The Thematic Roles In Article Of 'What Ever Happened In Kraras, Timor Leste 'Park' Prabowo?' On The Jakarta Post Online December 20, 2013



What Ever Happened I

n Kraras, Timor Leste ‘Pak’ Prabowo?’



DECEMBER 20, 2013

Saidah Turahmah NIM : 1110026000033







What Ever Happened I

n Kraras, Timor Leste ‘Pak’ Prabowo?’



DECEMBER 20, 2013

A Thesis

Submitted to letter and Humanities faculty in partial accomplishment of the requirement for S1 Degree

Saidah Turahmah NIM : 1110026000033








Saidah Turahmah, The Thematic Roles in article of „What Ever Happened In

Kraras, Timor Leste „Pak‟ Prabowo?‟on The Jakarta Post Online December 20, 2013. A Thesis: English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 2015.

This research examines the role of thematic roles in sentence in opinion

article entitled „What Ever Happened in Kraras, „Pak‟Prabowo?‟ published

December 20, 2013 using qualitative method.

This research finds the role of thematic roles which is applicated in the

article „What Ever Happened in Kraras, „Pak‟Prabowo?‟. There are eight types of

role in thematic roles, Agent, Patient, Beneficiary, Theme, Experiencer, Instrument, Location, Goal and Source. That article has included all of the role excluded beneficiary. To prove it, the writer tests each datum using the test suggested by Jackendoff.

Furthermore, the way of article‟s writer Aboeprijadi Santoso is explained in

this research. Based on the using of noun, pronoun, verb and adverb, this research finds some concept of thematic role used by Aboeprijadi Santoso. The concept of proper noun for the agent, the concept of distance for the location, the concept of abstract things of patient, instrument, goal and sources.

In conclusion, the writer figures out that the role of thematic roles is effective in particular sentences of article throughout the way of article‟s writer.






I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, February 5th 2015




In The Name Of Allah, the Most Gracious, And the Most Merciful

First of all, there is no word better than praises be to Allah, who always gives the writer much of strength and His amazing guidance so, the writer able to accomplish all the processes of this thesis. Peace and salutation forever be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW as the greatest prophet for Muslims.

Secondly, the writer would like to express his greatest honor to his family,

especially his Parent, Namih and Hasan Basri who has been fulfilling the writer‟s

needs and always supports in many aspects, may Allah always bless you. The most thanks is addressed to his greatest honor and thankful to his advisors, Dr. Frans Sayogie, S.H,.M.H.,M.Pd and Mrs. Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed, who had been fully guiding, support, and encourage the writer very well in making this thesis from the beginning until the ending. The writer will never forget about all of their kindness until the end of time.

Then, the big thankful send to the writer‟s friends of struggling in every moment of tasking, laughing, sharing, Nisa Fitria Anshori, Dewi Afriyanti, Asri Sukowati, Inas Ghina, and Renita Rosa. The writer‟s friend of traveling wherever, Windy Indah Sari, Dewi Angela Iriani, and Siti Nuraini.

Furthermore, the writer would like to express his honor to those who have helped him in finishing this thesis, they are:

1. Mr. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag, as the Dean of Letters and Humanities

Faculty, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.



3. Mrs. Elve Oktaviyani, M.Hum, as the Secretary of English Letters


4. All the staffs of English Letters Department.

5. All the Lectures who had been taught her in English Letters Department

from the first semester until he accomplished the study.

6. All her beloved friends in English Letters Department 2010, who have

been accompanying her from the first semester.

Jakarta, February 5th, 2015











A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Significance of the study ... 3

C. Research Question ... 3

D. Research Methodology... 4

1. The Objectives of Research ... 4

2. The Method of Research ... 4

3. The Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis ... 4

4. The Instrument of the Research ... 5

5. The Unit Analysis ... 5


A. Previous Researchces ... 6

B. The Concept of Thematic Role ... 8

C. Grammatical Relation and Thematic Role ... 14




1. The Concept Of Article „What Ever Happened in Kraras, „Pak‟

Prabowo?‟ ... 17

B. Analysis of Thematic Role ... 20

1. Classification of Thematic Role ... 20


A. Conclusion ... 40

B. Suggestion ... 42






A. Background of The Study

Mass media has an important role in social life.1It presents various life

information such news refer to economics, politics, health, community, technology and arts. Nowadays, media as a benchmark toward the cases are reported and written by news reporter.

People have some way to realize their voices. It can be divided into some methods to realize agreement and disagreement such as direct and indirect way. The direct one is usually done by demonstration even violence and anarchy

already happened because of the issues.2 The indirect way has been applied in a

column of newspaper and other kind of printed media such as magazine and blog community.

Furthermore newspaper is a daily printed media to publish news about government actions, natural disasters, president election and many other facts and truth. Indeed, in certain column of news media there are many people giving their opinion of cases and problems. It is a simply way to acces others opinion. One of the features related to the society is opinion on the media listed in the views column where people can access and channelize their voices through writing


Teun A Van Dijk. News as discourse. (USA: Lawrence Erlbaum associates, 1943) p. 5


Kompas News, “Bara Perseteruan konflik Thailand yang tak Kunjung Padam”accessed date: 5 June 2014 retrieved from : g.Tak.Kunjung.Padam.



opinion. It includes a part of argumentation. 3Argumentation of newspaper is a

reader description as opinion contains reader‟s idea and attitudes official

publication of the media as an institution to the actual problem, phenomenal, or

controversial that developed in society.4Opinion is written by another person

exclude editorial team.

The opinion also a text which should be built by many sentences grammatically. It can be analysed by the grammar theory, syntactic analysis. In other side, the sentences of text should have the conceptual meaning which can be analysed by semantics. This semantics feature is explained by John I. Saeed. He explains semantics in his theory of text analysis.5The text analysis is described the meaning of every aspect in sentence. He divided the sentence semantics into two parts, the situations and participants. The situations explain the using of verb in sentence based on the meaning. The participants describes the sentence into an

aspect of a situation concerns how to portray the roles of any entities involved. 6

There are many types of semantics sentence participant. Each has role to concept the meaning in sentence such as Agent, Participant, Patient, Goal, Instrument, Sources, Beneficiary. using those typicals of thematic roles, the writer

intend to applicate the thematic roles into sentence in opinion article „What Ever

Happened in Kraras, Timor Leste, „Pak‟ Prabowo?‟ in order to know the purposes of thematic roles in sentences of argumentative text. \


The Jakarta post, accessed date April 7, 2014 retrieved from 4

John.E. Richardson, Analysing newspaper (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007) p. 149


John I. Saeed, Semantics 2nd ed, (Victoria: Blackwell Publishing, 2003) p. 116



B. Focus of The Study

Focus of this study is to analyse the application of thematic roles in the text which published in online media article of opinion. This study focuses on participants and the function of thematic roles which are able applied in

argumentative text „What Ever Happened in Kraras Timor Leste, Pak Prabowo?‟.

C. Significance of the study

Generally, since The Jakarta Post is one of the largest English media in Indonesia which has broader reader then it can help the reader to gain the

information about the opinion article „What ever Happened in Kraras Timor

Leste, Pak Prabowo?‟

Specifically, this study can be useful in society, in the field of linguistics semantics in text. In addition, the semantics participants explained by John I Saeed is directed to the using of words in sentence and text.

D. Research questions

Based on the background of the study the main question of the research are:

1. What are type of thematic roles used in article„What Ever Happened in

Kraras Timor Leste, Pak Prabowo?‟?

2. How is the thematic roles applied in the opinion article „What ever



E. Research Methodology

1. The Objectives of Research

Based on the research question above, the objectives of the research are :

a) To know what are the types of thematic roles applied in

argumentative text of Aboeprijadi Santoso, „What Ever Happened in

Kraras, Timor Leste, „Pak‟ Prabowo?‟.

b) To know how the thematic roles applied in the article of Aboeprijadi

Santoso„What ever happened in Kraras, Timor Leste Pak Prabowo?‟

2. The Method of Research

Based on the study background and aim of the research, this research uses

qualitative method.7

3. The Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis

The bibliography technique is used to collect the data. This technique uses

written source to gain the data then the will be collected in data card.8 There are

several steps of writer to collect the data:

1. To choose an opinion article from The Jakarta Post

2. To read the article

3. To identify clause by clause of semantics sentence

4. To classify every part of sentence in the text

5. To write the whole classification in the explanation of every sentence in

the text.


David Nunan. Research Methods in Language Learning, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992)


Edi Subroto, Pengantar Metoda Penelitian Linguistik Struktural, (Surakarta: Sebelas Maret Universitas Press, 1992).


After that, those specific numbers of data is analyzed. To do that the writer runs steps as follows:

1. To determine its semantics meaning of the data by using thematic roles

of Saeed.

2. To describe the function of thematic roles which has processed in step


3. To make conclusions based on that theoritical description.

4. The Instrument of the Research

The instrument of the research is the data card in order to write, to identify which are needed from that article.

5. The units of analysis

The unit of analysis is the thematic roles in the article of The Jakarta Post

an opinion article from AboeprijadiSantoso„What ever happened in Kraras, Timor





A. Previous Researches

Some previous studies about thematic roles have been investigated by several researchers in different perspectives and resources which are taken from narrative, argumentative or persuasive text.

First, An important question in the study of language production is the nature of the semantics information that speakers use to create syntactic structures. A common answer to this question assumes that thematic roles help to mediate the mapping from messages to syntax. However, research using structural priming has suggested that the construction of syntactic frames may be insensitive to variations in thematic roles within messages. Because these studies involved structural alternations whose syntax covaries with the order of thematic roles, it is difficult to assess any independent contribution that role information may make to the positioning of phrases. In this study, we primed the order of the roles without changingthe syntactic structure of the sentences produced, and found that the order of the roleswas influenced by the priming manipulation. This implies that thematic roles or the features that differentiate them are active within the mapping

between messages and sentence structures.9


Franklin Chang, et al., “Thematic Roles Leave Traces”accessed date: February 24, 2015, retrievedfrom:


Second, considering the developments concerning semantic and syntactic approaches within the framework of Generative Grammar have intended, in this study, to analyze the thematic and syntactic structures of sentences in Turkish, an to find out the principles underlying to correspondence between the two domains, and then to observe how the findings can shed light on certain aspects of Turkish

Grammar satisfactorily. 10

Third, The syntactic realization of a verb‟s arguments is constrained by the

role that the argument plays in the meaning of the verb. In most linguistic frameworks, these constraints are captured by mappings between syntactic functions and thematic roles. Such mappings clearly shape our interpretation of novel verbs. But there is controversy about when these mappings develop and whether they are employed in the processing of utterances containing known verbs. We explored these issues using the visual-world paradigm and structural priming during comprehension in 4-year-old children. In experiment I, we found robust priming of dative constructions. This priming persisted when animacy cues were put in competition with argument structure, indicating that the locus of priming was either in syntax or in the mapping between thematic roles and syntactic functions. Experiment II demonstrated priming from locatives to datives indicating that this priming was not purely syntactic. Together these experiments provide evidence for the use of thematic mappings during sentence processing, independent of confounding syntactic or conceptual factors. We discuss the


Nafi, Yalcin, “The Analysis of Correlations between Thematic Roles and Syntactic Relations in

(Turkish Sentences” Hacettepe University , Department of English Linguistics, 2002) acessed date:February 24, 2015, retrieved from



developmental implications, apparent discrepancies with the adult priming literature, and the compatibility of our findings with different theories of argument

structure alternations.11

This paper has different focus among those researchers. It brings into a theory of semantics sentence. it will find the thematic roles description and function which applied in opinion article „What ever happened in Kraras,Timor Leste, „Pak‟ Prabowo?‟ using the test of thematic roles suggested by Jackendoff. B. The Concept of Thematic Roles

The thematic roles one of topic in sentence semantics. It describes the sentence by looking the role of entities. Every entity has the role which is related to thematic roles and grammatical relations. This relation requires the role of verb in sentence.12

(1) Gina raised the car with a jack

This sentence identifies three entities. The entities here are the part of sentence which brings the sentence related each other, the subject, predicate and complement. The subject is Gina which the entity responsible for initiating and carrying out the the action described by the predicate as verb raised. The predicate

is raised from the base verb raise. the object is the car which is acted upon and


Malathi Thothathiri and Jesse Snedeker, “The Role of Thematic Roles in Sentence Processing:

Evidence from Structural Priming in Young Children”, (Philadhelpia: Departement of Phsycologhy, Harvard University) retrieved

from: pdf.



has its position changed by the action. The complement is a jack which describes

by which Gina is able to cause the action.13

The description of entity in sentence can be listed in thematic roles such as: 1) Agent

The thematic roles has Agent. It means the initiator of some action, capable of acting with violition. The Agent usually described as the subject in sentence. syntactically, the Agent has responsible for initiating and carrying the action. Moreover, it able to do the action which is described by the verb. The verb divides into active and passive which has different grammatical structure. Thus, the relation between grammatical structure and thematic roles are important in text analysis.14

(2) David cooked the rashers

(3) The fox jumped out the ditch

The sentence (2) and (3) shows that David and The fox are the

Agent for the action described by the verb cook and jump. Both are the

initiator of action, capable of acting with violition.15


John I Saeed, Semantics 2nd ed (New York: Blackwell Publishing, 2002) p. 148

14 Ibid 15



2) Patient

The thematic role has Patient. It means the entity undergoing the effect of action, often undergoing some change in state. The Patient appears as the object related to the transitive verb because intransitive verb does not need the object. Furthermore, it can be applied in subject of sentence in passive voice structure. Thus, the using of verb in passivation or activation can influence the determination of Patient in thematic roles.16

(4) Enda cut back these bushes.

(5) The sun melted the ice.

The sentences above show that these bushes and the ice are the object

which is the entity undergoing the effect of action. They described by the

verb cut back and melt. So, they can be called Patient. 17

3) Theme

The thematic roles has Theme. It means the entity which is moved by an action, or whose location is described. The determination of Theme is not depend on the syntactic features but based on semantic relation. The semantic relation in sentence can be examine the object or the subject.18

(6) Roberto Passed the ball wide


Ibid 17

Ibid 18


(7) The book is in the library

The sentences above shows the ball and the book as the

participants. The ball can be classified as the Theme because it has the

movement of action. Furthermore, the book can be classified as the entity

whose location is described and the ball can be classified as the entity

which is moved by an action.19

4) Experiencer

The Experiencer is an entity which has role to the action but which is not in control the action or state. based on Saeed‟s approach of Thematic roles, it has the similar meaning with Agent which also has a role for controlling the action. The Agent and Experiencer often perform as subject in sentence.

(8) Amora saw the kites festival

(9) Amora cut the paper

The example of sentences has different meaning of verbs. The sentence (8) has the entity to look at the things without doing anything. In contrast, the sentence (9) shows the entity which described an action of entity Amora. The verb (9) need an actor to doing action. Thus, Saeed explains the Experiencer has an action as verb but it can not be an actor.




5) Beneficiary

The beneficiary is the entity of thematic roles which has benefacted things in sentence. Syntactically, It is build by noun phrase and pronoun as direct obejct. The beneficiary has the verb which is related to giving other things through the action.

(10) They baked me a cake

The sentence above explains that the entity me is the one who

accept the action which has benefit to pronoun me. It can be happen in another sentence with the predicates. The predicates often the transitive verbs.

6) Instrument

The instrument of thematic roles is the tool of action which is needed. The instrument appears in preposition phrase. There are

examples of Instrument in sentence.20

(11) She cleaned the wound with an antiseptic wipe

The sentence describes that the entity with an antiseptic wipe

shows by which the action clean is perfomed. Syntactically, the entity

with an antiseptic wipe is an preposition phrase of complement in sentence.



7) Location

The location is the entity which describe where the action happen. The location can be identified by the using of preposition phrase. The example

sentence shows the Location.21

(12) The monster was hiding under the bed.

The sentence described the bold words as the location of sentence. it

can be identify from the meaning of preposition under which has directed

to the location of action hide. Thus, the location can be identified by

preposition verb but it has to build by the meaning of place where the action happens.

8) Goal

The thematic roles has Goal to identify the meaning of purpose in

sentence semantics.22 The Goal can be described by the preposition phrase

for or to such the sentence below.

(13) Sheila handed the license to the policeman

The sentence above shows the purposes object of action. The goal

described by the policeman which has to accept the object the license. The

policeman can be called the Goal of sentence (13).


Ibid 22



9) Source

The source of thematic roles is the entity from which something moves either literally or metaphorically.

(14) The plane came back from Kinshahsa

There is the preposition phrase from Kinshasha. It directs to the performs of sources described by the action came back. Thus, the effect of goal in sentence can be predicted by the preposition phrase in meaning of source.

C. Grammatical Relation and Thematic Role

Every sentence has their meaning syntactically and semantically. The relation of grammar in sentence is called the grammatical relation. It determines the sentence with the function of words in sentence. Then, the relation of sentence meaning is called semantic relation or thematic roles.

“we outline the main contenders for individual types of roles and grammatical relation, and discuss the idea that verbs must have their thematic role requirements listed in the lexicon” 23

Saeed stated that there is relation between the roles and verbs. He explains that the important of roles is require the verbs to be analysed. The following sentence will describe it clearly.

(15) Jane is waiting for the school bus



The grammatical relation shows that Jane as noun, is waiting as verb

phrase, and for the school bus is prepositional phrase. It can be concluded

that Jane is subject of sentence, is waiting is predicate, and for the school bus is the complement of sentence.

The semantic relation describes that Jane is Agent of verb wait, for the school bus is the Goal of sentence. it can be predicted by a number of tests

to identify thematic roles by Saeed. 24 He suggested to added phrases like

deliberately, on purpose, in order to in sentence to determine the Agent in sentence. This proves that the agent shows the animacy and volition.

(16) David received the car

The sentence (2) has different meaning in semantic relation with

sentence (1). The sentence (1) shows that jane is doing something that have

purposes. In contrast, the action can not make the David is the agent because the action is not related to the violition of action.

(17) Jane threw the ball in order to give her friend

(18) David received the car on purpose celebrate his birthday (?)

The sentence (3) and (4) has different meaning after the test of thematic roles. Clearly, sentence (2) shows that Jane has a purpose of volition an action but the sentence (4) does not show it. The agent can be classified as actor or not based on the predicate. The participant which

24 Ibid



performs, effects and instigate or control the situation can be classified as Actor. So, the Agent in sentence (1) is clearly the actor.

The test is not only available for the agent of sentence but also to the patient of sentence. by making frame of questions, Saeed test the perform of patient.25

(19) What did X do?

(20) a. What happened to Y was...

b. What X did to Y was...

The question of frame above is the suggestion of determining and testing the agent and patient in sentence.

(21) Jane threw the ball

(22) What Jane did was to throw the ball

(23) a. What happened to the ball was that Jane threw it

b. What Jane did to the ball was throw it

The test above shows that Jane is the agent and the ball is the patient of sentence.

In conclusion, using this test which suggested by Saeed, the writer

will determine the thematic roles in opinion article „What Ever Happened in

Kraras, Timor Leste „Pak‟ Prabowo?‟ and identify the function of each thematic roles in sentences of that article.






A. Data Description

In this research, the writer explains text written by Aboeprijadi Santoso taken from The Jakarta Post opinion‟s article What Ever Happened in Kraras,

Timor Leste, „Pak‟ Prabowo? The article contains 27 paragraphs which contain 44 sentences. Then, those sentences are selected by the thematic role applied in the text. The 44 data are founded by classified into the complete and incomplete form of sentence to determine the thematic role subject, predicate, object, and complement. Then, by selecting the complete form the 24 data are applied in analysis. Furthermore, the collected data are analysed with thematic roles of John I Saeed to explaining the role of thematic role.

1. The Concept of Article ‘What Ever Happened in Kraras pak Prabowo? There are some concepts developed by Aboeprijadi Santoso to guide reader into the imagine. He applied some political issue as a main point to draw the event in order to explain as clear as the tragedy in the past. He also draws the personal character inside another character through Prabowo‟s colleague. Then, the whole tragedy is detailed in times, step by step, and people involved.



B. Analysis of Thematic Role 1. Classification of Thematic Role

1) Datum 1

The sentence show one entity, Prabowo Subianto which is delivered

by the predicate is and the complementOne of the most interesting and most

controversial presidential hopefuls. The sentence portrays the entity as the position of Prabowo Subianto, the importance of his role. So, the sentence describes that Prabowo Subianto is a theme of sentence.

The theme applied by the explanation of complement. There are the

complement used for describe the wide of theme, One of the most interesting

and most controversial presidential hopeful. In the first sentence, the sentence are described clearly. It can be the way to make the reader stay on the article. 2) Datum 2

This sentence identifies four entities, He, public attention, new ideas

and policy initiatives, related by the action described by the verb attract and offer. The sentence draws these entities in specific roles: He which referred to Let.Gen (ret) Prabowo Subianto as existed in the previous sentence, is the

entity responsible for initiating the action, public attention, new ideas and

policy initiatives are the objects acted upon and has its position changed by

He is among the view who have both attracted public attention and

offered new ideas and policy initiatives.

One of the most interesting and most controversial presidential hopefuls


the action. Such roles have a number of labels in semantics, including the theory of classification of participants as explained by John.I. Saeed. He examines the notion of thematic roles by sketching and the basic picture of thematic roles to be assumed by much of the syntax and semantics literature. Based on theory which is explained in chapter 2, the writer can describe the thematic roles by calling He the agent of the action, public attention, new ideas and policy initiatives are the theme.

The datum shows that the Agent is directed to „He‟ which referred to Let.Gen (ret) Prabowo Subianto as existed in the previous sentence. The Process is characterized by the verb in sentence. The datum above shows „attracted‟ as the Process in sentence. There are two Process such as „attracted‟ and „offered‟. Both are exist in clause of sentence. The Affected things are „public attention‟ and „policy initiatives‟.

Specifically, the writer of article uses the same agent in previous

sentence „One of the most interesting and most controversial presidential

hopefuls, is no doubt, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Prabowo Subianto‟ . The action is used in past tense to make sense the time. The theme is applied in countable and

non countable. The countable of theme are applied in ideas from the

singular idea and initiatives from the singular initiative. The non countable

theme attention means notice, thought, or interest.26


A.S. Hornby,“Initiative”. In Sally Wehmeier (Ed.), Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary of Current English (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press: Oxford.,2000) p.699



3) Datum 3

This sentence identifies three entities, he, President Soeharto‟s family,

and a number of human rights violations related by the action described by

the verbs connect and involve. The sentence draws the entities in specific

roles: he is the entity whose the history was described, President Soeharto‟s

family means by which an action is performed or something comes about, in a number of human rights violations is the circumstance toward the action.

Thus, it can be called that He is the theme , President Soeharto‟s family the

instrument, and in a number of human rights violations the location of sentence.

The datum shows that the Agent in the sentence is „He‟. It still referred to one person mentioned in previous sentence as Let.Gen Prabowo Subianto. The Agent here also the actor in the sentence which is related to the Process „was once closely connected‟.

The author of the article used the pronoun to identify the agent. It can be the way of repetition. The instrument applied is not a tool which is

important to relate with the action connect. The location described is not

identified by the place but it is identified by the circumstance. It can be seen

from the violation which related to the agreement. 27


Violation” in Cambridge Online Dictionary, accessed date March 15, 2015 retrieved from

But he also was once closely connected with president Soeharto’s


4) Datum 4

This sentence is divided into three clauses: one would be left

wondering, we know little about his role in indonesia‟s former 27th province, now Timor Leste, and his later military career was shaped.

The first one identifies one entity, one which is related by the action

described by the intransitive or intransitive verb leave. This clause portrays this entity in specific roles: one describes the enitity undergoing the effect of action leave which is showed in passive form would be left

The second one identifies three entities, we, and Indonesia‟s former

27th province, now Timor Leste related by the action described by the transitive and intransitive verb know. The sentence potrays these entities in

specific roles: we is the entity responsible for initiating the action,

Indonesia‟s former 27th province, now Timor Leste is entity which indicated the place in which something is situated or takes places in the action.

The third one identifies one entity, his later military career which is

related by the passive verb form of shape. This sentence potrays this entity

undergoing the effect of action.

Thus, it can be described that thematic roles in datum 3 by calling one the patient,we the agent, about his role the patient,in Indonesia‟s former 27th province, now Timor Leste the location, his later military career the patient.

Yet one would be left wondering why we know little about his role in

Indonesia’s former 27th province, now Timor Leste, where his later military career was shaped.



The datum are applied the agent in the clause of sentence. The agent we is referred to the reader and writer because the writer is also invited the reader to enjoy the text especially in this sentence. He cannot detail the patient his role because he is not mentioned what the type of role in the text. The location is described by the place of action Timor Leste.

5) Datum 5

This sentence identifies one entity, Kraras related by the predicate is and the complement in the district of Viqueque and beautifully couched in a wide valley with a river near forest. The sentence portrays the entity as the description of place. So, the datum is showed that Kraras is a theme of sentence.

The application of theme is decribed by proper noun. The complement is widely used to explain the theme perfectly. It can be the way to make the reader imagine the words easily.

6) Datum 6

This sentence is divided into two clauses. The first one identifies I

which is related by the action described by the verb visit. This clause

portrays the entity as the iniator of action.

When I visited in April last year, I found it almost an empty

field with a few dispersed houses containing fewer than 100


Kraras, some 300 km from the capital Dili, in the district of Viqueque, is beautifully couched in a wide valley with a river near forest.


The second one identifies I, it, and with a few dispersed houses containing fewer than 100 inhabitants. The clause portrays these entities in

specific roles: I is the entity responsible for initiating and carrying out the

action. It is the entity undergoing the effect of action, and with a few

dispersed houses containing fewer than 100 inhabitants is the entity which means by which an action is performed or something comes about.

Thus, this datum is described the thematic roles which are applied in

sentence by calling I who is referred to the writer of article Aboeprijadi

Santoso as the agent, it referring to Kraras as mentioned in previous

sentences as the patient, and with a few dispersed houses containing fewer

than 100 inhabitants as the instrument.

The ways of the author for describing the agent, patient, and instrument are clear. He is placed the agent as himself to gain the reader attention in the beginning of paragraph. He uses pronoun it which refers to Kraras in previous sentence. The instrument is not described by the tool of an action. It is a circumstance of a pace.

7) Datum 7

This sentence identifies three entities, in neighboring areas called

Bibileo and Klalerek Mutin, one, houses and various relics of the recent past that indicate militarization.The sentence portrays these entities in specific roles: in neighboring areas called Bibileo and Klalerek Mutin is the

But in neighboring areas called Bibileo and Klalerek Mutin, one will

find houses and various relics of the recent past that indicate



entity of place in which something is take place, one is the initiator of

action, houses and various relics of the recent past that indicate

militarization is the entity undergoing the effect of action. Thus, the writer describes the thematic roles by calling, in neighboring areas called Bibileo and Klalerek Mutin, one, houses and various relics of the recent past that indicate militarization the location, one the agent, houses and various relics of the recent past that indicate militarization the patient.

The entities are applied by pronoun, action verb and the plural noun. The agent is referred to a subject which is related to the human who is able to do an action. The process is expressed through a verb which denotes an action in future tenses. The action need an affected things as we call an

object of sentence. The objects are showed by house and relic. Clearly, the

writer of article applied the sentence in the simple future tense and the anonymous of agent.

8) Datum 8

This sentence identifies three entities, Some villagers, their houses,

and with wantedposters of 19 generals seen as being responsible for the

country‟s bloody past, related by the action described by the verb decorate.The sentence portrays these entities in specific roles: some villagers is the entity of capable of acting with violition, their housesis the

entity undergoing the effect of action, and with wantedposters of 19

Some villagers even decorated their houses with wanted posters of 19 generals seen as being responsible for the country’s bloody past.


generals seen as being responsible for the country‟s bloody pastis the entity which means by which some villagers is able to cause the action.

The writer describes the thematic roles by calling some villagers the

agent of the action, their houses the patient of action, and with wanted

posters of 19 generals seen as being responsible for the country‟s bloody

pastthe instrument of the action.

Furthermore, the agent is displayed by plural noun villagers of

villager which is related to the verb decorate. It is the past tense which denotes the action. The kind of action is the process which is need the object, intransitive verb. The instrument is added by the preposition „with‟ to make sure that the action needs the instrument as a tool. The tool is a plural noun to make sense of reader about the „houses‟.

9) Datum 9

This sentence identifies two entities, most people, and Indonesian

related by the action described by the verb learn. The sentence portrays

these entities in specific roles: most people is the entity responsible for

processing and carrying out the action, Indonesian is the entity undergoing

the effect of action. Thus, the writer describes the thematic role of this sentence by calling most people the Agent, and Indonesian the Patient

Those two entities are applied in superlative and noun. The superlative

is displayed by the agent „most people‟. The sentence shows the subject in

Unlike East Timorese elsewhere, most people here never learned



uncountable noun related to the community of human being. The verb is described by the process of action to get knowledge or skill. It can be

affected the patient which is known by Indonesian. The affected thing

relates to the citizens which are referred to the part of country. 10)Datum 10

The sentence above identifies three entities, March 1983, Gen. M.

Jusuf, Col. Gatot Purwanto, meet with then Falintil guerilla leader Xanana Kay Rala Gusmao, related by the action described by the verb send. The

sentence portrays these entities in specific roles: March 1983 is the entity

about the time of the action, Gen. M. Jusuf is the entity responsible for

initiating and carrying out the action, Col. Gatot Purwanto is the entity

which is moved by the action, meet with then Falintil guerilla leader

Xanana Kay Rala Gusmao is the entity towards which the object moves.

Thus, the writer describes the thematic roles by calling March 1983 the

location, Gen. M. Jusuf the agent, Col. Gatot Purwanto the theme, meet with then Falintil guerilla leader Xanana Kay Rala Gusmao the goal.

The proper noun can be found in some sentences of this article. It is shown by name of the participants. This sentence is used the complete name

of participants such as Gen. M. Jusuf, Xanana Kay Rala Gusma, and Col.

Gatot Purwanto. This kind of application tries to give the reader a clear In March 1983, then Indonesianmilitary chief Gen. M. Jusuf sent Col. Gatot Purwanto to meet with then Falintil guerilla leader Xanana Kay Rala Gusmao.


definition of Agent, Theme, and Goal. Applying the proper noun of agent, Goal and patient are the way of writer to describe the subject, object, and complement clearly.

11)Datum 11

The sentence identifies three entities, in a placenear Kraras, the two, hold a cease-fire, it, and a dinner party for soldiers and guerillas, related by the action described by the verb agree and celebrate. The sentence portrays these entities in specific roles:in a placenear Krarasis the entity of place in which is situated takes place, the two is the entity of two persons refer to Gatot Purwanto and Xanana Kay Rala Gusmao which are the initiator of action, hold a cease-fireis the purpose of action, it is the entity undergoing

the effect of action, and a dinner party for soldiers and guerillasis the

entity by which an action is performed. Thus, the writer describes the

thematic roles by callingin a placenear Kraras the location, the two the

agent, hold a cease-fire the goal, it the patient, a dinner party for soldiers and guerillasthe instrument.

The author of the article employs the thematic roles in some ways. He applied the location in the beginning of sentence with the preposition in and

proper noun Kraras. For applying the agent, the writer of article used the

pronoun „the two‟ which is referred to the persons as mentioned in previous In a place near Kraras,the two agreed to hold a cease-fire and



sentence, Xanana Kay Rala Gusma, and Col. Gatot Purwanto. The way of

process are described by „agree‟ the past simple tense which means that each has accepted the same opinion.

12)Datum 12 .

The sentence identifies two entities, the Falintil and

levatament,related by the action described by the verb plan. The sentence portrays these entities in specific roles: the falintil is the entity of initiator

and capable of acting, levatamento is the entity undergoing the effect of

action. Thus, the writer describes the thematic roles by calling, The falintil the agent, levatamento the patient.

The author of the article defined this sentence in some ways. Clearly, the agent is explained by the verb of action. So, the agent in this sentence is the actor. The way of process is defined by the past tense „plan‟ which means to set a decision how to do something in the future. It expresses and denotes an action mentally. The way of application in agent and theme is used the proper noun in term of army, „Falintil‟ and „levatamento‟.

13)Datum 13

The Falintil planned levatamento, a national uprising

At the same time the special Kopasandha military units (later named

Kopassus or special forces) seemed to have been consolidated in Falintil’s most important command area, the Region II (Eastern), in Viqueque, and started to recruit a greater number of Timorese.


The sentence identifies three entities, the special Kopasandha Military

units, Falintil‟s most important command area, recruit a greater number of

Timorese, related by the action described by the verb seemed to have been consolidatedand started to recruit. The sentence portrays these entities in

specific roles:the special Kopasandha Military units is the entity the

initiator of action. inFalintil‟s most important command area is the entity of

the place in which the action seemed to have been consolidated is situated

and takes place, a greater number of Timorese is the entity which is moved by an action started to recruit. Thus, the writer describes the thematic roles

by calling the special Kopasandha Military units the theme, in Falintil‟s

most important command area the location, a greater number of Timorese patient.

The author of the article has some ways to describe this sentence. the agent is defined by the proper noun. It also happened in the application of theme and location. The description of theme is the group of military which is related to the content of article. This article is a narrow explanation which is referred to the military case. The verb is described by the linking verb „seem‟ which means „to be judge‟ in mental process of verb. The location which is used the proper noun, is displayed clearly.

14)Datum 14

Indeed, following the invasion war (1975-1978),some guerilla units

changed tactics by surrendering only to rebuild forces from within the



The sentence identifies five entities, following the invasion war, some guerrila units, tactics, surrendering only rebuild forces, and from within the army, related by the action described by the verb change. The sentence

portrays these entities in specific roles: following the invasion war is the

entity in which the action is situated, some guerrila units, is the entity

responsible for initiating and carrying out the action, tactics is the entity

undergoing the effect of action, surrendering only rebuild forces is the

means by which the action moves, and from within the army is the entity

from which the action moves. Thus, the writer describes the thematic roles

by calling following invasion war is the location, some guerrila units is the

agent, surrendering only rebuild forces is the instrument, and from within the army is the source.

The writer of article are described this sentence in some ways. The way of agent are defined by the actor of sentence related to the verb. The verb is explained by the past tense „change‟ which means the mental action. The thing is moved is „tactics‟ described by plural noun of „tactic‟ . it is not the phsically changed by an action but it is mentally changed by the process. The instrument is not a tool physically but it is a tool mentally. Similarly, the thing of source is not defined by the physic entity because the using of „within‟ and the proper noun „Army‟.

15)Datum 15

mass desertions and guerilla attacks occurred only in Viqueque district on Aug. 8, 1983,


The sentence identifies two entities, mass dessertion and guerrila, and in Viqueque district on Aug. 8,1983, related by the action described by the

verb attack. The sentence portrays these entities in specific roles: mass

dessertion and guerrilais the entity which is capable of acting with violition,

and in Viqueque district on Aug. 8,1983is the entity of the place where

action is situated. Thus, the writer describes the thematic roles by calling mass dessertion and guerrila is the agent, in Viqueque district on Aug. 8,1983 the location.

The author of the article employs the thematic roles in some ways. The ways of agent are plural noun and noun phrase. The chosen nouns are drawn the circumstances of article. The verb is described by the past tense „occur‟ which defines the accidents to happen. It is placed in the middle of sentence but it is not required the object. Furhermore, the location are described by the place and the time of acccident to happen.

16)Datum 16

The sentence identifies three entities; a deserted unit of hansip (local

civil defense) led by commandante Ular Ruhik, attack, and 16 Indonesian soldiers, related by the action described by the verb launch and kill. the

sentence portrays these entities in specific roles: a deserted unit of hansip

(local civil defense) led by commandante Ular Ruhikis the entity of initiator with violition, attack is the entity which is moved by an action, 16 indonesian

On that day, a deserted unit of hansip (local civil defense) led by

Commandante Ular Ruhik, launched an attack and killed 16 Indonesian soldiers.



soldiers is the entity undergoing the effect of action. Thus, the writer

describes the thematic roles by calling, hansip the agent, attack the theme,

and Indonesian soldiers the patient.

The author of the article employs the thematic role in some ways. The agent is the part of an actor which placed in beginning of sentence. it also relates to the process which is placed in the middle of sentence „launch‟ and „kill‟. He describes „launch‟ in mentally process and „kill‟ in physically process. So, the objects of sentence are also applied in different way.

17)Datum 17

The sentence identifies five entities, An Army unit, to Kraras, in

search of the killer, the houses, the families, others, and into the forest,

related by the action described by the verbs go, burn, persecute and run.

The sentence portrays these entities in specific roles: An Army unit is the

entity of initiator of some action, to Kraras is the entity towards which

something moves, the houses is the entity undergoing the effect of action

„burn‟, the families and others is the entity undergoing the effect of action „persecute‟, into the forest is the entity towards which something moves of action „run‟. Thus, the writer describes the thematic roles by calling An Army unitthe agent, to Kraras the goal, the houses the patient, the families andothers the patient, and into the forest the goal.

An Army unit with hansip went to Kraras in search of the killers,

burned the houses and persecuted the families and others whoran into


The writer of article applies the thematic roles of this sentence in some ways. The proper noun is chosen to be an agent who is placed in the beginning of paragraph. The agent is described an actor because the verbs. The processes are applied by the past verbs „go‟,‟burn‟ and „persecute‟. All verbs are applied in past verb which relates to the physically process. The patient of processes are drawn by the plural noun.

18)Datum 18

The sentence identifies two entities, men and Wetuku River related by

the action described by the verb execute. The sentence portrays these

entities in specific roles: men is the entity undergoing the effect of action, Wetuku River is the entity of place in which the action moves. Thus, the

writer describes the thematic roles by calling men the patient and Wetuku

River the location.

The writer of article applied the thematic roles in some ways. The way of beginning sentence is not described by the agent but the patient. The subject is not only the agent of sentence but also the patient or beneficiary. The process is passivation form. The location is described by the preposition to describes the particular place of distance.

19)Datum 19

There were several massacres at different times; at one point some 180

men were executed nearWetuku River.

Prabowo’s Chandraka 8 unit was seen in the region around that period.



The sentence identifies two entities, Chandraka and in the region

around that period, related by the action described by the verb see. The

sentence portrays these entities in specific roles: Chandraka is the entity

for whose benefit the action was performed, in the region around that

period is the place in which the verb see is situated or takes place. Thus,

the writer describes the thematic roles by calling chandraka is the patient,

in the region around that period is the location.

The way of article‟s author can be seen from some concepts. the subject of sentence is not the agent but the patient because of the

passivation. The process which is described by „see‟, is referred to the

indirect action. The location is directed to the place and the distance of place.

20)Datum 20

The sentence identifies two entities, Purwanto and Mario

Carrascalao, related by the action described by the verb warn. The

sentence portrays these entities in specific roles: purwanto is the entity

responsible for initiating an action, and Mario Carrascalao is the entity undergoing the effect of action. Thus, the writer describes the thematic

roles by calling Purwanto the agent and Mario Carrascalao the patient.

As early as April, Col. Purwanto had warned governor Mario


The ways of writer are drawn in some concepts. The beginning of

sentence is contained by the time „as early as April‟. The agent is

described by the proper noun „purwanto‟ as explained in previous data. It can make the clear definition for reader than the pronoun. The process applied is „warn‟. It express the action mentally. The action is affected Mario which is expressed by proper noun.

21)Datum 21

The sentence identifies two entities, the villagers and Prabowo,

related by the action described by the verb meet. the clause portrays these

entities in specific roles: the villagers is the entity which is aware of the

action or state described by the predicate, and Prabowo is the entity

undergoing the effect of action. The writer describes the thematic roles by

calling the villagers the experiencer and Prabowo the patient.

There are the term used in this sentence. the agent is applied by the plural noun from „villager‟ as mentioned in the previous data. It is also the

part of an actor physically because of the verb „hear‟. The process which is

defined by the past form. The patient „Prabowo‟ are related to the title of article which means the thing to be listened.

22)Datum 22

The villagers I met three decades later, mostly 1983 survivors, all had

heard of Prabowo.



The sentence identifies two entities, He and Command related by the

action described by the verb do. The sentence portrays these entities in

specific roles: He is the entity responsible for intiating and carrying out the

action, command is the entity undergoing the effect of action. Thus, the

writer describes He refers to Prabowo Subianto is the agent, and command

is the patient.

The ways of writer in thematic roles are applied in some parts. The agent is the subject of sentence which is defined by the pronoun. The pronoun is referred to the previous sentence „Prabowo‟. using the process „do‟ which means the action in past form. „commnand‟ is defined as the patient. It is the part of noun which means an order of soldier.

23)Datum 23

The sentence identifies one entity, Prabowo related to an action

described by the verb involve. The sentence portrays this entity in specific

role: Prabowo is the entity undergoing the effect of some action, often

undergoing some change in state. The writer describes the thematic roles by

calling Prabowo is the patient.

The ways of author in thematic roles are applied in some parts. The subject of sentence is not an agent or actor. It contains the plural noun. The

sources and researchers suspect Prabowo was directly involved,


action is described by the present form. So, the proper noun explained in the text is the man who is the case in point.

24)Datum 24

The sentence identifies two entities, He which refers to Prabowo in

previous sentence, and to the principal question that must be asked yet

again described by the action described by the verb give. The sentence applies these entities in specific roles: he is the entity the initiator of an

action, and to the principal question that must be asked yet again is the

entity towards which something moves. Thus, the writer describes the

thematic roles by calling, He is the agent and to the principal question that

must be asked yet again is the goal.

The simply way to describes this sentence by placing the agent and the goal. The agent can be classified an actor because the verb which denotes the action „give‟. The give in this sentence is the mental action because there is not the term of physic in the goal as the adverb of sentence.

25)Datum 25

The sentence identifies two entities, the falintil and uprising

throughout the country, related by the action described by the verb plan. The sentece portrays these entities in specific roles: the falintil is the

He would give to the principal question that must be asked yet again



entities responsible and carrying out the action, and uprising theoughout

the country is the entity undergoing the effect of action. Thus, the writer

describes the thematic roles by calling the falintil the agent, uprising

theoughout the country the patient.

The author of article employed the thematic roles in some ways. using the proper nouns for the agent as an actor. It can be defined by the verb which is denoted an action „plan‟. The object of the sentence is described by the noun indirectly..





The important part of media is text which sentences are placed. The sentences are not the meaningless text. It should be known by the concept of meaning. Then, semantics is the linguistics science which is learnt how the sentences are meaningful or meaningless. One of the explanation in semantics is the thematic roles. The roles of participants in sentence are described by some types, agent, patient, theme, location, instrument, goal and sources.

From the research that has been carried which is aimed to examine the

role of participants in thematic roles to one of the opinion article: „What

Ever Happened in Kraras, „Pak‟ Prabowo?‟. This research finds several types of thematic roles that follow the thematic role excluded the beneficiary which means the entity of receiver a benefit. Beneficiary entities are not founded because there are not any particular that entity which has benefit cause of action.

Then, through the Jackendoff‟s test in Saeed‟s book, this research obtains the relation of semantics that occur on that pattern of sentence to relate with the way writer of article applied the thematic roles. the thematic role can be tested through Jackendoff‟s suggestion. However, there was thematic role, agent which is failed to be an actor because of unsuitable predicate situation.



In the way of arranging thematic role, the writer of article describes the thematic role in some concepts. The concept of using proper noun is applied in the agents of article. The agents are described in the subject of sentence. It is placed in the beginning of sentence. the using of proper noun

is chosen to make the text clear. The proper noun Prabowo Subianto,

Guerrilas, Purwanto, Xanana Kay Rala Gusmao, The Falintill are described the actors which are responsible of action.

Based on data, there are some related participants of Actor such as Prabowo Subianto, Guerrilas, Purwanto, Xanana Kar Rala Gusmao, The Falintill. They mentioned in the text as the subject of sentence but not all of them is classified as Agent which has responsible for initiating and controlling the action. in contrast, the subject can be the patient or beneficiary of sentence based on the verb or action applied.

Another way of applying thematic roles is applied by patient. The concept of soldiers terms are applied in many sentences of article. Patient can be directed to direct object whereas performs after the verbs. It has function to explain the affected things through the action. It is similar to the Theme as the object.

The application of Experiencer is described by the subject of sentence. Similarly, the agent and the experiencer has the their position. The Agent has responsible for initiating and carrying out but The Experiencer does not need it. The Experiencer are showed in the article. It is related by the verb which has the mental meaning of action.


The perform of Goal, Source, Location and Instrument is described by the prepositional Phrase and adverbial phrase. They are not performed by the real things but it is performed by the abstract objects. Significantly, the way of Location is described by the using of distance as the prepostition such as near, around. So, the functions of Goal, Source, Location and Instrument are not directed to the location, purposes and tool of action.

B. Suggestion

The suggestion is given as follows:

1. The reader of article should take the detail of article. The using of agent and

actor can be influences their approach after reading the article.

2. The further researcher is important to have a further understanding about

sentences and its form. Since language is arbitrary, it is necessary to conduct continuous researcher in order to increase the knowledge about phenomena of word formation. The sentence semantics is the small part of larger semantics sentence explanation. There are many explanation about semantics sentences such as the situation context. So, many sources of analysing semantics text are needed. By further examination of another analysis in sentence semantics type, the new findings will hopefully be found to bring more evidence and enrich the social semantics sciences knowledge.

3. The writers of article should locate himself as the writer whether he is an




Alexander, L.G. Longman English Grammar for intermediate. UK: Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1990.

Frank, Marcella. Modern English:A Practical Reference Guide. New York: prentice hall, 1972.

Hurford, James R. Semantic: A Chourse Book, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Kreidler, Charles W, Introducing English Semantics. London: Routledge, 1998. Saeed, John I, Semantics 2nd ed, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2002

Martin, Conboy. The Language of News. Routledge: New York, 2007.

Hornby, A.S, Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000

Putrayasa, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus M.Pd., Analisis Kalimat (Fungsi, Kategori, dan Peran), Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama, 2007.

Richardson, John E. Analysing newspaper, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Sobur, Alex . Analisis Teks Media: Suatu Pengantar Untuk Analisis Wacana, Analisis

Semiotik, dan Analisis Framing. Bandung : PT . Remaja Rosdakarya , 2004.

Walter. E (Ed.), Cambridge Advance Learner Dictionary (3rd ed.). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2003

Internet, “Pemberitaan di TV yang tak Berimbang.” Accesed on May 4, 2014 retrieved from aan.TV.yang.Tak.Berimbang

Kompas Internasional, “Penderitaan tak Kunjung Padam” accesed on April 28, 2014 retrieved from .Politik.Thailand.yang.Tak.Kunjung.Padam.


Literary devices (definition and examples of literary terms)”discourse” accessed date April 15, 2014 from

Santoso, Aboeprijadi. “What ever Happened in Kraras Pak Prabowo?”Acceseddate : March 11, 2014

from “Answers of Yahoo! answer forum” retrieved from Journals

Thothathiri, Malathi and Jesse Snedeker, “The Role of Thematic Roles in

Sentence Processing: Evidence from Structural Priming in Young

Children”, (Philadhelpia: Departement of Phsycologhy, Harvard University) retrieved



Franklin Chang, et al., “Thematic Roles Leave Traces” accessed date: February 24, 2015,

retrievedfrom: Nafi, Yalcin, “The Analysis of Correlations between Thematic Roles and Syntactic

Relations in (Turkish Sentences” Hacettepe University , Department of English Linguistics, 2002) acessed date:February 24, 2015, retrieved




Title : What Ever Happened in Kraras ‘Pak’ Prabowo? Author : Aboeprijadi Santoso

Number of sentence


1 One of the most interesting — and most controversial — presidential

hopefuls is, no doubt, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Prabowo Subianto. He is among the few who have both attracted public attention and offered new ideas and policy initiatives. But he also was once closely connected with president Soeharto‟s family and allegedly involved in a number of human rightsviolations.

2 Yet one would be left wondering why we know little about his role in

Indonesia‟s former 27th province, now Timor Leste, where his later military career was shaped. In the late 1970s he was proud to have eliminated Fretilin‟s first president Nicolau do Reis Lobato.

3 Prabowo‟s name has often been associated with a village called

Kraras— the place where recently Timor Leste commemorated both

the 38th anniversary of its declaration of independence and the 30th

anniversary of the worst massacre in the nation‟s history.

4 Kraras, some 300 km from the capital Dili, in the district of Viqueque,

is beautifully couched in a wide valley with a river near the forest

5 When I visited in April last year, I found it almost an empty field with

a few dispersed houses containing fewer than 100 inhabitants. Friendly villagers welcomed us as we asked about the locality, its people and its history.

6 Nothing — except the memorial monuments — suggests it was once

the locus of a bloody massacre

7 But in neighboring areas called Bibileo and Klalerek Mutin, one will

find houses and various relics of the recent past that indicate militarization.

8 One building, now a school, must have been a center of command with

signs for the platoons once stationed there.

9 Some villagers even decorated their houses with wanted posters of 19

generals seen as being responsible for the country‟s bloody past.

10 Among them are photographs of generals Soeharto, Benny Moerdani,

Wiranto Kiki Syahnakri and Prabowo

11 With the tragedy still fresh in the area‟s memory, the depth of the

trauma caused by the atrocities can be seen in villagers‟ narratives and resentments

12 Unlike East Timorese elsewhere, most people here never learned



The perform of Goal, Source, Location and Instrument is described by the prepositional Phrase and adverbial phrase. They are not performed by the real things but it is performed by the abstract objects. Significantly, the way of Location is described by the using of distance as the prepostition such as near, around. So, the functions of Goal, Source, Location and Instrument are not directed to the location, purposes and tool of action.

B. Suggestion

The suggestion is given as follows:

1. The reader of article should take the detail of article. The using of agent and actor can be influences their approach after reading the article.

2. The further researcher is important to have a further understanding about sentences and its form. Since language is arbitrary, it is necessary to conduct continuous researcher in order to increase the knowledge about phenomena of word formation. The sentence semantics is the small part of larger semantics sentence explanation. There are many explanation about semantics sentences such as the situation context. So, many sources of analysing semantics text are needed. By further examination of another analysis in sentence semantics type, the new findings will hopefully be found to bring more evidence and enrich the social semantics sciences knowledge.

3. The writers of article should locate himself as the writer whether he is an actor or agent. It can be a choice for the writer of article.




Alexander, L.G. Longman English Grammar for intermediate. UK: Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1990.

Frank, Marcella. Modern English:A Practical Reference Guide. New York: prentice hall, 1972.

Hurford, James R. Semantic: A Chourse Book, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Kreidler, Charles W, Introducing English Semantics. London: Routledge, 1998. Saeed, John I, Semantics 2nd ed, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2002

Martin, Conboy. The Language of News. Routledge: New York, 2007.

Hornby, A.S, Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000

Putrayasa, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus M.Pd., Analisis Kalimat (Fungsi, Kategori, dan Peran), Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama, 2007.

Richardson, John E. Analysing newspaper, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Sobur, Alex . Analisis Teks Media: Suatu Pengantar Untuk Analisis Wacana, Analisis

Semiotik, dan Analisis Framing. Bandung : PT . Remaja Rosdakarya , 2004. Walter. E (Ed.), Cambridge Advance Learner Dictionary (3rd ed.). Cambridge

University Press: Cambridge, 2003

Internet, “Pemberitaan di TV yang tak Berimbang.” Accesed on May 4, 2014 retrieved from aan.TV.yang.Tak.Berimbang

Kompas Internasional, “Penderitaan tak Kunjung Padam” accesed on April 28, 2014 retrieved from .Politik.Thailand.yang.Tak.Kunjung.Padam.



Literary devices (definition and examples of literary terms)”discourse” accessed date April 15, 2014 from

Santoso, Aboeprijadi. “What ever Happened in Kraras Pak Prabowo?”Acceseddate : March 11, 2014

from “Answers of Yahoo! answer forum” retrieved from Journals

Thothathiri, Malathi and Jesse Snedeker, “The Role of Thematic Roles in Sentence Processing: Evidence from Structural Priming in Young

Children”, (Philadhelpia: Departement of Phsycologhy, Harvard University) retrieved

from: %20under%20review.pdf.

Franklin Chang, et al., “Thematic Roles Leave Traces” accessed date: February 24, 2015,

retrievedfrom: Nafi, Yalcin, “The Analysis of Correlations between Thematic Roles and Syntactic

Relations in (Turkish Sentences” Hacettepe University , Department of English Linguistics, 2002) acessed date:February 24, 2015, retrieved



Title : What Ever Happened in Kraras ‘Pak’ Prabowo? Author : Aboeprijadi Santoso

Number of sentence


1 One of the most interesting — and most controversial — presidential hopefuls is, no doubt, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Prabowo Subianto. He is among the few who have both attracted public attention and offered new ideas and policy initiatives. But he also was once closely connected with president Soeharto‟s family and allegedly involved in a number of human rightsviolations.

2 Yet one would be left wondering why we know little about his role in Indonesia‟s former 27th province, now Timor Leste, where his later military career was shaped. In the late 1970s he was proud to have eliminated Fretilin‟s first president Nicolau do Reis Lobato.

3 Prabowo‟s name has often been associated with a village called Kraras— the place where recently Timor Leste commemorated both the 38th anniversary of its declaration of independence and the 30th anniversary of the worst massacre in the nation‟s history.

4 Kraras, some 300 km from the capital Dili, in the district of Viqueque, is beautifully couched in a wide valley with a river near the forest 5 When I visited in April last year, I found it almost an empty field with

a few dispersed houses containing fewer than 100 inhabitants. Friendly villagers welcomed us as we asked about the locality, its people and its history.

6 Nothing — except the memorial monuments — suggests it was once the locus of a bloody massacre

7 But in neighboring areas called Bibileo and Klalerek Mutin, one will find houses and various relics of the recent past that indicate militarization.

8 One building, now a school, must have been a center of command with signs for the platoons once stationed there.

9 Some villagers even decorated their houses with wanted posters of 19 generals seen as being responsible for the country‟s bloody past.

10 Among them are photographs of generals Soeharto, Benny Moerdani, Wiranto Kiki Syahnakri and Prabowo

11 With the tragedy still fresh in the area‟s memory, the depth of the trauma caused by the atrocities can be seen in villagers‟ narratives and resentments

12 Unlike East Timorese elsewhere, most people here never learned Indonesian or if they have they are reluctant to use it.



13 The years 1983-1985 were critical. In March 1983, then Indonesian military chief Gen. M. Jusuf sent Col. Gatot Purwanto to meet with then Falintil guerilla leader Xanana Kay Rala Gusmao.

14 In a place near Kraras the two agreed to hold a cease-fire and celebrated it with a dinner party for soldiers and guerillas.

15 However, the euphoria was soon dashed.

16 The circumstances that led to renewed violence remain largely unclear. 17 For one thing, the expectation that the United Nations‟ condemnation of Indonesia‟s invasion would result in a negotiation toward self -determination had been frustrated all along.

18 The diplomatic status-quo remained and tension arose despite the truce, with reportedly some shootings. The Falintil planned levatamento, a national uprising.

19 At the same time, the special Kopasandha military units (later named Kopassus or special forces) seemed to have been consolidated in Falintil‟s most important command area, the Region II (Eastern), in Viqueque, and started to recruit a greater number of Timorese.

20 In an oppressive conflict situation — as in later-day Aceh — it‟s only common that locals recruited to assist the Army covertly developed empathy with their compatriots in the resistance.

21 Indeed, following the invasion war (1975-1978), some guerilla units changed tactics by surrendering only to rebuild forces from within the Army.

22 The Falintil may have planned an uprising throughout the country, but when mass desertions and guerilla attacks occurred only in Viqueque district on Aug. 8, 1983, it was not clear whether these were part of the plan, or provoked by violence against Timorese women, or both. 23 On that day, a deserted unit of hansip (local civil defense) led by

Commandante Ular Ruhik, launched an attack and killed 16 Indonesian soldiers. One survivor — a medical officer — hiding on the top of a tree, escaped days later and reported the event.

24 A month later, in mid-September, an unspeakable tragedy occurred. 25 An Army unit with hansip went to Kraras in search of the killers,

burned the houses and persecuted the families and others who ran into the forest.

26 There were several massacres at different times; at one point some 180 men were executed near Wetuku River.

27 A priest‟s note listed 287 people among the dead — young and old, mostly male, and a baby. An uncounted dozens more disappeared. 28 It was a massacre of targeted groups of unarmed civilians — an

Indonesian variant of US army reprisal killings in My Lai, Vietnam, in 1968.

29 The Kraras massacre, then, is only second to the most disastrous and infamous clash at Mount Matebian in the late 1970s, and, for Indonesia, the worst atrocity since independence — second only to the


1965 killings.

30 Strangely, however, it‟s not clear who the commander(s) of unit(s) involved in the massacre around Sept. 17 were, even though Prabowo‟s Chandraka 8 unit was seen in the region around that period. 31 As early as April, Col. Purwanto had warned governor Mario

Carrascalao that “the peace process is already being sabotaged by Capt. Prabowo”who went in and out of Timor.

32 The villagers I met three decades later, mostly 1983 survivors, all had heard of Prabowo, but none said to have seen him in the area during the horrific events.

33 But earlier witnesses, including those interviewed by UN police in the early 2000s, claimed he did command the operation.

34 Curiously, though, the villagers claimed two Timorese hansip leaders,generally known to have been Prabowo‟s loyal bodyguards, had directed the killings that turned Kraras into a village of widows. 35 In short, sources and researchers suspect Prabowo was directly

involved, although his whereabouts and exact role remain unclear. 36 With an international tribunal seeming unlikely in the foreseeable

future, no one should wish for any hope — such as one raised by the 2008 Truth and Friendship Commission (CTF) — that the people of Timor Leste will bury and forget those painful events. Never.

36 It‟s of great importance, then, for Indonesia and its future generation to be absolutely clear about what sort of president they would have if Prabowo, given his past controversies, was elected.

37 Time has come to resolve the legacy of human wrongs. As exceptional the dignity of the nation may be at stake, it‟s important to learn and scrutinize any response he would give to the principal question that must be asked yet again.

38 That is: What happened in Kraras, and where were you then, Pak Prabowo?