RESET : Jalur low ini digunakan untuk me-reset menghidupkan ulang

L15 43. TCCR1A = 0; 44. TCCR1B = 0; 45. 46. Set timer1_counter to the correct value for our interrupt interval 47. timer1_counter = 64911; preload timer 65536-16MHz256100Hz 48. timer1_counter = 64286; preload timer 65536-16MHz25650Hz 49. timer1_counter = 34286; preload timer 65536-16MHz2562Hz 50. 51. TCNT1 = timer1_counter; preload timer 52. TCCR1B |= 1 CS12; 256 prescaler 53. TIMSK1 |= 1 TOIE1; enable timer overflow interrupt 54. interrupts; enable all interrupts 55. pinModeA0, INPUT; input analaog sensor kelembapan 56. pinMode41, INPUT; Button StartStop 57. pinMode42, INPUT; Data Yang terkirim 58. pinMode43, INPUT; Button output sensor 59. pinMode44, INPUT; Button Output Kendali 60. pinMode22, OUTPUT; kendali suhu 61. pinMode23, OUTPUT; kendali kelembapan udara 62. pinMode24, OUTPUT; kendali kelembapan tanah 63. pinMode25, OUTPUT; LED output Dingin 64. pinMode26, OUTPUT; LED output Normal 65. pinMode27, OUTPUT; LED output Panas 66. pinMode29, OUTPUT; LED output Kering udara 67. pinMode30, OUTPUT; LED output Lembab udara 68. pinMode31, OUTPUT; LED output Basah udara 69. pinMode32, OUTPUT; LED output Kering tanah 70. pinMode33, OUTPUT; LED output Lembab tanah 71. pinMode34, OUTPUT; LED output Basah tanah1 72. ifdef AVR 73. Wire.begin; 74. else 75. Wire1.begin; Shield I2C pins connect to alt I2C bus on Arduino Due PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI L16 76. endif 77. rtc.begin; 78. 79. if rtc.isrunning { 80. lcd.setCursor 0, 0; 81. lcd.printRTC GAGAL; 82. following line sets the RTC to the date time this sketch was compiled 83. rtc.adjustDateTimeF__DATE__, F__TIME__; 84. This line sets the RTC with an explicit date time, for example to set 85. January 21, 2014 at 3am you would call: 86. rtc.adjustDateTime2016, 3, 11, 21, 52, 30; 87. } 88. pinModeanalogin, INPUT; 89. Serial.print inisialisasi SD..; 90. while SD.begin53 { 91. lcd.setCursor 0, 0; 92. lcd.printSD Card Error; 93. } 94. lcd.setCursor 0, 0; 95. lcd.printSD Card Ready; 96. delay 1000; 97. lcd.clear; 98. } 99. ISRTIMER1_OVF_vect 100. { 101. TCNT1 = timer1_counter; 102. count++; 103. if count == 18 detik 104. { 105. a = 1; 106. count = 0; 107. } 108. }