Cycle 2 Revising the plan

commit to user

a. Positive results

9 Using directed reading text from newspaper, internet, magazines and other book to attract students’ attention to the text. 9 Students’ reading comprehension was improved particularly in answering WH questions, inference question; identify the paragraph topic and the mean idea. 9 The students’ participated well, it can be seen that no one absent and low in reading skill. 9 More students asked questions in class. 9 Most of students or groups could bring their reading texts to the class.

b. Weaknesses

ƒ A few students still reluctant to read the text. 9 Good students dominated the class. On the base of the weaknesses, the teacher should to urge on reading to give more activities, work in groups and the text will should table for the students. Using the good students to support the weak students and try to ask them the questions.

5. Revising the plan

To overcome the problems arising in cycle one, the researcher revised the plan for the next cycle, so that the problems would not occur any more. The plan for the next cycle would be more focused on improving students’ motivation to read, reducing the domination for good student and more pre-reading activity.

b. Cycle 2

In the cycle 2, the produce is the same with the research in cycle 1. Base on the result of young experience teachers from the cycle 1, the researcher designed appropriate treatment that was implemented in the classroom. The source of problem in cycle 1 was found which were; some students did not participated fully in discussion, and students who had more vocabulary dominated in discussion, lack of pre-reading activities. In other to overcome those problems directed reading were taken from internet in order to increase the students’ interest in the reading. As we know that unlimited texts can we get from internet. Furthermore I asked the students commit to user to select their own topic and their own text for the next lesson. I believe that when the students chose their own topic they would interest in the topic so much and they would participate fully. As we know student centered is more accepted. To overcome the shy students when I asked them to work in groups with other peers who have better performance in reading. In pre-reading activity I used mind-mapping. The implementation of cycle 2 can be seen in the table below. The table 4.12 Implementation of cycle 2 Cycle 2 Using Directed reading taken from other text book, internet and students chose their own topic from internet or news paper. planning 9 Designing lesson plan and handout from the chosen materials by students Action Meeting 1 9 Greeting, check on the attendance list 9 Pre-reading activity used questions, showing related pictures, mind mapping Topic: Future technology 9 Whilst-reading: the students read silently then underline the new vocabularies, try to guess the meaning or discussed in group and do exercises in groups. 9 Post-reading: encourages the group to ask more questions and ask them to write their own favorite future technology, why? And share the work with the class. 9 Teacher said leave taking. Meeting 2 9 Greeting, check on the attendance list 9 Pre-reading activity used questions, showing related pictures, mind mapping Topic: Boun Bang Fai 9 Whilst-reading: the students read silently then underline the new vocabularies and try to guess the meanings or discussed in groups and do exercises in groups. 9 Post-reading: encourage the group of students to ask more questions and ask them to write their own favorite Boun Bang Fai , why and share their work with the class. 9 Teacher said leave taking. Meeting 3: Post-test 2 Observation 9 Students enjoy with their text or materials. 9 Sts are active in guessing and discussing new vocabularies. commit to user 9 Sts’ interesting is creasing a lot in the chosen topic. 9 Sts reading comprehension are improved by checking their answers in exercises. Reflection ™ Directed reading was chosen by students from internet can attract Sts’ interest highly, fun and make them participate fully in all activities in reading class. ™ Sts are able to answer WH-questions, inference question, identify paragraph topic and identify mean idea well. ™ Mind mapping pictures absolutely help Sts’ schemata. ™ Directed reading absolutely helps students reading comprehension. ™ Working in groups helps the shy and show students in participating. ™ Some Sts learnt to access internet, newspaper, magazine, other book. ™ Not every Sts is reading comprehension is improved. ™ Some Sts have difficulties on accessing on the internet. ™ The average score increate from 68 in post-reading test 1 into 72 in post-reading test 2.

1. Planning the action