Besides, Hassan is also mature for his age. He is about one year younger than Amir but he seems like an older brother for Amir. Moreover, he is a skillful boy. He is deadly with his slingshot. He never forgets to put his slingshot in his trousers wherever he goes. He uses his slingshot also as a weapon to defend Amir. The second major character is Amir. He has spent his twelve years of childhood with Hassan, his servant. Almost everything that he does with Hassan has built a friendship between the two of them. First it is characterized that Amir is rich. It is because Baba is a successful businessman. He runs a wildly successful carpet exporting business, two pharmacies and a restaurant that makes him to be one of the richest men in Kabul. Another characteristic of Amir is that he loves reading books. He prefers to read his book than playing football. He is also afraid of getting hurt, that is why he is considered as a coward. Moreover he is not only a coward but also childish in facing his problems. He prefers to run away from a problem rather than face it and solve it. The second problem formulation is about the meaning of friendship for Hassan. It covers some of Hassan’s reasons for regarding Amir as his best friend and the meaning of friendship for Hassan. In regarding Amir as his best friend, Hasaan has three specific motivations. They are Amir as his master, keeping his status and Amir as his only friend. His reasons in respecting Amir as his master and keeping his status become his motivation to still regard Amir as his best friend even after receiving some betrayal. Those reasons belong to the second level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which is safety needs. His last reason which is because Amir is his only friend can be categorized in the third level of the hierarchy of needs which is love and belonging needs. Considering all of those motivations in keeping his friendship with Amir, Hassan also shows some effort in maintaining his friendship. Generally, almost all of his efforts in doing his best for Amir, Hassan reflects some main characteristics of friendship. Those main characteristics are honesty and trust, emotional respect which covers love, receiving and understanding and service and loyalty. All of his speeches and manners which reflect some main characteristics of friendship is a proof that he takes his friendship deeply in his heart and life. The last analysis is about the meaning of friendship for Hassan after all his efforts in maintaining his friendship with Amir. At last it can be concluded that the meaning of friendship for Hassan is loyalty, understanding, caring and sacrificing for his best friend. Loyalty can measure how far a friendship can last and it gives a friend a basic feeling not to leave his best friend. Moreover, it is important in building trust and intimacy between best friends since loyalty is the basis of friendship. While understanding is the key to know and understand our best friend better, know about his true character and know his way of thinking. It makes someone not to be selfish because they have to understand each other like they also want to be understood. Another meaning of friendship for Hassan is caring. Through caring one will not feel alone because their best friend will always stay close to them. In some reflects it shows how great the meaning of sincerity is and without care a close friend will be like any other common friend. Furthermore it is also needed to build an atmosphere of ease between friends. In addition, the meaning of friendship for Hassan is sacrificing. Sacrificing can be proof of a solid and sincere friendship. It comes from one’s true love of his best friend because when one sacrifices his time or effort for his best friend he does not hope for anything in return. Sacrificing is another form of service to a best friend and it is also a characteristic of a high quality friendship.

5.2 Suggestions

This section covers suggestions for further research to conduct a research on the meanings of friendship for Hassan by using the sociocultural-historical approach. It is to see whether the sociocultural-historical situation at that time affect Hassan’ loyalty and the meanings of friendship for him. The following section is suggestion for teaching-learning process and the implementation of teaching Prose II using literary work.

5.2.1 Suggestion for the Implementation of Teaching Learning Process

Literature can be a good instrument for teaching English and exclusively it can help education. Learning language is sometimes called as learning culture. Culture can be learnt from the literary studies, such as novels. One way of learning language is through literature, as Stern writes in Expanded Dimensions to Literature in ESLEFL that literature provides background for the study of histories, cultures and languages. Therefore, literature offers great possibilities for ESLEFL on teaching communicatively and the increasing a deeper dimension to language learning 48. As a result, by learning language through literature, students are not only able to gain some benefits of language elements and skills, but also they will not lose path of what they are learning for most literature are written. A novel as one kind of literature is not only a means to get entertainment in our leisure time or enjoyment but also to enrich the readers’ knowledge about culture, moral and life. There are some reasons why literature is used in the language classroom based on Lazar 15-19. The first is motivating materials which means that students of English may experience a real sense of achievement at using literary material in the classroom since literature is highly valued in many countries. The second is access to cultural background which means literature will be able to provide students with access to the culture of the people with language they are studying. It also encourages the students to become broadly aware of the social, political, and historical events which form the background to a particular play or novel. The third is encouraging language acquisition which means literature may provide an appropriate way of stimulating language acquisition since it provides meaningful and memorable context to process and to interpret a new language. The fourth is expanding students’ language awareness which means the use of literature can help the students to become more sensitive to some of the overall features of English. In the context of a novel or short story, it will help the students to interpret more easily its underlying themes. The fifth is developing students’ interpretative abilities which means literature is a particularly good source to develop students’ abilities to infer meaning and to make interpretations. It is because literary texts are often rich in multiple level of meaning, and demand that the readerlearner is actively involved in “testing out”