UJI NORMALITAS DATA Des criptive Statis tics UJI KORELASI Des criptive Statistics


1. UJI NORMALITAS DATA Des criptive Statis tics

53 53 53 1.19 2.60 2.45 4.50 3.64 7.10 3.0358 5.4245 .24827 .67165 .062 .451 N Range Minimum Max imum Mean Std. Deviation V arianc e IPK WA KTU V alid N lis tw ise Tes ts of Nor m ality .113 53 .087 .960 53 .076 .227 53 .000 .886 53 .000 IPK WA KTU Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk Lilliefors Signif ic ance Correction a.

2. UJI KORELASI Des criptive Statistics

3.0358 .24827 53 5.4245 .67165 53 IPK WAKTU Mean Std. Deviation N Cor relations 1 -.257 . .063 3.205 -2.232 .062 -.043 53 53 -.257 1 .063 . -2.232 23.458 -.043 .451 53 53 Pears on Correlation Sig. 2-tailed Sum of Squares and Cross -produc ts Covariance N Pears on Correlation Sig. 2-tailed Sum of Squares and Cross -produc ts Covariance N IPK WA KTU IPK WA KTU 63 Cor relations 1.000 -.238 . .018 53 53 -.238 1.000 .018 . 53 53 Correlation Coef f icient Sig. 2-tailed N Correlation Coef f icient Sig. 2-tailed N IPK WAKTU Kendalls tau_b IPK WAKTU Correlation is s ignif icant at the .05 lev el 2-tailed. . 3. DESKRIPSI KEAMPUAN MAHASISWA BERDASARKAN ANGKATAN Cas e Proce ss ing Sum m ary 8 100.0 .0 8 100.0 22 100.0 .0 22 100.0 23 100.0 .0 23 100.0 8 100.0 .0 8 100.0 22 100.0 .0 22 100.0 23 100.0 .0 23 100.0 Tahun Masuk 2003 2004 2005 2003 2004 2005 Akademik Waktu N Percent N Percent N Percent Valid Mis sing Total Cases Descriptives Tahun Masuk Statistic Std. Error Akademik 2003 Mean 2.8850 .05958 95 Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 2.7441 Upper Bound 3.0259 5 Trimmed Mean 2.8867 Median 2.9300 Variance .028 Std. Deviation .16852 Minimum 2.64 Maximum 3.10 Range .46 Interquartile Range .3100 Skewness -.341 .752 Kurtosis -1.545 1.481 2004 Mean 2.9614 .06116 95 Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 2.8342 Upper Bound 3.0885 5 Trimmed Mean 2.9609 Median 3.0400 Variance .082 Std. Deviation .28684 Minimum 2.45 Maximum 3.50 Range 1.05 Interquartile Range .3850 Skewness -.391 .491 Kurtosis -.356 .953 2005 Mean 3.1596 .03507 95 Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 3.0868 64 Tahun Masuk Statistic Std. Error Upper Bound 3.2323 5 Trimmed Mean 3.1496 Median 3.1600 Variance .028 Std. Deviation .16818 Minimum 2.87 Maximum 3.64 Range .77 Interquartile Range .1800 Skewness .996 .481 Kurtosis 2.130 .935 Waktu 2003 Mean 6.2125 .18268 95 Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 5.7805 Upper Bound 6.6445 5 Trimmed Mean 6.1861 Median 6.0500 Variance .267 Std. Deviation .51669 Minimum 5.80 Maximum 7.10 Range 1.30 Interquartile Range .9250 Skewness 1.081 .752 Kurtosis -.377 1.481 2004 Mean 5.7682 .10494 95 Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 5.5499 Upper Bound 5.9864 5 Trimmed Mean 5.7924 Median 5.9000 Variance .242 Std. Deviation .49221 Minimum 4.90 Maximum 6.20 Range 1.30 Interquartile Range .7250 Skewness -.862 .491 Kurtosis -.653 .953 2005 Mean 4.8217 .03383 95 Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 4.7516 Upper Bound 4.8919 5 Trimmed Mean 4.8249 Median 4.9000 Variance .026 Std. Deviation .16225 Minimum 4.50 Maximum 5.10 Range .60 Interquartile Range .2000 Skewness -.525 .481 Kurtosis -.477 .935