User Interface Detail Data User User Interface Detail Data User

Untuk mengakses dan memanipulasi data user, administrator harus masuk ke user interface detail data user dengan cara memilih sub menu User yang terdapat pada menu Data. Gambar 4.8 merupakan halaman detail data user untuk bagian admnistrator. Gambar 4.8 Halaman Detail Data User Halaman ini menampilkan user name, password, dan bagian dari user dalam bentuk form data grid. Pada halaman detail data user ini juga terdapat tombol Add yang berfungsi untuk menambah data user, tombol Edit yang berfungsi untuk mengupdate data user, tombol Delete yang berfungsi untuk menghapus data user, tombol Refresh yang berfungsi untuk menampilkan keseluruhan data user yang ada di database, dan tombol Exit yang berfungsi untuk keluar dari program. Halaman detail data user ini juga dilengkapi dengan dengan fasilitas pencarian PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI user dengan kategori pencarian berdasarkan user name dan bagian. Berikut ini adalah perintah untuk user interface halaman detail data user. Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class frmDetailUser Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Public Sub Data_Grid Dim myConn As SqlConnection Dim daUser As SqlDataAdapter Dim dsUser As DataSet myConn = Database myConn.Open Dim sqlselect As String = Select User1.User_Name User Name,User1.Password Password,ROLE.Role Bagian from User1,ROLE Where _ ROLE.Id_Role=User1.Id_Role daUser = New SqlDataAdaptersqlselect, myConn dsUser = New DataSet daUser.FilldsUser, USER1 dgUser.DataSource = dsUser dgUser.DataMember = USER1 dgUser.ReadOnly = True myConn.Close End Sub Private Sub dgUser_DoubleClick ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles dgUser.DoubleClick If isEmptySelect User1.User_Name User Name,User1.Password Password,ROLE.ROLE Bagian from User1,ROLE Where _ ROLE.Id_Role=User1.Id_Role order by User_Name Then MsgBoxData kosong, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, Info ElseIf dgUser.IsSelecteddgUser.CurrentRowIndex Then Dim frmDataUser As New frmdatauser Dim myConn As SqlConnection Dim myReader As SqlDataReader myConn = Database myConn.Open Dim sql As String Try sql = Select User1.User_Name,User1.Password,ROLE.ROLE from User1,ROLE Where _ User1.User_Name= TrimdgUser.ItemdgUser.CurrentRowIndex, 0 and ROLE.ID_ROLE=USER1.ID_ROLE Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommandsql, myConn myReader = command.ExecuteReader If myReader.HasRows Then While myReader.Read frmDataUser.txtUsername.Text = myReader.ItemUSER_NAME frmDataUser.txtPassword.Text = myReader.ItemPASSWORD frmDataUser.cmbBagian.Text = myReader.ItemROLE frmDataUser.flag = 1 frmDataUser.txtUsername.Enabled = False frmDataUser.btnAdd.Enabled = False frmDataUser.ShowDialog End While myReader.Close Else Clear End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBoxError: ex.Source : ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, Koneksi Error Finally myConn.Close End Try Else MsgBoxPilih Data Terlebih Dahulu, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, Info End If End Sub Private Sub btnAdd_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles btnAdd.Click Dim frmDataUser As New frmdatauser frmDataUser.btnEdit.Enabled = False frmDataUser.btnDelete.Enabled = False frmDataUser.txtUsername.Focus frmDataUser.Show End Sub Private Sub btnSearch_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles btnSearch.Click Dim myConn As SqlConnection If cmbKategori.Text = Then MsgBoxMasukan Kategori Masih Kosong, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, Info cmbKategori.Focus Else myConn = Database myConn.Open Dim sql As String Try If cmbKategori.Text = User Name Then Dim daUser As SqlDataAdapter Dim dsUser As DataSet myConn = Database myConn.Open Dim sqlselect As String = Select USER1.USER_NAME as [User Name],USER1.PASSWORD as [Password],ROLE.ROLE as [Bagian] from USER1,ROLE Where _ USER1.USER_NAME like + txtSearch.Text + and ROLE.ID_ROLE=USER1.ID_ROLE order by USER_NAME daUser = New SqlDataAdaptersqlselect, myConn dsUser = New DataSet daUser.FilldsUser, USER1 dgUser.DataSource = dsUser dgUser.DataMember = User1 dgUser.ReadOnly = True myConn.Close Else Dim daUser As SqlDataAdapter Dim dsUser As DataSet myConn = Database myConn.Open Dim sqlselect As String = Select USER1.USER_NAME as [User Name],USER1.PASSWORD as [Password],ROLE.ROLE as [Bagian] from USER1,ROLE Where _ ROLE.ROLE like + cmbCari.Text + and ROLE.ID_ROLE=USER1.ID_ROLE order by USER_NAME daUser = New SqlDataAdaptersqlselect, myConn dsUser = New DataSet daUser.FilldsUser, USER1 dgUser.DataSource = dsUser dgUser.DataMember = USER1 dgUser.ReadOnly = True myConn.Close End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBoxError: ex.Source : ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, Koneksi Error Finally myConn.Close End Try End If End Sub Private Sub btnDelete_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles btnDelete.Click If isEmptySelect USER1.USER_NAME as User Name,USER1.PASSWORD as Password,ROLE.ROLE as Bagian from USER1,ROLE Where ROLE.ID_ROLE=USER1.ID_ROLE order by USER_NAME Then MsgBoxData kosong, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation ElseIf dgUser.IsSelecteddgUser.CurrentRowIndex Then Dim myConn As SqlConnection Try myConn = Database myConn.Open Dim deleteUsername As String = TrimdgUser.ItemdgUser.CurrentRowIndex, 0 If MessageBox.ShowApakah anda yakin akan menghapus data TrimdgUser.ItemdgUser.CurrentRowIndex, 0 ?, Info, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question = DialogResult.Yes Then Dim sql As String = Delete From USER1 _ Where USER_NAME= TrimdeleteUsername Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommandsql, myConn Try Dim status As Integer = command.ExecuteNonQuery If status = 1 Then MsgBoxHapus Data Berhasil, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Konfirmasi Else MsgBoxHapus Data Gagal, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, Konfirmasi End If Data_Grid Clear Catch ex As Exception MsgBoxError: ex.Source : ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, Koneksi Error End Try Else Clear End If Clear Data_Grid Catch ex As Exception MsgBoxError: ex.Source : ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, Koneksi Error Clear Finally myConn.Close End Try Else MsgBoxPilih Data Terlebih Dahulu, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, Info End If End Sub Private Sub btnRefresh_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles btnRefresh.Click Clear Data_Grid End Sub Private Sub btnEdit_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles btnEdit.Click If isEmptySelect USER1.USER_NAME as User Name,USER1.PASSWORD as Password,ROLE.ROLE as Bagian from USER1,ROLE Where ROLE.ID_ROLE=USER1.ID_ROLE order by USER_NAME Then MsgBoxData kosong, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation ElseIf dgUser.IsSelecteddgUser.CurrentRowIndex Then Dim frmDataUser As New frmdatauser Dim myConn As SqlConnection Dim myReader As SqlDataReader myConn = Database myConn.Open Dim sql As String Try sql = Select USER1.USER_NAME,USER1.PASSWORD,ROLE.ROLE from USER1,ROLE Where _ USER1.USER_NAME= TrimdgUser.ItemdgUser.CurrentRowIndex, 0 and ROLE.ID_ROLE=USER1.ID_ROLE Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommandsql, myConn myReader = command.ExecuteReader If myReader.HasRows Then While myReader.Read frmDataUser.txtUsername.Text = myReader.ItemUSER_NAME frmDataUser.txtPassword.Text = myReader.ItemPASSWORD frmDataUser.cmbBagian.Text = myReader.ItemROLE frmDataUser.txtUsername.Enabled = False frmDataUser.flag = 1 frmDataUser.btnAdd.Enabled = False frmDataUser.ShowDialog End While myReader.Close Else Clear End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBoxError: ex.Source : ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, Koneksi Error Finally myConn.Close End Try Else MsgBoxPilih Data Terlebih Dahulu, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, Info End If End Sub Private Sub btnMain_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Dim frmMenuUtama As New frmUtama frmMenuUtama.Show Me .Hide End Sub Private Sub btnExit_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles btnExit.Click End End Sub Jika tombol Add ditekan maka akan tampil halaman data user. Halaman ini digunakan untuk memasukkan data user baru. Gambar 4.9 merupakan user interface halaman input data user. Gambar 4.9 Halaman Data User Berikut ini adalah perintah untuk user interface halaman data user: Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class frmdatauser Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Public flag As Integer Private Sub btnAdd_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles btnAdd.Click Try Dim myConn As SqlConnection Dim myReader As SqlDataReader myConn = Database myConn.Open If txtUsername.Text = Then MsgBoxSilahkan masukkan User Name anda, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Info txtPassword.Clear txtUsername.Focus ElseIf txtPassword.Text = Then MsgBoxSilahkan masukkan Password anda, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Info txtPassword.Focus ElseIf cmbBagian.SelectedItem = Then MsgBoxSilahkan pilih Bagian anda, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Info cmbBagian.Focus Else Dim ans = MsgBoxAnda yakin akan menambahkan data tersebut?, MsgBoxStyle.OKCancel, Konfirmasi If ans = 1 Then Dim User_Name As String Dim sqlSelect As String = Select USER_NAME _ From USER1 Where USER_NAME = TrimtxtUsername.Text Dim comm As SqlCommand = New SqlCommandsqlSelect, myConn myReader = comm.ExecuteReader If myReader.HasRows Then While myReader.Read User_Name = myReader.ItemUSER_NAME End While End If myReader.Close If User_Name = txtUsername.Text Then MessageBox.ShowData User TrimtxtUsername.Text sudah ada , Konfirmasi, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error Clear Else Dim sql As String = Insert Into USER1USER_NAME,PASSWORD,ID_ROLE _ Values TrimtxtUsername.Text , TrimtxtPassword.Text , TrimcmbBagian.SelectedIndex + 1 Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommandsql, myConn Try Dim status As Integer = command.ExecuteNonQuery If status = 1 Then MessageBox.ShowData User TrimtxtUsername.Text telah ditambahkan, Konfirmasi, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information Clear Else MessageBox.ShowData User TrimtxtUsername.Text gagal ditambahkan, Konfirmasi, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBoxError: ex.Source : ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, Koneksi Error Clear End Try End If End If myConn.Close End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBoxError: ex.Source : ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, Koneksi Error End Try End Sub Private Sub btnEdit_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles btnEdit.Click Try Dim myConn As SqlConnection Dim myReader As SqlDataReader Dim role_id As String myConn = Database myConn.Open If txtUsername.Text = Then MsgBoxSilahkan masukkan User Name anda, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Info txtPassword.Clear txtUsername.Focus ElseIf txtPassword.Text = Then MsgBoxSilahkan masukkan Password anda, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Info txtPassword.Focus ElseIf cmbBagian.SelectedItem = Then MessageBox.ShowSilahkan masukkan Bagian, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Info txtPassword.Focus Else Dim sqlSelect As String = Select ID_ROLE _ From ROLE Where ROLE.ROLE= cmbBagian.Text Dim comm As SqlCommand = New SqlCommandsqlSelect, myConn myReader = comm.ExecuteReader If myReader.HasRows Then While myReader.Read role_id = myReader.ItemID_ROLE End While End If myReader.Close If flag = 0 Then Dim sql As String = Insert into USER1 Set _ PASSWORD= txtPassword.Text ,ID_ROLE= TrimcmbBagian.SelectedIndex + 1 _ Where USER_NAME= txtUsername.Text Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommandsql, myConn Dim status As Integer = command.ExecuteNonQuery If status = 1 Then MsgBoxTambah data berhasil, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Info Clear Else MsgBoxTambah data gagal, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, Info End If Else Dim sql As String sql = Update USER1 Set _ PASSWORD= txtPassword.Text ,ID_ROLE= TrimcmbBagian.SelectedIndex + 1 _ Where USER_NAME= txtUsername.Text Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommandsql, myConn Dim status As Integer = command.ExecuteNonQuery If status = 1 Then MsgBoxUpdate Data Berhasil, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Info Me .Close Else MsgBoxUpdate Data Gagal, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, Info End If End If Clear End If myConn.Close Catch ex As Exception MsgBoxError: ex.Source : ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, Koneksi Error Clear End Try End Sub Private Sub btnClear_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles btnClear.Click Clear End Sub Private Sub btnExit_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Dim form As New Welcome form.Show Me .Close End Sub Private Sub btnDelete_Click ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles btnDelete.Click Try Dim myConn As SqlConnection myConn = Database myConn.Open Dim ans = MsgBoxApakah anda yakin akan menghapus data txtUsername.Text ?, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, Konfirmasi If ans = 1 Then Dim sql As String = Delete From USER1 _ Where USER_NAME= txtUsername.Text Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommandsql, myConn Try Dim status As Integer = command.ExecuteNonQuery If status = 1 Then MsgBoxHapus data berhasil, MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, Info Else MsgBoxHapus data gagal, MsgBoxStyle.OKCancel, Info End If Clear Catch ex As Exception MsgBoxError: ex.Source : ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, Koneksi Error Clear End Try Else Clear End If myConn.Close Catch ex As Exception MsgBoxError: ex.Source : ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, Koneksi Error Clear End Try End Sub End Class User Interface Detail Data Perusahaan.