorium division. These divisions have different duty.To Inform
all materials in every exhibition room to the visitors are the responsibilities of the
exhibition division. In this division the writer became a guide and a translator who
worked in exhibition room of History of life. On the other hand, in Auditorium
division, the writer became an auditorium staff who guided the visitors to the
auditorium and prepared equipment for a show.


3.1.2 Coordination
During the job training, the writer had different coordinator in every division but
still was under a counselor, Mrs. Julianty Mulia, M.Hum, as supervisor. As a guide in
exhibition division, the writer was learned the process of guiding from senior guide
Ms. Anita Maharani. In the process of learning, the writer observed in room of
History of life to collect information which would be given to the visitors. In
Auditorium division, the writer was helped by Mr. Dedi Sutendi as one of
audiotorium staffs to learn how to prepare equipment in auditorium. The writer also
got articles to translate from Mrs. Julianty Mulia, M Hum. The coordination in job
training was necessary to make process of guiding successfully.

3.2 Responsibilities
Based on job position above, there were three main duties assigned for the writer
in Bandung Museum of Geology. They were an auditorium staff, translator, and
guide. Every assignment had different responsibilities but was still related to the
process of guiding.


3.2.1 The writer became an auditorium staff.
As one of the auditorium staffs, to make process of auditorium tour ran well
was the first duty. The writer began to guide the visitors to the auditorium room.
Then, to prepare equipment for showing a movie in audiotorium was the next duty
was the next duty. During the show, comfort and safe of visitor were responsibilities
of the auditorium staff. In the end of the show, the writer led visitors to the next
activities, and informed another guide that the activity in auditorium was over to
another guide.

3.2.2 The writer became a translator.
The next duty to the writer was a translator. Usually the articles received had a
topic which was related to the museum world. During translating, the writer got much
information to increase knowledge about museum. Therefore many information got,
could be used by the writer and the museum. For example the first article was about
“Museum Fund”, it was told how the museum got the fund to keep and protect all the
materials in the museum. From the articles, the museum was informed how to get
fund from some geology„s collectors in material investigations. In the end of the
activity, the counselor would check the translation result and gave suggestion if it was
not enough close to the meaning of the source language.


3.2.3 The writer became a guide.
Generally, a guide in the museum is the person who gives information about
materials in every exhibition room to the visitors. In the process of guiding, there
were some steps to become a good guide. Knowing all information about the
materials in exhibition room, especially in History of life room was the first thing to
do. After having enough information, the writer learnt how thw coordinator of
guiding conducted the activity when they guide.
During doing the job training as a guide the writer realized that all visitors came
to the museum with differnt educational background and purposes; most of purpose
was to have a reseach, observation or just vacation. To make analysis easier, the
writer clasified the visitors based on their educational background; the educational
background was assumed to have a relation to the purpose of the visitors.
Based on the reason above, the writer realized it was necessary to find different
ways to give information related to type of the visitors related to their educational
background. It had purpose to make information which given same as the visitors
needed. On the other word, the success of giving information in guiding process was
depending on applying the correct ways of explanation. Finally, with some references
from book of guiding, the writer would describe the way in which information was
given related to the type of visitors.



The ways in which information was given related to the type of the visitors
Since a guide is the main duty than the other two, the writer raised a factual issue

on guiding. The issue is the ways in which information was given related to the
visitors. There are two main explanations given here. There are clarification which
consists of introduction and application, and problem and solution.

3.3.1 Clarification
In clarification, there are two points to be explained. First, it was introduction
which described on the some collections from room of History of Life and the ways
in which information was given related to the visitors theoretically. The last one, it is
about application of the previous topics mentioned in introduction. Introduction
In a source of guide instruction, the writer found an interesting statement,
“People didn’t watch you smoking but they watch how you turned the fire
The statement was meant that people didn’t watch what you were talking about
something but they watched how you explained that. On the other words, the success


in giving information was depended on the way how you were giving the
information. The statement gave an inspiration in doing duty as a guide.
As mentioned in chapter II, History of life is the exhibition room chosen by
the writer to do job training. This room is divided into four exhibition cornesr which
consists of Pra-Kambium, Paleozoikum, Mesozoikum, and Kenozoikum, also
exhibition corner of world of fossil. There are some materials that become the best
collections which are necessary to be explained to the visitors. The collections were:
1. Periphinites supremus (Fossil of Mollusca)
2. Stomatolite (Fossil of alga)
3. Tyrnnasaurusr rex (Fossil replica of carnivore dinosaur)
4. Homo erectus (fossil of ancient human)
5. Stegedon trigona cephalus (Fossil of ancient elephant)
Based on to the topic which is described in this paper, the ways to inform
materials in history of life room were very important. As mentioned before the writer
were clasified the visitors from their educational background. It was into three groups
of visitor, those were:


1. Students of school
They came from elementary, junior and high school and joined in some groups
which consisted of 70 until 100 students. It was made the exhibition room full of
many students. In that situation, it was necessary to give explanation quickly to
maintain their focus. So, the writer used simple explanation. It had purpose to give
information in short time. This explanation just gave the main information about the
material. In process of guiding, the writer guided the visitors from Junior high
School of Imogiri I Yogyakarta
2. Student of University
They came from university who joined in one group which consisted of 5 until
15 people. As active visitors, they needed more information than school student.
Related to that, the writer used attractive explanation. The writer used this
explanation to make guiding tour more attractive. It had purpose to make visitors
interesting in information which had given. To make an attractive explanation, the
writer began with the most interesting information about materials. In the process of
guiding, the writer guided student of ITB.


3. Teachers
The kind of this visitor usually came not more than 5 people. To give all
information to the visitors, the writer used complex explanation. Knowing about
details of material was very important to use in this explanation. Usually, these
explanations mentioned about complete information of materials which consisted of
class, size, years and places of the materials living or found. The visitor was allowed
asking about the other information which was needed. In the process of guiding the
writer guided the foreign teachers from California University. Application
After classifying the way in which information was given related to the
visitors, the writer tried to apply explanation in the process of guiding. First the writer
guided the visitors to history of life room. Based on the guiding technique, process of
guiding began with greeting. For example:
“Good morning student / everyone / Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the
room of History of Life. My name is Dede Supriadi, today I will be your guide
that will take you to explore the world of history of life, please follow me”
After the greeting was done, the writer continued to explain the materials with
different way of explanations related to the visitors. As example of application, there
were three different visitors which would be guided, those were:


1. Students from Junior High school of Imogiri I Yogyakarta
2. Students of ITB ( Bandung Institiut of Technology )
3. Foreign teachers from California University.
The first visitors came from Junior high School of Imogiri I Yogyakarta. The
teacher of the school asked the writer to use English in guiding process. Related to
the visitors, the writer used simple explanation. Because there were too many
students in the room, the writer explained all the materials from the middle in the
exhibition room. The writer began the explanation materials in the first corner of
exhibition room, here were the explanation:
“Welcome to the history of life room. This room was divided into four of
exhibition corner and one exhibition corner of world of fossil. I will explain
some important materials and you can ask if you have question about
information of materials”
As mentioned above the simple explanation just gave the main information about
materials. Then, the writer began with 1st material in the first corner of exhibition
room. It was Periphinites supremus (Fossil of Mollusca), here was the following
“To explore the history of life, you can begin with the first material from the
left corner of this room, the material is fossil of molusca, its habitat lived in
open sea”


After that, visitor guided the visitorsto the 2nd material, it was Stomatolite (Fossil of
alga), and the explanation would be described:
“Next that is a fossil of alga which a part of the stomatolite groups and lives
in tropical intertidal zones”
The guiding continues to the 3rd Tyrannosaurus rex (Fossil replica of carnivora
dinosaur). The explanation given was:
“Now in the second exhibition corner, you see the replica of Tyrannosaurus
rex, which is the fossil of the biggest creatures in planet earth “
Then the writer took the visitor to the 4th material. It was Homo erectus (fossil of
ancient human), and the explanation would be described:
“In the ancient human room, you can see fossil of Homo erectus, it fossil is one
of the ancient men in the world which was found in Indonesia”
Finally, the writer explained the last material. It was Stegodon trigonacephalus
(Fossil of ancient elephant), and here was the explanation:
“In world of fossil you can see ancient elephant fossil, it fossil is a kind of
ancient elephant which ever had been lived in Sundaland”
Before the guiding process was ended the visitor allowed to ask the information about
materials which they need to know.
Next, to apply attractive explanation, the process of guiding the students of I
Bandung Institute of Technology was given here. Same as the first process, after


greeting was done the writer began to explain the first material Periphinites supremus
(Fossil of Mollusca), here was the following explanation:
“The first material is fossil of Mollusca, the fossil was distributed all over the
world and one of the most successful creatures in the sea in ancient age “
As mentioned before in clarification, these ways of explanation were conducted
by informing the most interesting information about materials. The most interesting
information about materials above was
“the most successful creature in the sea in ancient age”.
Different from the first ways, in this explanation a guide was explained in
every corner of exhibition room. Related to that, there were bridging after explanation
in each corner of exhibition was ended. Here was the bridging:
“Well, I think it’s enough for the information here, now we can see the
materials in the next corner of exhibition room. Follow me, please!”
This bridging also applied in the last ways of explanations.
After that, the writer continued explaining the 2nd material Stomatolite (Fossil
of alga), and the explanation would describe bellow:
“Next, this is fossil of alga. This fossil is material which becomes the oldest
collection in the museum”
The most interesting information in material above was
“the material becomes the oldest collection in the museum”.


Therefore, guiding continued to the 3rd material Tyrannosaurus rex (Fossil
replica of carnivora dinosaur) in the corner of Mesozoikum age. Here were the
“This is fossil of Tyrannosaurus rex, this species also called King Tyrant
Lizard because is the biggest dinosaur of carnifora in the world”
The most interesting information in material above was
“this material also called King Tyrant Lizard”.
Next, the writer took the visitor to the 4th material; it was Homo erectus (fossil
of ancient human) in exhibition corner of ancient of human. The explanation would
be described:
“This fossil is Homo erectus, it has known in the world as The Java Man,
previously well known as Pithecanthropus erectus Dubois”
The most interesting information in material above was
“this material has known in the world as The Java Man”.
Then the writer would describe the last material. It was Stegodon
trigonacephalus (Fossil of ancient elephant) from exhibition corner of world of
fossil, and here was the explanation:
“This is fossil of ancient elephant, the reason why this fossil named
trigonacephalus is the skull of the elephant head that has trigonal shape”
The most interesting information in material above was


“the skull of head of this material has trigonal shape”.
The process of guiding in history of life was ended. The writer gave them to the other
guide to continue their activity in the museum.
Next, the last ways of explanation, this would be applied to foreign teachers
from California University. Same as guiding process above, after greeting was given
the writer began to explain the first material Periphinites supremus (Fossil of
Mollusca), here were the following explanation:
“This is fossil of Mollusca, it is class of Perishinitidae. It has size range from
large to huge. Live in late Jurassic age and found in Solnhofen, Bavaria,
As mentioned before, these ways of explanation consisted of class, size, years and
places of the material living or found. They were also applied in each explanation
After that, the writer guided the visitors to the 2nd material, it was Stomatolite
(Fossil of alga) the explanation was described below:
“This is fossil of alga, this fossil has a conical to cylinhical structure with
typical height 3m. This fossil lived from Pre-cambrian to Cambrian age. It
presented by Toyohashi Museum of natural History”
Then the writer guided the visitors to the 3rd material Tyrannosaurus rex (Fossil
replica of carnivora dinosaur), the explanation given was:


“This fossil is Tyrannosaurus rex, it lived in age of Late cretaceous. It has
height 6,5 m, length 14 m, and weight 8 m. It was found in North America,
Alberta, Montana and Mongolia in Asia”
Then the writer continued to explain the 4th material which was Homo erectus
(fossil of ancient human). The explanation would be described:
“This is fossil of ancient human which was found in Sangiran Dome in Pucung
village by Toekimin in september 13rd 1969”.It was lived 750.000 years ago in
Pleistocene age with length 2m and class of Mammalia”
Finally the writer took the visitors to the 5th material which was Stegodon
trigonacephalus (Fossil of ancient elephant), and here were the explanation:
“This fossil is ancient elephant, it class of Mamalia, it has long curves until
4m and length 2, 5 m and it was found in East Java area”
The guiding process was ended. The writer guide the visitors to the another exhibition
In the end of guiding process in History of life room, the writer gave closing. Here
was the closing:
“Alright student / everyone / Ladies and gentlemen, I think the explanation
about this room is enough. Now we can go to the next room that is geology of
Indonesia room and it will be guided by the other guide. Thank you for your
coming and your attention.”
After learning all the explanation which was given, using differences of
explanations was applied to make guiding process better. All the visitors were

allowed to ask the information which they needed. The visitor would receive all the
information, increase their knowledge, and feel new experiences during the
exploration every of exhibition room in Museum of Geology.

3.3.2 Problems and Solutions
The writer contributed the best abilities to be a good guide. It didn’t mean there
were not problems during the writer did the job training. There were some problems
which were found. The basic problem was the writer did not know how to conduct
guiding the visitors in the real world. Second, the writer didn’t have enough time to
observe and remember materials that were explained in guiding. Finally, the writer
didn’t know how to give explanation about materials related to the visitors.
The writer was realized to solve the problem as fast as possible in order to do
work well. For the basic problem, the writer learnt how to be a professional guide
from some sources such as: Instruction book of guiding, how to be guide for beginner
and the writer also learnt how senior guide conducted guiding. There wasn’t easy to
be a guide who had responsibility to inform all materials to the visitors but the writer
had never stopped to learn and to increase abilities; learning by doing.
To remember the materials, the writer spent more time in exhibition room.
Then the writer made a note which described some materials which were very
important to be explained. This way made materials easy to be remembered.


Although there was just a little time to make observation, the writer tried to learn
different materials each day until having enough information about all materials.
After having enough information about materials, the writer learnt how to
inform materials for different visitors. As a guide, the writer realized that to give
information successfully, the information which was given should be adjusted as
visitors needed. To make analysis easier, the writer classified the visitors in to three
types of visitors such as, students of school, students of stuniversity and teachers.
Finally, the writer applied some ways in which information was given related to the




As arqued in chapter III, the significant issue raised is how important the
ways in which information given is. Analysis show that appllyng the correct ways to
inform material has many benefit. First, information will be easier to be received,
because information that would be informed adjusted to visitor’s background.
Second, it will make a good situation to make process of guiding more interesting.
Then, the visitors will more comfortable and satisfied because they will get
information same as their needed.
Finally, all the ways can be used in the process of guiding but it will be better
if the most suitable of the way explanations is applied. It has purpose to make the
result of guiding process better. For the writer, the first thing to do to become a good
guide is to learn all the ways to inform information. After having ability in that, the
writer would have confidence in delivering information. If the writer can make the
process of guiding better, it will become a big contribution to the institution.



4.2.1 To the institution:
1. The institution should make coordination with The Faculty of Letter to guide and
give information to the students that will conduct job training.
2. There would be better if the counselor her/him self may be involved in training
process in order to learn the improvement achieved by the student.

4.2.2 To Faculty of Letter
1. The Faculty should give direction about the places and activity which are
possible to the writer to do job training.
2. The Faculty makes a list about job training position and describes each position
to the student.

4.2.3 To students who will do the next writing:
1. During the job training, the student should do the job training with
responsibility. Because this is not the way to feel the real job but the student
should give a contribution to increase the institution.
2. The student should share information with the other student to make different
topic in final paper.















1.1 Background


1.2 Objectives


1.3 Method


1.4 Place and Time




3.1 Job Position and Coordination
3.1.1 Job position


3.1.2 Coordination



3.2 Responsibilities
3.2.1 The writer became an audiotorium staff


3.2.2 The writer became a translator


3.2.3 The writer became a guide


3.3 The ways in which information was given related
to the type of Visitors


3.3.1 Clarification

14 Introduction

14 Application


3.3.2 Problem and Solution


4.1 Conclusion


4.2 Suggestions









(A Description on Guiding Technique at the Room of History of Life in
Bandung Museum of Geology)
Final Paper
Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements
Of Diploma III Program

Dede Supriadi



I hereby certify that this final paper entitled “THE WAYS IN WHICH
Technique at the Room of History of Life in Bandung Museum of Geology)” is honestly my
own work and I’m fully aware that I have quoted some statements and ideas from various
sources and they are properly acknowledged in the text.

Bandung, January 2010

Dede Supriadi


Debbie Jacob, How to Become a Guide on This Planet,, 2001
Echols, John. M , Sadili.. Kamus Inggris-Indonesia, PT.Gramedia, Jakarta, 1976
Manser, Martin H.. Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary. Oxford University Press.
1980, 1983, 1993
Muhajir. Menjadi Pemandu Wisata Pemula, PT. Gramedia, Jakarta, 2005.
Pusat Survei Geologi. Panduan Museum Geologi, Bandung, 2009